Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Research Projects - Conservative Endodontics & Esthetics
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Department of Conservative, Endodontics & Esthetic Dentistry

Research Project

Ongoing Major Research Projects by Faculty Members

Sr. No. Title of Research Project Investigators Sponsoring Agency Research Grant (in Rs. Lakhs)
1. Evaluation of anatomical positions of mandibular canal foramen and variations in inferior alveolar nerve canal using CBCT retrospective study Dr. Sanjyot mulay DPU Rs. 50,000/-
2. Evaluation of contributing factors and their co-relation to the failure of endodontically treated teeth cross sectional study Dr. Anamika borkar DPU Rs. 20000/-
3. Prevalence and morphometric analysis of radix entomolaris and radix paramolaris in mandibular 1st bilateral molars using a CBCT- A multicentre retrospective study Dr.Swapnil bhosale DPU Rs. 50,000/-
4. Prevalence of C-shaped canals in permanent mandibular second molars of local select population Dr. Piyush oswal DPU Rs. 15000/-
5. Evaluation of oral health status and KAP amongst pregnant woman following intervention by oral health education and dental treatment referral. Dr. Anita Sanap Dr. Shalini Aggarwal Dr. Anamika Borkar DPU Rs. 1,10,000/-
6. Clinical and radiographic comparative evaluation of healing of periapical lesion using triple antibiotic paste with combination of chitosan and calcium hydroxide when used as a root canal disinfectant– An In vivo Study Dr. Soumya Shetty DPU Rs. 89000/-
7 Clinical and radiographic healing of periapical lesion using calcium hydroxide combined with chitosan and triple antibiotic paste as intracanal medicament-an in vivo study Dr. Soumya Shetty Dr. Anita Sanap Dr. Piyush Oswal DPU Rs. 89,000/-
8 Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy activity and smear layer removal of anti oxidant irrigants and conventional root canal irigants- an in vitro study Dr. Karan Bhargava Dr. Sanjyot Mulay DPU Rs. 3,75,000/-
9 Effect of Pranayam-Yoga on anxiety during Covid19 pandemic amongst dental practitioners in Pune, Pimpri and Chinchwad- Questionnaire study DR. SANJYOT MULAY MS YOGITA UBHE Self
10 Comparative effectiveness of calcium fluorophosphosilicate, calcium sodium phosphosilicate, and strontium chloride hexahydrate containing toothpastes in treatment of dentin hypersensitivity – a randomized single blind clinical trial. Dr. Shalini Aggarwal Dr. Anamika C. Borkar Dr. Nikhil N. Borse Abbott Pharmaceuticals Rs. 9.46,500/-

MoU Signed along with photographs (if any)

Sr. No. Department MoU Signed with Purpose/Objectives Duration Date
1 Conservative Dentistry Abbott Pharmaceuticals To Conduct a Clinical Trial on Dentinal Hypersensitivity 1 Year 01/03/2018 to 28/02/2019
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