Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility About Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College, Pimpri, Pune
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

About Us

Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital, Pune

Since its inception in 2000, Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital has maintained its quality and excellence it stands for recognized by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Dental Council of India and Malaysian Dental Council, the College has grown to become one of the best equipped and comprehensive academic set up in dentistry in the country. Infact, the growth of the College and Hospital lies in the 360 degree outlook, which covers all four areas of deliverables-Education, Technological advances, Research and patient care.

snowflake icon Programs on offer

The College imparts high skilled training on various disciplines of dentistry, making it one-of-its-kind institute, that offers the widest range of choices to the students who desire to make their name in this particular field. Every year, Dental College trains about 100 students for BDS and 49 students for MDS programs in 9 specialties. The specialties on offer are Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine and Radiology, Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Periodontology, Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Oral Pathology & Microbiology and Public Health Dentistry. Postgraduate training is also imparted in all the nine specialties of dentistry.

snowflake icon State-of-the art infrastructure

What sets this College apart are the well-equipped laboratories and infrastructural facilities that help in imparting quality education to the students. For instance, the ‘state-of-the-art,’ 9000 sq.ft. Dental Implant Center is worth mentioning! It has six operatories and units.

Another accomplishment was the setting up an integrated state-of-the-art ‘Re-generative Medicine Laboratory’ established in March, 2018 after the approvals from the Government Regulatory Bodies for GMP/GLP. The idea behind setting up this laboratory was to offer the best stem cell therapy at reasonable price not only in India but across the world.

Dental College Magazine
snowflake icon Vision
  •  Single window delivery of total oral health care and needs total quality management in service and education.
  •  Unique work culture in alleviating human oral sufferings to train general, specialized and allied professionals personnel to meet regional and national oral health care services.
  •  Work relentlessly to contribute to global oral health care knowledge and skills be efficient, effective, community acceptable and excel in service, education and research to impart knowledge and interact with organizations of similar interest.
  •  Fostering global competencies, inculcating value system among learners promote the use of technology of relevance to induce a paradigm shift in the community that many oral diseases are preventable, curable and affordable.
  •  Reach the unreachable with awareness, education and service serve the underserved.
snowflake icon Mission
  •  To offer learner-centered oral health care education.
  •  Undertake community oriented research.
  •  Provide patient-centered service.
  •  Promote strong community relationship.
  •  Make available community oriented extension services through referral service centre.
  •  Serve the underprivileged.
  •  Inculcate professionalism in education, service and management.
  •  Our immediate goal is to meet regional and national needs through strategic future-oriented planning and inter-organizational linkage.
  •  Our motto excellent oral health care education & service systems for community development.
snowflake icon Land & Building

The management of Dr. D. Y. Patil Pratishthan has allotted 5 acres of land exclusively for use of the Dental College & Hospital and has provided the facilities required by the College for teaching and training up to the final B.D.S. Course as per the norms laid own by the Dental Council of India, New Delhi. The College building is a masterpiece of architecture and has all the state of the art facilities. The constructed area of the building is 1,65,000 sq.feet.

DPU Hostel The College has made adequate provision for the Hostel facilities for B.D.S. & M.D.S. students, Dental Mechanic students and Dental Hygienist students (Boys and Girls separately) in the hostel building owned by the Pratishthan. The hostel has a reading room recreational area with T.V. and indoor game facilities.
Laboratory & Equipment
DPU Laboratory As the laboratories and equipments are considered to be inseparable parts of the academic activities, the management has taken due care to establish the laboratories fully equipped with all the modern facilities.
Lecture Halls Empowering with Knowledge
DPU Lecture Hall The college has four well laid out lecture Halls that can house 120 students each. The desks are well spread out and halls are airy, well-lit, each hall is equipped with latest audio-visual teaching aids. All other aspects pertaining to Dental learning has been taken into account during the planning and making of these.
Auditorium Including Versatility
DPU Auditorium The auditorium is centrally air-conditioned and is fully equipped with audio-visual facilities. It has a seating capacity of 250 and is being extensively used for seminars, symposia and guest Lecturers.
Library - A Learning Resource Center
DPU Library
  •  Spacious library admeasuring about 929 sq.feet.
  •  Well stocked with more than 6251 books and National & International Journals. Back volumes of several periodicals are also available with 16,179 total.
    Book Type Quantity
    Books 7424
    Text Book 5392
    Reference Book 2032
    Title Journals 91
    Book Vol. Journals 1030
    E - Journals database (Ebscohost)
  •  2 reading halls - Seating capacity of 425 students.
  •  Timing: 8 am to 8 pm (15-17 hr.) on working days and 8 am to 6 pm (24 hr.) on Sundays and holidays
  •  Book Bank facility
  •  Internet facility with wi-fi system
  •  Audio-visual room - Seating capacity of 425 students.
  •  In addition to the central library facility, each Department has its own departmental library.

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