Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Dissertation | DPU Dental
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & Oral Implantology

snowflake iconDissertation & Systematic Review

Sr. No. Name of the Student Year of Study Guide Dissertation topic Systematic review Completed/ ongoing
1. Dr. Sushree Mahaptro 2022-2025 Dr. Shilpa Bawane Comparative evaluation of effect of hyaluronic acid treated non absorbable suture material in alveoloplasty.    
2. Dr.Somya Pande 2022-2025 Dr. Uday Londhe Evaluation of the soft and hard tissues healing in the socket preservation using synthetic and autogenic combination bone graft.    
3. Dr. Damini Goel 2022-2025 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative evaluation of simvastatin gel infused commercially available bone graft in healing after surgical removal of impacted third molar-Split mouth study.    
4. Dr.Pragya Borghate 2022-2025 Dr. B.M.Rudagi Comparative evaluation of use of face ice pack wrap and room vac drain in post- operative oedema and pain of mandibular fractures- Randomized controlled Trial.    
5. Dr. Tirtha Raj Bramha 2022-2025 Dr. Lakshmi Shetty Comparative evaluation of aluminium for nasal splint with 3D pen designed nasal splint-randomized controlled trial    
6. Dr. Digvijay Shitole 2022-2025 Dr. Sonal Shah Evaluation of injection hyaluronidase in reduction of periorbital oedema in zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture    
7. Dr.Shubham Raut 2022-2025 Dr. B.M.Rudagi Comparative evaluation of salivary exospores in Pre and post-operative surgery of oral squomous cell carcinoma-A clinical study    
8. Dr.Manoj Kumar 2022-2025 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Comparative evaluation of the Efficacy of novel biomaterial in wound healing and postoperative pain management in Alveloplasty    
9. Dr. Ria Raghawan 2021-2024   Comparative evaluvation of post operative scarring with nasolabial flap reconstructio n using silicone gel vs silicone gel sheet a randomized control trial    
10. Dr. Tanvi Tiwarekar 2021-2024   Evaluation of efficacy of L- PRF with and without hyaluronic acid on pain ,soft tissue healing and swelling post surgicaltransa lveolar extraction of mandibular molars – A Comparative Study    
11. Dr. Sherwin Samuel 2021-2024   Assessment of the efficiacy of intra-articular injection of advanced platelet rich fibrin as an adjunct to arthrocentesis for the treatment of internal temporomandibular joint derangements– a randomized control study    
12. Dr. Gauri Camblay 2021-2024   Comparative evaluation using herbal oil with and without gua- sha for eyebrow growth. A randomized control trial    
13. Dr. Anuja Chincholakar 2021-2024   Comparative evaluation of efficacy of locally injected dexamethaso ne with and without Vitamin C in mandibular fractures - A Randomized Control Trial    
14. Dr. Rashi Jain 2021-2024   Comparative evaluation of efficacy of Nanoemulsio n Quercetin gel in wound healing post third molar surgery    
15. Dr. Sakshi Gaikwad 2021-2024   Evaluation of healing of comminuted mandibular fractures with and without the use of local vancomycin powder – A comparative study    
16. Dr.Akash Muralidharan 2021-2024   comparative evaluation of labial and labio-inferior plating using 3 dimensional miniplate in the mandibular symphysis and parasymphysis fracture    
17. Dr. Shivya Chopra 2020-2023 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative evaluation of Post operative outcome after surgical and non surgical removal of grossly decayed molar- A Clinical study Various treatment modalities in COVID associated Mucormycosis and the need for surgical management-Systematic review  
18. Dr. Lunkad Piyush 2020-2023 Dr. Sonal Shah Comparative evaluation of efficacy of2% Lidocaine containing adrenaline with and without hyaluronidase in inferior alveolar nerve blocks for patients requiring bilateral mandibular Extractions    
19. Dr. Adnan Chhatriwala 2020-2023 Dr. Lakshmi Shetty Comparative evaluation of vrana –ropana( wound Healing ) after lonuloplasty with and without panchavalkala extract 5% W/V randomized control trial.    
20. Dr. Mili Mehta 2020-2023 Dr. Sonal Shah Comparative evaluation of intra-ligamentary and supra periosteal injection technique using 2% lignocaine hydrochloride 1:80000 adrenaline for orthodontic extraction of maxillary premolar- A split mouth study    
21. Dr. Nerkar Gaurav 2020-2023 Dr. Pushkar Waknis A Comparative evaluation of various storage media at different temperature variations for hair follicle viability in hair transplant procedures-A clinical study    
22. Dr. Bhosale Tushar 2020-2023 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Comparative evaluation of efficany of submental flap and nasolabialflap in oral submucous fibrosis Comparative evaluation of physics forceps and  
23. Dr. Contractor Murtuza 2020-2023 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Assessment of efficacy of aloevera as adjunct therapy with injectable platelet rich fibrin-(I-PRF) in cell proliferation of hair follicle derived stem cells.    
24. Dr. Sakhariya Samkit 2020-2023 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative evaluation of use of kinesiologic tape and mini vae drain in post – operative swelling after open reduction and internal fixation of mandibular fracture- A Clinical study Facial nerve palsy post superficial parotidectomy- Systematic review  
25 Dr. Tidke Sanika Shankar Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative evaluation of bone regeneration in third molar extraction using simvastain powder and gel form –A Split mouth study Donor site morbidity in patients undergoing Maxillofacial Reconstruction using DCIA flap versus free fibula osseomyocutaneous flap- A systematic review Completed
26 Dr. Raut Shreya Jitendra Dr. Lakshmi Shetty Regarding the Report Of no adverse effects during my thesis titled –effect of meditation with relazation therapy on Preoperative anxiety and stress in patients with oral squmous cell carcinoma scheduled for oral & maxillofacial surgery under GA-in vivo study - Ongoing
27 Dr. Malankar Tanvi Dr. Sonal Shah Evaluation and comparision of pain perception during palatal infiltration and infraorbital nerve blocks in maxillary premolar orthodontic extraction with and without commercially available Vibrotactile devic Evaluation of Efficacy of manual root extractor for removal of Maxillary anterior root piece Ongoing
28 Dr. Lokhande Shreyas Dr. Kalyani Bhate Comparision of oral versus sublingual piroxican during post operative painmanagement after lower third molar extraction - Ongoing
29 Dr. Kunjir Harshal Uttam Dr. Lakshmi Shetty comparative evaluation of bilateral cleft ear lobe rejuvention with and without calendula officinalis 10% v/w - randomised control trial - Ongoing
30 Dr. Gupta Kripa Vikram 2019-2022 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Evaluation of the levels of Vitamin D in dental interns presenting with and without muscular pain in the Head and Neck region- a cross sectional study Completed
31 Dr. Ginde Shriya 2019-2022 Dr. Santhosh Kumar S.N Comparison of efficacy of traditional and knotless sutures after surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar Evaluation of the optimum dosage of bromelain after impacted third molar surgery an in vivo study Ongoing
32 Dr. Awate Sayali 2019-2021 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Comparative evaluation of efficacy of S-PRF and A-PRF inhealing after mandibular third molar surgery Comparative evaluation of efficacy of Halstead technique, Clark and Holmes technique, Gow Gates technique and Sargenti technique for mandibular anaesthesia. Ongoing
33 Dr. Trivina Kumari Domah 2018-2021 Dr. Lakshmi Shetty Comparative evaluation of post extractionhealing edification with and without Azadirachta indica (neem) Treament modalities for managing internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint in oral Maxillofacial surgery patients over the years (systematic Review) Completed
34 Dr. Manne laxmi Priyanka 2018-2021 Dr. Sonal Shah Comparative evaluation of local microbial load with pre-operative mouthrinse of 0.2% chkorhexidine and drinking water in mandibular third molar indicated for surgical extraction- In Vivo Study. Efficiency of Endoscope-assisted Resection Versus Ethanol ablation for the management ofBranchial Cleft cysts(Systematic Review) Completed
35 Dr. Gajul Monica Ambadas 2018-2021 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Comparative evaluation of soft tissue changes and implant stability in immediate implants in maxillary anterior region with and withour socket shield technique –In vivo study Patient Delay versus professional delay in the diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma- A systematic review Completed
36 Dr. Jaivignesh Kathiraan 2018-2021 Dr. Santhosh Kumar S.N Comparative evaluation of serum C Reactive protein levels following closure of impacted mandibular third molar surgery wounds using black braided sild and cyanoacrylate thissue adhesive- In vivo Study Efficacy of Twin mix versus 2%Lignocaine in 1:200000 Dilution of epinephrine in mandibular third molar surgery- A Systematic Review Completed
37 Dr. Gangawane Aishwarya 2018-2021 Dr. Santhosh Kumar S.N Comparative evaluation of anxiety and pain perception during posterior palatal injections with and withour baro-vibrotactile device- In Vivo Study. Effectiveness of pre-surgical distraction osteogenesis and simultaneous distraction osterogenis in temporomandibular joint ankyloses for mouth opening-A Systemetic review Completed
38 Dr. Bhandarkar Swayambhu 2018-2021 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative evaluation of healing of facial bone fractures with and without administration of intravenous vitamin C – In vivo study Comparative evaluation of lag screw and mini plate fixation in the treatment of mandibular condylar fracture (systematic Review) Completed
39 Dr. Anshu Malik 2018-2021 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Estimation of intra-operative blood loss during surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar –In Vivo study Reconstruction of Mandibular defects with transport distraction osteogenesis (systematic Review) Completed
40 Dr. Vibha Vaswani 2017-2020 Dr. Sonal Shah Evaluation of salivary alpha amylase levels in patients for the assessment of stress during third molar surgery subjected to live piano music and co-relation with pain catastrophizing scale- In vivo study. Comparison of deep dry needling along with soft splint therapy versus only soft splint therapy for patients suffering from temporomandibular myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome- A systematic review Completed
41 Dr. Priti Talele 2017-2020 Dr. Lakshmi Shetty Coomparative evaluation of bilateral earlobe cleft repair with and without platelet rich plasma injection Oral Manifestations of Tuberculosis in oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patients- A systematic review Completed
42 Dr. Vaibhav Raut 2017-2020 Dr. Santhosh Kumar S.N Comparative assessment of biomechanical resistance of inverted L- Shaped plate and two 3 hole plates in Subcondylar fracture of mandible In-Vitro study Comparison of tissue adhesive with suture material in impacted third molar surgery-A systematic review Completed
43 Dr. Surabhi Magoo 2017-2020 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Comparative evaluation of Analgesic efficacy Efficacy of octreotide in Stopping postsurgical chyle leak in Dissection- A systematic review Completed
44 Dr. Kunal Jain 2017-2020 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative evaluation of tensile strength of two absorabable suture materials- An In vitro study Treatment modalities for neurosensory disturbances in patients undergoing Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO) Completed
45 Dr. Deeisha Gupta 2017-2020 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative evaluation of efficacy of prilox and viveta cream on intact skin for intravenous cannulation in vivo clinical study Efficacy of transcutaneou-s electrical nerve stimulation in patients suffering from temporomandibular disorders. Completed
46 Dr. Nishtha Gadkari 2017-2020 Dr. Deepak Kulkarni Comparative evaluation of bone quality in bilateral direct maxillary sinus lift procedures using biphasic calcium phosphate and demineralized -Fewwze-Dried bone radiological and Histological study Comparative evaluation of 2-point vs-3 point fixation in the treatment zygomaticom-axillary complex fractures. Completed
47 Dr. Ratima Chopra 2017-2020 Dr. Deepak Kulkarni Comparative evaluation of efficancy of chorionic membrae and Prf in dental sockets indicated for implants Effect of Amniotic Membrance on healing of maxillofacial wounds- A systematic review Completed
48 Dr.Bhagyashree Jagtap 2016-2019 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Comparative evaluation of efficacy of low level laser therapy in reducing pain during local anaesthesia injection – In vivo study Comparative evaluation of efficacy of low level laser therapy in reducing pain during local anaesthesia injection – In vivo study Completed
49 Dr.Sanyukta Raut 2016-2019 Dr. Santhosh Kumar S.N Comparative evaluation of mechanical analysis of three different techniques of internal fixation in unilateral fracture of angle of the mandible-In- vitro study. Comparative evaluation of mechanical analysis of three different techniques of internal fixation in unilateral fracture of angle of the mandible-In- vitro study. Completed
50 Dr.Sharvika Aaher 2016-2019 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative evaluation of pre-surgical serum cortisol levels in patients undergoing major maxillofacial – A clinical study. Comparative evaluation of pre-surgical serum cortisol levels in patients undergoing major maxillofacial – A clinical study. Completed
51 Dr.Aditi Saha 2016-2019 Dr. Sonal Shah Comparative evaluation of infraorbital nerve block with 0.25% and 0.5% Bupivacaine for post-operative analgesia following maxillary bilateral orthodontic extraction. Comparative evaluation of infraorbital nerve block with 0.25% and 0.5% Bupivacaine for post-operative analgesia following maxillary bilateral orthodontic extraction. Completed
52 Dr.Ratna Deepika 2016-2019 Dr. Deepak Kulkarni Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma with and without Vitamin C using Dermaroller for Postacne Atrophic Scars- A Clinical Study Different materials used for Malar Augmentation- A Systematic Review. Completed
53 Dr.Nilesh Khandelwal 2016-2019 Dr. Deepak Kulkarni Comparative Evaluation of the efficacy of Collagen Membrane and Platelet Rich Fibrin Membrane as a dressing material for surgical management of Oral Leukoplakia - Clinical study Variation in anatomical position of lingual in relation to ramus osteotomy assessed by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT): A Systematic Review Completed
54 Dr.Kunal Gajendragadkar 2016-2019 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Comparative evaluation of pain perception and patient comfort between Computer controlled local anesthesia and conventional syringe techniques for inferior alveolar nerve block - in vivo study Comparison of different treatment modalities for Parotid Fistula - A systematic review Completed
55 Dr.Prathamesh Bhujbal 2016-2019 Dr. Pushkar Waknis A comparative evaluation of wound healing with and without vitamin C supplement in bilateral extractions: in vivo study Efficacy of buccal fat pad and nasolabial flap in management of oral submucous fibrosis- a systematic review Completed
56 Dr. Khushal Gangwani 2015-2018 Dr. Lakshmi Shetty Comparative evaluationn of the use of piezosurgery and conventional method in alveoloplasty procedure Comparison of various invasive and non invasive techno and facial rejuvenation in upper one third of Completed
57. Dr. Gandhali Limaye 2015-2018 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Evaluation of carrier state of MRSA in trainee maxillofacial surgeons in a university teaching hospital in Pune, Maharashtra. Efficacy of endoscopy assisted VS traditional ORIF of condylar fractures: A Systematic review Completed
58 Dr. Pratik Suthar 2015-2018 Dr. Sonal Shah Comparative evaluation of intra-oral wound healing with silk sutures Vs N- Butyl-2-cynoacrylate after alveoloplasty. Conservative and radical management of Osteochondroma of mandibular condyle : A Systematic review Completed
59 Dr. Pranav Sathe 2015-2018 Dr. Pushkar Waknis A comparative evaluation of effect of piano music and Gayatri Mantra in the pre-surgical vital parameters of patients undergoing major maxillofacial surgery under general anaesthesia. A systematic review of analysis of fractures patterns in maxillofacial assault related injury in the Indian sub continent and South-East Asia Completed
60 Dr. Shraddha Channe 2015-2018 Dr. Deepak Kulkarni Efficacy of PRF on mucal thickness around crestal bone in implants. Comparison of Ultrasonography and MRI in internal disk derangement in TMJ: A Systematic review Completed
61 Dr. Padmasree Patwary 2015-2018 Dr. Santhosh Kumar S.N Efficacy of de-epithelized inferiorly based nasolabial flap in surgical management of oral submucous fibrosis Trends in the sequential approaches for Management of PFF : A Systematic review Completed
62 Dr. Sagar Joshi 2015-2018 Dr. Kalyani Bhate comparative evaluation of effect of vibrotactile device and topical anaesthetic gel on pain during local anaesthetic injections in adult To compare the efficacy of computer controlled local anaesthetic delivery system in reducing pain during injection of local anaesthesia Completed
63 Dr. Ashwini Akolkar 2015-2018 Dr. Deepak Kulkarni Comparision between vertical incision and conventional horizontal incision for bilateral zmc fracture Bleeding control of measures during oral and Maxillofacial surgical procedures : A systematic review Completed
64 Dr. Shreyas Mohile 2014-2017 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative Evaluation of pre-surgical and postsurgical nutritional status in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma Sinus lift Completed
65 Dr. Sanyukta Khairnar 2014-2017 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Comparative Evaluation of Low level laser therapy and ultrasound heat therapy on temporomandibular joint pain Implant supported over denture Completed
66 Dr. Ravindra Bongulwar 2014-2017 Dr. Lakshmi Shetty Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy of extraction using physics forceps and conventional extraction forceps-In vivo study Implant Diagnosis and Treatment planning Completed
67 Dr. Suraj Bangar 2014-2017 Dr. Kalyani Bhate Efficacy of low level laser therapy in pain Trismus, swelling after 3rd molar surgery- In Vivo Study Single tooth implant Completed
68 Dr. Swati Bharadwaj 2014-2017 Dr. Deepak Kulkarni Comparative evaluation of bone healing capacity of autogenous tooth bone graft with PRF Imaging in implantology Completed
69 Dr. Shaliki Wadhera 2014-2017 Dr. Pushkar Waknis Comparative Evaluation of Mandibular symphysis fracture after fixation with four-hole and six-hole mini plates. – An in vitro study Peri implantitis Completed
70 Dr. Pallavi Sarve 2014-2017 Dr. Deepak Kulkarni Evaluation of efficacy of dentin graft material as a socket pressurizing material –In vivo study Osseointgration in Dental implants Completed
71 Dr. Aziz Pahadwala 2014-2017 Dr. Santhosh Kumar S.N Knowledge, attitude and practice of needle stick and sharp injuries among dental professionals of Pimpri Chinchwad. Advanced techniques in implantology Completed

Sr. No.

Students Name


Topic of Research

Name of Guide



Dr. Kalyani Bhate


Modification of existing classification of fractures of middle third of facial skeleton due to change in causative factors with the help of modern investigations.

Dr. Deepak G Kulkarni



Dr. Lakshmi Shetty


Evaluation of Chondrogenic differentiation of Human dental pulp stem cells under different experimental conditionings for tissue engineered construct regeneration of cartilage in temperomandibular joint .

Dr. Pushkar Waknis



Dr. Uday londhe



Dr. Kalyani Bhate



Dr. Vivek Pawar


Designing of titanium mini plate for management of mandibular anglr fracture- experimental and clinical study.

Dr. Kalyani Bhate


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