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Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

MOU's and Collaborations

Sr. No Title of the MoU/ linkage Name of the partnering Institution/ industry /research lab/corporate house with contact details Year of commenceme nt Duration (From-To) Year wise list of actual activities under each MoU. Number of students/teachers who participated under the MoUs
1 Research activity comparative evaluation of dimensional accuracy of monophase polyvinyl siloxane impression monophase polyether impression and digital impression in vitro study Praj Metallurgical lab 17-09-2019 17-09-2019 to 17-03-2022 Research Work 1
2 Research activity to evaluate and compar th influence of two different materials on marginal accuracy of CAD-CAM fabricated single crown copings Praj Metallurgical lab 04-09-2019 04-09-2019 to 15-03-2022 Research Work 1
3 “Detection of noxious gases among herbal and conventional cigarette smoke. An in-vitro study NSF 18-07-2019 18-07-2019 to Research Work 1
4 tobacco free schools initiative in marathi medium schools of PCMC An inventional study PCMC school 08-07-2019 08-07-2019 to 08-09-2020 Research Work 1
5 Comparative evaluation of the change in retentive force of threee different attachment systems for two implant supported overdenture at baseline, 3 months, 6 minths and I year duration an in vitro study Praj Metallurgical lab 26-09-2019 26-09-2019 to 20-03-2022 Research Work 1
6 establishment of ready to use cellular scaffold for treatment of mucogingival deformities around natural teeth and dental implant DBT - BIG (biotechnology ignition grant ) 29-07-2019 29-07-2019 to 29-03-2021 Research Work 1
7 Behavioral tobacco cessation counseling among transgender of Pune City and Pimpri Chinchwad- An Interventional study Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation 20-11-2019 20-11-2019 to 20-08-2020 Research Work 1
8 "Comparative evaluation of tongue pressure changes before, during and after the use of Hay Rake and Tongue Cirb habit breaking appliances-in vivo study" Mauli Fabrication, All Types of Aluminium Stainless Steel Rectification and Rework 12-12-2019 12-12-2019 to 12-12-2021 Research Work 1
9 Comparison of speech articulation performance between two orthodontics habit breaking appliances in patients with tongue thrusting Department of ENT Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College 17-09-2019 17-09-2019 to 17-02-2022 Research Work 1
10 Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of zinc oxide eugenol, zinc oxide with curcumin gel and curcumin gel against E faicalis and C. albicans Monera Lab 13-08-2019 13-08-2019 to 21-09-2020 Research Work 1
11 Comparative evaluation of fluoride release and recharge potential of fluoride releasing restorative materials in two different media Babuji Institute of engeering & technology, Environmental Science & technology study centre 13-09-2019 13-09-2019 to 13-07-2021 Research Work 1
12 Comparative evaluation of microhardness of residual dentin in primary molars following caries removal with chemomechanical agent(BRIX 2000) and polymer burs Metallurgical Laboratory, Phoenix testing & consultancy services 12-09-2019 12-09-2019 to 12-03-2021 Research Work 1
13 Impact of birth characterstics and feeding practices on eruption of first primary teeth among healthy children Department of Pediatrics, Dr D Y Patil Medical College 06-09-2019 06-09-2019 to 06-09-2021 Research Work 1
14 Establishment of Automated User Friendly Intraoral PhysiotherapyAnd Rehabilitation Device for Treatment of Oral SubmucousFibrosis OSF BIRAC 08-02-2020 08-02-2020 to 08-07-2021 Research Work 1
15 An understanding for co-operation to enhance academic & research opportunities for the staff & students of the Parties & to develop cultural linkages between each of the Parties in the field of dental sciences. Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Sawangi (M), Wardha, Maharashtra, India 30/05/2020 2020-2025 Research Work 6
16 Tobacco cessation counseling training Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation,Mumbai 2020 2020 till date Research Work 83
17 School Based Pit & Fissure Sealant Pilot Project.In the picture are Dr.Deshpande, Deputy Director of Health Services,Mumbai as part of National Oral Health Program by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India Jan 2020 Jan 2020- till date Research Work Research Work 168
18 MOU with Chulalongkorn university ,thailand Dr.D.Y.Patil College & Hospital,Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth Pune India and faculty of dentistry,chulalongkorn university,Bangkok,Thailand 2019 2019-2024 International Webinar 30
19 Damon System-A Passive Self ligation Bracket System Nobel Biocare 2020 2020 to 2022 UEP programme 54
20 The Aligner Company TAC The Krishna Aligner Company 2021   The Aligner Company TAC 27
21 Poona Dental Lab Poona Dental Lab 2021 2021-2026 Outsourcing Dental Laboratory Work -
22 MOU between Haemophilia society and Dr D Y Patil Dental College Haemophilia Society of Maharashtra (Pune Chapter) Addess- Shop number 16 and 17, M B Classic, Telco Road, Chichwad, Pune, 411019 2022 04/05/2022 to 04/05/2023 - -
23 MOU between Marathwada Mitra Mandal's college of pharmacy and Dr. D. Y. Pati Dental college and Hospital Marathwada Mitra Mandal's college of pharmacy 2022 30/06/2022 to 30/6/2025 - -
24 Co-opration to enhance academic and reserch opportunities for the staff and students of the parties and to develop cultural linkages between each of the parties in the field of dental sciences Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences Campus, Sawangi, Maharashtra 442001 01-06-2020 June 2020 to June 2025 Inter College Collaborative Case Discussion Program -21st July 2023 2
25 DPU-VISTA MOU VISTA Institute for Therapeutic Innovations, USA . Contact - Dr. Homayoun Zadeh, Director, VISTA, 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 101, Woodland hills, California 91367, USA 2022 2022-2027 (5 Years) A Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial to Compare the Efficacy of Surgical Techniques used for the Treatment of Multiple Recession Defects and Volume Stable Collagen Matrix Dr. D Gopalakrishnan (PI) , Dr. Sharath Shetty, Dr. Santosh Martande, Dr. Vrushali Bhoir
26 DPU- Jasberry MOU Jasberry Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, Kapurthala Punjab. Contact - Dr. Balwant Rai. H.No- 162, Model town, Kapurthala Punjab, India 2023 2023-2025 (18 months) Comparative evaluation of Efficacy and safety of two different dentifrice formulations in the management of dentinal hypersensitivity post scaling and root planning in patients with Chronic Periodontitis: A randomized controlled clinical trial Dr. D Gopalakrishnan (PI) , Dr. Sharath Shetty, Dr. Santosh Martande, Dr. Kumar Ankit, Dr. Samidha Jambhekar, Dr. Pooja Kadam
27 RBSK secondary and tertiary care with various hospitals Dr.D.Y.Patil Dental college and hospital , Pimpri, pune-18 Contact no. 02067116419 2023 23/6/2023-Ongoing nil 6 faculty members
Sr. No Nature of activity Participant Source of financial support Duration in day
1 Research activity comparative evaluation of dimensional accuracy of monophase polyvinyl siloxane impression monophase polyether impression and digital impression in vitro study Dr Nikita Narute self 365
2 Research activity to evaluate and compar th influence of two different materials on marginal accuracy of CAD-CAM fabricated single crown copings Dr Akansha Bhandari self 365
4 tobacco free schools initiative in marathi medium schools of PCMC An inventional study Dr sahana hegde Narotam seksharia Foundation  365
5 Comparative evaluation of the change in retentive force of threee different attachment systems for two implant supported overdenture at baseline, 3 months, 6 minths and I year duration an in vitro study Dr Donato Fernandes self 365
6 establishment of ready to use cellular scaffold for treatment of mucogingival deformities around natural teeth and dental implant Dr sharath shetty DBT - BIG (biotechnology ignition grant ) 1080
7 Multi-omic characterization of oral biofilm on novel silver nano-coated and control smooth titanium implant abutment surfaces Dr Aneesha Acharya International Team of Implantology 730
8 Behavioral tobacco cessation counseling among transgender of Pune City and Pimpri Chinchwad- An Interventional study Dr Kunal Deshmukh NarotamSekhsaria Foundation. Mumbai 365
9 "Comparative evaluation of tongue pressure changes before, during and after the use of Hay Rake and Tongue Cirb habit breaking appliances-in vivo study" Dr Saumya Sable Dr Saumya Sable self 365
10 Comparison of speech articulation performance between two orthodontics habit breaking appliances in patients with tongue thrusting Dr Shweta Dad Dr Shweta Dad self 365
11 Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of zinc oxide eugenol, zinc oxide with curcumin gel and curcumin gel against E faicalis and C. albicans Dr. Bhagyashree Shetty self 180 days
12 Comparative evaluation of fluoride release and recharge potential of fluoride releasing restorative materials in two different media Dr. Merlyn M self 180 days
13 Comparative evaluation of microhardness of residual dentin in primary molars following caries removal with chemomechanical agent(BRIX 2000) and polymer burs Dr. Pranjali Gunjal self 180 days
14 Impact of birth characterstics and feeding practices on eruption of first primary teeth among healthy children Dr.Apoorva Borde self 180 days
15 Establishment of Automated User Friendly Intraoral PhysiotherapyAnd Rehabilitation Device for Treatment of Oral SubmucousFibrosis OSF Dr Mahesh Chavan, Dr Trupti Gaikwad, Dr. Shrutika Sonawane, Dr. Lawanya P Big Ignition Grant 1095
Sr No Title of the Collaborative activity Name of the collaborating agency with contact details Name of the participants Source of financial support Year of collaboration Duration Nature of the activity  
1 Comparative evaluation of microleakage of two different pit and fissure sealants-In vitro study Praj Metallurgy Lab +919665011314 Tripti Lath Self 2020-2023 12-18 months Research  
2 Comparative evaluation of fluoride release from four different restorative materials at five specified time intervals using fluoride ion selective electrode: An in-vitro study Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Davengere (0819) 221461 Shradda Budia Self 2021 12-18 months Research  
3 Comparative evaluation of fluoride concentration in commercially available milk in India Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Davengere (0819) 221461 Norren Qazi Self 2021 12-18 months Research  
4 Comparative evaluation of the remineralizing potential of three commercially available dentifrices having different fluoride concentrations on artificial carious lesions: In-vitro Study. Praj lab Kothrud,pune Sejal Shah Self 2021 12-18 months Research  
8 comparative evaluation of fatigue resistance of 2 different materials used as retentive atttachments in implant supported overdentures after immersion in cleansing solution an in vitro study PRAJ METALLURGICAL LABORATORY 9665011314 Dr. Akanksha Shinde Self 2020-2021 1 year Thesis samples testing  
  comparative evaluation of the effect of saliva pH on the flexureal strength and micro hardness of two different heat cure denture basic acrylic reisns after 48 hours and 30 days an in vitro study PRAJ METALLURGICAL LABORATORY 9665011314  Dr. Varun Bhat Self 2020-2021 1 year Thesis samples testing  
9 an in vitro evaluation and comparison of retention of complete cast crown using two auxiliary retentive features and in two different crown height PRAJ METALLURGICAL LABORATORY 9665011314 Dr. Labdhi Bhandari Self 2020-2021 1 year Thesis samples testing  
10 Evaluation of biomarker in gingival crevicular fluidunder the nfluence of platelet rich plasma for orthodontic tooth movement Logical life science care PVT Ltd Dr. Sonali Deshmukh,Dr. Arundathi Nil 2021   Research  
11 Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Efficacy of Cranberry Extract, Sodium Hypochlorite and Chlorhexidine as a Root Canal Irrigant-An In-Vitro study Monera Lab, Pimpri Chihwad, 91 8805678353 Dr Ashrita Suvarna Self funded 2022 1 year Post graduate Research
12 Comparative Evaluation Reminaralization potential of Cranberry extract (Vaccinium Macrocarpon) and Casein Phosphoipeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CPP-ACP) in primary tecth: An in vitro study Praj Metallurgical Laboratory, Pune (Maharashtra). Dr Ashrita Suvarna Self Funded 2022 1 year Post graduate Research
13 Comparative Evalution of the antimicrobial properties of Grape seed extract, N- Acetyl Cysteine and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite against E. faecalis (ATCC no 19433)-an in vitro study Monera Lab, Pimpri Chihwad, 91 8805678353 Dr Nikita Kurtkoti Self funded 2022 1 year Post graduate Dissertation
14 Assessment of the Bioflex crowns Kids -e Dental Dr. Nilesh Rathi Kids -e Dental 2021   Faculty exchange
15 Fellowship in maxillofacial cases Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences Campus, Sawangi, Maharashtra 442001 Dr. Madhumita Patra and Dr. Ramnath P. Revankar   Sept. 21 1 month Student Exchange
16 A comparative evaluation of four commercially availabkle implant luting cements on the retention of cement-retained implant supported prosthesis An in vitro study PRAJ METALLURGICAL LABORATORY 9665011314 Dr. Shreya Kabadi Self funded 2021-2022 1 year Post graduate Research
17 comparative evaluation of effect of salivary pH on fracture resistance of two different heat cured denture base resin an in vitro study PRAJ METALLURGICAL LABORATORY 9665011314  Dr.Krishna Lahoti Self funded 2021-2022 1 year Post graduate Research
18 Comparative evaluation of compressive strength and microhardness of two commercially available luting cements stored in artificial saliva PRAJ METALLURGICAL LABORATORY 9665011314 Dr. B. Gayatri Self funded      
19 Comparative evaluation oflinear dimensional change of heat polymerising polymethylmethacrylate denture base resin polymerised with short curing cycle, long curing cycle and denture base fabricated with 3D printing - An in vitro study PRAJ METALLURGICAL LABORATORY 9665011314 Dr. Ayushi Sharma Self funded 2021-2022 1 year Post graduate Research
20 Effect of platelet rich plasma on the rate of Orthodontic tooth movement and biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid - an in vivo study NIRAV Biosolutons Pvt Ltd Dr ArundhatiDas Self funded 2021-2022 1 year Post graduate Research
21 "Comparative evaluation of the effect of conventional ligation brackets and self-ligating brackets on salivary parameters during treatment- An In-Vivo study department of central clinical laboratory, Dr D Y Patil Medical College Dr Ashwini Poojari Self funded 2021-2022 1 year Post graduate Research
22 Clinical study on Salivary Microbiome in SARS-CoV-2 patients NCCS, Pune Dr. Supriya Kheur 2021-22 1 year 0 Faculty research
23 Comparative evaluation of clinical bond failure rate and adhesive remnant of two different orthodontic bonding system : a RCT PRAJ METALLURGICAL LABORATORY 9665011314 Dr Apoorva Yadav Self funded 2021-22 1 year Post graduate Research
24 Comparative evaluation of optical properties of Lithium disilicate crowns fabricated by pressable and cad cam method to the VITA classic shade guide- In vitro study Praj Metallurgical Laboratory, Paud Road, Pune.Phone no: 020-25281584 / +91 9665011314 / + 91 9158658634 Dr. Shweta Gaikwad   2022-2023 1 year Thesis samples testing  
25 Comparative evaluation of marginal accuracy and surface roughness of provisional crowns fabricated with 3D printing and CAD-CAM milled techniques: An In vitro study Praj Metallurgical Laboratory, Paud Road, Pune.Phone no: 020-25281584 / +91 9665011314 / + 91 9158658634 Dr. Chanchal Nenwani          
26 Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of different sterilisation protocols for used healing abutments: An In Vitro study Deparment of Community Medicine. Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune Dr. Dhruv Patel          
27 Effect of different ambient light illuminance on digital shade selection of maxillary anterior teeth –an in vivo study Praj Metallurgical Laboratory, Paud Road, Pune.Phone no: 020-25281584 / +91 9665011314 / + 91 9158658634 SRISHTY PUNDIR          
28 Comparative evaluation of the effect of salivary pH on the flexural strength of CAD-CAM Milled and conventional denture base acrylic resins : An In vitro study Praj Metallurgical Laboratory, Paud Road, Pune.Phone no: 020-25281584 / +91 9665011314 / + 91 9158658634 Dr. Vidhi Jethwani          
29 Comparative evaluation of total occlusal convergence in maxillary anterior tooth preparations to receive full veneer crown and bridge restorations prepared by prosthodontic post graduate students in clinical setup: An in vitro comparative study. Samrudhi Engineering, Plot No.79/1/A ,Shop No.5 &6, Pesh Industrial Estate Premises, S Block, MIDC, Bhosari, Pune, Maharashtra 411026 Dr AKHILA SONI   2022-2023 1 year Thesis samples testing  
30 A Three-dimensional Finite element analysis of the von Mises stress and strain distributions of two commercially available Nickel Titanium rotary files in sound primary dentin. MANUFAST Lab, Shivaji Nagar, Pune.Phone no: 086689 21099 Dr. Vaishnavi K. Mathawala Self 2023 6 months In vitro study  
31 Comparative evaluation of the remineralizing potential of three commercially available dentifrices having different fluoride concentrations on artificial carious lesions- An In-vitro Study Praj Metallurgical Laboratory, Paud Road, Pune.Phone no: 020-25281584 / +91 9665011314 / + 91 9158658634 Dr. Sejal Shah Self 2023 1 year In vitro study  
32 Comparative evaluation of wear of natural primary tooth antagonist to Bioflex, Stainless steel and Zirconia Crowns using intra oral scanner and weight loss technique: An in vitro study Praj Metallurgical Laboratory, Paud Road, Pune.Phone no: 020-25281584 / +91 9665011314 / + 91 9158658634 Dr. Sejal Shah Self 2023 6 months In vitro study  
33 Comparative Evaluation of microleakage of two pit and fissure sealants – In Vitro study Praj Metallurgical Laboratory, Paud Road, Pune.Phone no: 020-25281584 / +91 9665011314 / + 91 9158658634 Dr. Tripti Lath Self 2022 6 months In vitro study  
34 Evaluation and Comparison of the Bond Strength of various Luting Agents used for Bioflex Crowns in Primary Teeth – An In-vitro Study Praj Metallurgical Laboratory, Paud Road, Pune.Phone no: 020-25281584 / +91 9665011314 / + 91 9158658634 Dr. Aditi Tasgaonkar Self 2023 6 months In vitro study  
35 Research Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of Pharmacy Dr Supriya Kehur ,Dr. Ravindra Badhe NA 2022 3 years Research  
36 Comparative evaluation of bond failure rate and adhesive remenants of 2 different orthodontic bonding system Praj Metallaurgical laborat Dr. Apoorva 4000/- Apr-22 2.5 YEARS Randomized clinical Trail  
37 Comparative evaluation of stress distribution in maxillary dentitionwith one or two mini screws treated with clear aligners: An FEM STUDY DPU-MIT Dr. Siddhi   Mar-22 2.5YEARS FEM STUDY  
Title of the MoU/ linkage Name of the partnering Institution/ industry /research lab/corporate house with contact details Year of commenceme nt Duration (From-To) Year wise list of actual activities under each MoU. Number of students/teachers who participated under the MoUs
Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of Bioactive Glass and FDBA in the Treatment of Periodontal Infrabony Defects Biohorizon, USA 2014 2014-2018 Research work Dr D. Gopalakrishnan
Cancer microbiome BioEra Life Sciences Pvt ltd 7th December 2015 2015-2017 Research work Dr. Supriya Kheur
Photofuntionalisation of different implant surfaces and evaluation of osteoblastic response in compromised bone situations ITI, Switzerland 2016 2016-2018 Research work Dr. Supriya Kheur
‘Functional metagenome of oral microbiome in oral cancers and potentially malignant disorders and host genetics/epigenetic mechanisms. HKU, Hong Kong 2017 2017-2020 Research work Dr. Supriya Kheur
Comparative evaluation of the antibacterial effect, adhesion of gingival fibroblast and epithelial attachment to titatium,zirconia and titatium with silver nano coatings Agharkar Institure Research of Maharashtra 3rd March 2017 2017-2019 Research work Dr. Supriya Kheur
Comparative effectiveness of flurocalcium trisilicate and strontium chloride hexahydrate containing toothpaste for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity - a randomized single blind studt abbott pharmaceuticals India 2018 2018-2019 Research work Dr Shalini Agarwal
Evluating products of microbial and plant origin as alternative dental irrigants Savitribai Phule University pune 11-Nov-18 2018-2021 Research work Dr Karan Bhargawa
Diabetes related nephropathy and periodontal disease shared molecular mechanism and clinical scenarios HKU, Hong Kong 09-Mar-19 2019-2024 Research work Dr D. Gopalakrishnan & Dr Aneesha Acharya Dr Santosh Martande Dr supriya kheur
Research and Academic Collaboration University of Chulalongkorn, Bangkok 5th April 2019 2019-2024 Research and Academic work Dr D. Gopalakrishnan
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