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Department of Oral Pathology Microbiology
List of Publications
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Karmarkar S. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (Masson’s tumor): A review. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 2014; 26 (1): 73-79.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Anand R. Right hand digit ratio (2D:4D) in non-tobacco and/or non-alcohol habit related oral squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine and Pathology 2014;26: 89–91
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Vaidya K. Central granular cell odontogenic tumor: a systematic review. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 2014 Mar;43(3):167-76.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Central granular cell odontogenic tumor: a systematic review. J Oral Pathol Med. 2014 Mar;43(3):167-76.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Cellular cannibalism in central and peripheral giant cell granuloma of the oral cavity can predict biological behavior of the lesion. J Oral Pathol Med. 2014 Jul;43(6):459-63.
Waknis P, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, et al. Giant post-traumatic parotid gland sialocele and fistula: a case report and review of the literature. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine and Pathology 2015; 27:135–139.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Neutrophil-tumor cell cannibalism in oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Pathol Med. 2014 Jul;43(6):454-8.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil A. Therapeutic aspects of the inflammation mediated oral carcinogenesis. Oral Oncol 2014 Apr;50(4):e13-4.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Burning mouth. J Am Dent Assoc. 2014 Jan;145(1):18-9.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC. E6 oncoprotein interaction with paxillin and FAK. Oral Oncol. 2014 Apr;50(4):e17.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Surface Morphology of Superficial Cells in Irradiated Oral Mucosa. Ultrastructural Pathology 2014 May;38(3):242-3
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil A. Therapeutic aspect of oral lichen planus in context to accompanying candidal infection. Oral Oncol. 2014 Apr;50(4):e13-4.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Radiation-induced oral mucositis and periodontitis - proposal for an inter-relationship. Oral Diseases 2014 doi: 10.1111/odi.12245.
Sarode SC, More P, Sarode GS. E6 and E7 interactions with micro-RNA. Oral Oncol. 2014 Aug;50(8):e46-7.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Role of statherin in oral carcinogenesis. Oral Oncol. 2014 Oct;50(10):e55-6.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Is oral cancer unique in terms of chemotherapeutic and targeted drug metabolism? Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2015;73(1):4-6.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Expect the exceptional. World journal of dentistry 2014;3:196-197.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Micro RNA in oral cancer research: future prospects. J Contemporary Dental Practice 2014;5:1-2.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Personalized medicine: the future of cancer treatment. World Journal of Dentistry. 2014;3:5-6.
Patil S, Rao RS, Sanketh DS, Sarode SC, Sarode GS. The universal diagnostic criteria for oral lichen planus: An exigency! International Journal of Contemporary Dental and Medical Reviews 2014.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Tupkari JV. Oral potentially malignant disorders: a proposal for terminology and definition with review of literature. Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2014 Sep;18(Suppl 1):S77-80.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Psychological Intervention in Head and Neck Cancer: From Molecular Standpoint. World journal of dentistry 2014;54:249-250.
Sarode SC.
Aiming targeted therapy in oral cancer. J Dent Res Rev 2014;2:1.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Chronic Candidiasis of Tongue with Kissing Lesion on the Palate in HIV Positive Patient. World J Dent 2014;5(4):247-248.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S, Anand R, Patil P. Comparative study of Acrylic color and India ink for their use as a surgical margin inks in oral squamous cell carcinoma. World J Dent 2015;6(1):26-30.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Accept and respect the uniqueness of oral cancer. World J Dent 2014;4:5-6.
Kalele K, Managoli N, Roopa NM, Kulkarni M, Bagul N,
Kheur S.
Assessment of collagen fiber nature, spatial distribution,hue and its correlation with invasion and metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma and surgical margins using picro Sirius red and polarized microscope. J Den Res Review , 2014.1(1),14-17
Kantharia N, Naik S, Apte S, Kheur M,
Kheur S
, Kale B. Nano-hydroxyapatite and its contemporary applications. Journal of Dental Research and scientific development,2014,vol1(1),15-19.
Gupta A A,Kheur S, Kheur M, Saner S R. Helicobacter pylori-possible role as biomarker for oral cancer. Dental Hypothesis 2014, 5(1), 3-6
Kshirsagar K, Shah S,
Kheur S.
Orthokeratinized odontogenic keratocyst crossing mandibular midline: A diagnostic dilemma. Medical J D.Y.Patil University,2014;7(3):349-353
Ingale Y, Routray S,
Kheur S
. Expansile congenital soft tissue mass: A massive presentation. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2014 Jan- Mar; 57(1): 148-9
Asnani K, Hingorani D,
Kheur S
, Deshmukh V, Rominos G. Expression of nuclear receptors of gingival in polycystic ovarian syndrome: A preliminary study . Australian Dental Journal, 2014: 59;252-257
Jambhekar S S, Kheur M, Dandagi S, Matani J D, Sethi S and
Kheur S
. Total mandibular reconstruction and rehabilitation: a case.Journal of Oral Implantology. 2014 Mar 6
Ingale Y, Routray S,
Kheur S
Kheur M
, Mohanty N. Evaluating the efficacy of osteopontin expression as a prognostic marker in oral squamous cell carcinoma in the Indian subpopulation. Oral Maxillofacial Pathol,2014;18(1):11-15.
Kheur S
, Kheur M, Gupta A. Oral prophylaxis as an adjunct procedure towards prevention and management of oral cancer. Rationale and application. Oral Oncol. 2014 Aug;50(8):e44-5
Harianawala HH, Kheur MG, Apte SK, Kale BB, Sethi TS,
Kheur SM.
Comparative analysis of transmittance for different types of commercially available zirconia and lithium disilicate materials. J Adv Prosthodont. 2014 Dec;6(6):456-61.
Kheur SM
, Patekar D Y, More P, Sangle A. Acanthomatous ameloblastoma mimicking carcinoma: A case report and Review. Indian J Dent Adv 2014;6(4)1724-1727
Ingle Y, Shah AA,
Kheur S
, Routaray S. Myoepithelial cell carcinoma of the oral cavity: A case report and review of literature. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2014 Sep-Dec;18(3):472-7
Matani JD, Kheur MG,
Kheur SM
, Jambhekar SS.The Anatomic Inter Relationship of the Neurovascular Structures Within the Inferior Alveolar Canal: A Cadaveric and Histological Study.J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2014 Dec;13(4):499-502
Shetty L,
Gupta A
, Shah N, Shah U. A new vision through combined osteoodonto-keratoplasty: A review. Medical Jr of Dr. D Y Patil University. 2014, 7(3): 272 – 277.
Mahajan B, Reddy GSM, Bagul NM, Mane A, Mahajan A. Identification of candida species using hichrome agar in hiv‑seropositive patients with oral candidiasis. J Dent Res Sci Develop 2014;1:11-4.
Khatri M, Agrawal R, Reddy MG, Khatri J, Kokil NS. Knowledge and practice adopted by dental practitioners and dental auxiliaries regarding biomedical waste management in Pune. J Dent Res Sci Develop 2014;1:34-9.
Reddy MG, Kakodkar PV, Singh A. Tobacco use, Body Mass Index, and Potentially Malignant Disorders Among petrol fillers in Pimpri-Pune (India): A descriptive study. South Asian J Cancer. 2014 ;3(4):196-9.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil A, Anand R, Patil SG, Rao RS, Augustine D. Inflammation and Oral Cancer: An Update Review on Targeted Therapies. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2015 Jul 1;16(7):595-602.
Sarode SC, Gargi GS. Extra-vascular type of oral intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (Masson's tumor) of lower lip: A case report and review of the literature. Indian J Dent Res. 2015 Jan-Feb;26(1):101-5.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Kulkarni M, Karmarkar S, Patil SG, Augustine D. Bioimpedance Assessment of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Clinicopathological Correlation. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2015 Sep 1;16(9):715-22
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Endocytosis of keratinocytes in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Translational Research in Oral Oncology. 2016 (In press)
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Anand R. True pulp stones in compound odontome: an unusual finding. World Journal of Dentistry 2015: 6(4):241-242.
Waknis P, Sarode S, Prasad GSV, Limaye G, Sarode G. Sterile Feminine Hygiene Sanitary Napkin Dressing in the Management of Ludwig’s Angina. World Journal of Dentistry 2015; 6(4):239-240.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Inherited cancer syndromes: a rare reality. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(12):i-ii.
Rao RS, Patil S, Agarwal A, Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Magic bullets: Paving the way in oral cancer therapy. J Adv Clin Res Insights 2015;2:213-220.
Harianawala H, Kheur M,
Kheur S
, Matani J. Management of severe mandibular deviation following partial mandibular resection: a case report. Gen Dent. 2015 Jan-Feb;63(1):e24-7
Kheur MG, Kantharia NR,
Kheur SM
, Acharya A, Le B, Sethi T. Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Alveolar Bone and Soft Tissue Dimensions of Maxillary Central Incisors for Immediate Implant Placement: A Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Assisted Analysis. Implant Dent. 2015 Aug;24(4):407-15
Kshirsagar K, Bhate K, Pawar V, SanthoshKumar SN,
Kheur S
, Dusane S.
Solitary Peripheral Osteoma of the Angle of the Mandible.Case Rep Dent. 2015;2015:430619.
Sabhlok S, Kalele K, Phirange A,
Kheur S
.Congenital Giant Keratinous Cyst Mimicking Lipoma: Case Report and Review.Indian J Dermatol. 2015 Nov-Dec; 60(6): 637
Gupta AA
, Kheur S, Kheur M, Bhatt K, Helicobacter pylori as a risk indicator for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma – A PCR based study. Int Poster J Dent Oral Med; 2015, 17(2): Poster no. 875.
Gupta AA
, Kheur S, Shetty L, Kheur M. Unconventional Causes of Conventional Oral Cancer. J ClinExpPathol 2015; 5: 254 - 258.
ShettyL, SheteA,
Gupta A A
and KheurS. Pregnant Oral and Maxillofacial Patient - Catch 22 Situation. Dentistry; 2015, 5(9): 202 – 210.
ShettyL, KulkarniD,
Gupta A
A and Gawande B. Maxillary Osteomyelitis with Candidiasis due to Extraction in Uncontrolled Diabetes State-A Case Report. Dentistry 2015, 5(2): 156 – 159.
Gupta AA,
Kheur S. Microbiology of Oral Cancer. Lampbert Publishing 2015
Reddy MG, Kheur S. Enigmatic Morpho-Insight: Toto bodies. Med J DY Patil Univ 2015;8:121-2
Mahajan B, Bagul N, Desai R, Reddy M, Mahajan A, Shete A, Risbud A, Mane A. Pseudomembranous Type of Oral Candidiasis is Associated with Decreased Salivary Flow Rate and Secretory Immunoglobulin A Levels. Mycopathologia. 2015 ;180(1-2):75-80.
Shweta Shetty,Rajesh Shetty,Mamatha G S Reddy, Aabha Agarkar.Prosthodontic Management of Atwoods class V Mandibular Ridge Utlizing Neutral Zone Technique And Linear Occlusion Scheme-A case Report. Indian journal of Dental Sciences. 2015; 7(1) :89-91.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Superficial mucoceles at surgical mucosal margins of excised oral cancer specimens: an accidental finding. Oral Oncol 2016 May;56:e1-2.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Can frozen section be used to assess depth of invasion of early carcinoma of tongue? Oral Oncology 2016 Mar;54:e13-4
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. WhatsApp use in dentistry: Future prospects. J Dent Res Rev 2016;3:3-4.
Anand R, Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Chronic stress and oral cancer research: Disregarded aspects in animal model studies. Oral Oncol 2016 Mar;54:e5-6.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Gawande S, Patil S, Anand R, Patil SG, Patil P. Cellular cannibalism in giant cells of central giant cell granuloma of jaw bones and giant cell tumors of long bones. J Investig Clin Dent. 2016 Mar 15. doi: 10.1111/jicd.12214.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Hunger for survival in cancer cells. Journal of International Oral Health. 2016.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Messenger Services on Smartphone: Changing Trends of Communication in Dental Practice. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(4):1-3.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S, Anand R. Junk DNA: Prospects for Oral Cancer Research. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(3):1-2.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Tupkari JV, Deshmukh R, Patil S. Pathogenesis of Rushton bodies: a novel hypothesis. Medical Hypotheses 2016; 93: 166-169.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Antiangiogenic Therapy in Oral Cancer: A Thoughtful Consideration. World J Dent 2016;7(2):51-53.
Sarode GS, Batra A, Sarode SC, Yerawadekar S, Patil S. Oral Cancer-related Inherited Cancer Syndromes: A Comprehensive Review. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(6):504-510.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. General dental practitioners and mass disaster: Unleashing the gravity of the situation in India. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(7):i-ii.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Mast cells in oral pathologies: Opportunities, problems, and prospects. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(6):i-iii.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Onco-Golgi: The Missed Target. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(6):423-424.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. The Yin-Yang Principle of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Oral Cancer. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(7):513-514.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Chuodhari S, Patil S. Non-cannibalistic tumor cells of oral squamous cell carcinoma can express phagocytic markers. J Oral Pathol Med. 2016 Sep 3. doi: 10.1111/jop.12500.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Nikunj M, Patil S. Mastermind-like Gene Family: A New Ray of Hope in Cancer Therapeutics. World J Dent 2016;7(3):111-112.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Batra A, Patil S. The Bipartite Task of Immunity in Cancer Progression. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(10):783-785.
Sarode SC, Anand R, Sarode GS, Patil S. Somatic Mutation Theory/Tissue Organization Field Theory: Has the Premise been Wrong All along? World J Dent 2016;7(4):1-2.
Ganjre A, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Oral squamous cell carcinoma and anoikis: A brief review on recent advances. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(11):1-6.
Sarode GS, Sarode S, Patil S, Anil S. Oncocytic pleomorphic adenoma of palatal salivary gland with macrophages and giant cells associated with cholesterol crystals: an unusual case report. Clinics and Practice 2016 Oct 24; 6(4): 884.
Majumdar B, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Migrasomes: Novel organelles of cell migration. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(12):i-ii.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC. 370P Determination of bioimpedance in oral potentially malignant disorders. Ann Oncol (2016) 27 (suppl_9): mdw587.012. DOI:
Reddy M, Tong A,
Kheur S
. Role of melanin pigmentation in pathogenesis of Oral Giant Cell Fibroma. J of Dent Research Sci Dev 2016;3(1): 24-26
Sandhu R, Kheur M
, Kheur S
Effect of simulated chairside grinding procedures using commercially available abrasive agents on the surface properties of zirconia. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2016 Jan-Mar;17(1):22-28
Gupta A,
Kheur S
, Shetty L, Kheur M. Oral Squamous cell carcinoma and C-Reactive protein levels as systematic biomarker – A clinicopathological Prognostic Correlation for local inflammation and carcinogenesis. RJBCS 2016;7(1): 636
Bapat R,
Kheur S
, Kheur M, Sethi T,Gupta A. Role of Interleukin 8 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. RJBCS 2016;7(2): 436
Gupta AA,
Kheur S
, Mamatha, GS, Dr. Shetty L,Kheur M. Helicobacter pylori as a risk indicator of oral Squamous cell carcinoma – A PCR based study. International Journal of Current Research2016; 8(7) :34109-34119.
Reddy GSM, Gupta A,
Kheur S
, Madalli R, Dony E. Expression of p53 and ki-67 in oral Squamous cell carcinoma with the background of oral Submucous fibrosis. International Journal of Current Research2016; 8(7): 34094-34098.
Mahalle A, Reddy MGS,
Kheur SM
, Bagul N, Ingle Y.Solitary Non Syndromic Oral Plexiform Neurofibroma: a Case Report and Review of Literature. Journal of Dentistry, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,2016; 293-296
Madalli R ,
Kheur S
, Reddy MGS, Kheur M, Mahalle A.Assessment of role of Porphyromonas gingivalis as an aggravating factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with periodontitis. Dental Hypotheses 2016;7 (3), 100-106
Patankar A, Kheur M,
Kheur S
. Anatomic variants of the osteomeatal complex and their association with ostium patency. A cone beam CT and endoscopic analysis. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 2016, 27: 241 doi:10.1111/clr.239_12958.
Lakha T, Kheur M,
Kheur S
, Naik R. Assessment of the blood flow in the anterior mandible using CBCT and ultrasound Doppler analysis. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 2016, 27: 239. doi:10.1111/clr.237_12958.
Shetty L,
Kheur SM
, Sabhlok S, Londhe U. An unusual variant of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar. Research and Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences.2016;4(3)10-13
Kheur M, Harianawala HH, Sethi T,
Kheur S
, Acharya A, Mattheos N .Human cytomegalovirus-1 and Epstein-Barr virus-1 viral colonization of titanium and zirconia abutments: a split-mouth study.. J Investig Clin Dent. 2016 Nov;7(4):396-400
Harianawala H, Kheur M,
Kheur S
, Sethi T, Bal A, Burhanpurwala M, Sayed F.Biocompatibility of Zirconia. Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research; 4( 3) May - June 2016
Gupta AA,
Kheur S, Kheur M, Bhatt K. Helicobacter pylori as a risk indicator for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma – A PCR Based Study. International Journal of Current Research 2016, 8(7): 34109 – 34119
Gupta AA
, Kheur S, Kheur M. Inflammation and Host response in predicting Lymph Node involvement and Metastasis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Int Poster J Dent Oral Med 2016, 1(1): poster no 977
Reddy MGS,
Gupta A
, Kheur S, Madalli R, Dony E. Expression of p53 and ki-67 in OSCC with the background of OSMF. International Journal of Current Research 2016, 8(7): 34094 – 34098
Bapat R, Kheur S, Kheur M, Sethi T,
Gupta AA
. Role of Interleukin 8 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A systematic review. RJPBSC 2016, 7(2): 436 – 440
Gupta A
, Kheur S, Shetty L, Londhe U and Bharadwaj S. OSCC & CRP levels as systemic biomarker – A clinicopathological prognostic correlation for local inflammation and carcinogenesis. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016, 7(1): 636 – 640.
Madalli R
, Kheur S, Reddy MG, Kheur M, Mahalle A. Assessment of role of Porphyromonas gingivalis as an aggravating factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with periodontitis. Dent Hypotheses 2016; 7(3):100-6.
Reddy GSM, Gupta A, Kheur S, Madalli R, Doni E. Expression of p53 and ki-67 in oral Squamous cell carcinoma with the background of oral Submucous fibrosis. International Journal of Current Research 2016; 8(07): 34094-34098
Mamatha GS Reddy, Supriya Kheur, A Tong. Role of melanin pigmentation in the pathogenesis of oral giant cell fibroma. J Dent Res Sci Develop 2016;3(1):24-6
Pangare T, Shah S, Waknis P, Suthar P, Shetty L, Reddy M.Mucoepidermoid carcinoma mimicking a mucous retention Cyst:a diagnostic dilemma. International Journal of Current Research 2016; 8(6) : 32626-29.
Reddy GSM, Gupta A, Kheur S, Madalli R, Dony E. Expression of p53 and ki-67 in oral Squamous cell carcinoma with the background of oral Submucous fibrosis. International Journal of Current Research 2016;8(7): 34094-34098.
Madalli R, Kheur S, Reddy MG, Kheur M, Mahalle A. Assessment of role of
Porphyromonas gingivalis
as an aggravating factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with periodontitis. Dent Hypotheses 2016;7:100-6.
Mahalle A, Gs Reddy M, Mohit Kheur S, Bagul N, Ingle Y. Solitary Non Syndromic Oral Plexiform Neurofibroma: a Case Report and Review of Literature.
J Dent (Shiraz)
. 2016;17(3 Suppl):293-296.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Choudhary S, Patil S, Anand R, Vyas H. Dental records of forensic odontological importance: Maintenance pattern among dental practitioners of Pune city. J Forensic Dent Sci. 2017 Jan-Apr;9(1):48.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Anand R, Patil S, Unadkat H. WhatsApp is an effective tool for obtaining second opinion in oral pathology practice. J Oral Pathol Med 2017 Aug;46(7):513-519.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Multifaceted Role of Calcium in Cancer. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(1):1-2.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Choudhary S, Patil S. FAK is overexpressed in keratocystic odontogenic tumor: a preliminary study. J Oral Pathol Med 2017 Sep;46(8):611-617.
Sarode G, Sarode S, Deshmukh R, Raktade P, Patil S. Myofibroblasts could be recruited in a Chemokine (C-C motif) Ligand 2-dependant manner in pathogenesis of oral submucous fibrosis. J Oral Pathol Med. 2017 Jul;46(6):443-447.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Under reporting of Cancer Data in India? J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(2):81-82.
Patil R, Gondivkar SM, Gadbail AR, Yuwanati M, Mankar (Gadbail) M, Likhitkar M, Sarode S, Sarode G, Patil S. Role of oral foci in systemic diseases: An update. Int J Contemp Dent Med Rev vol. 2017, Article ID: 040117, 2017.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Muniar N, Patil S. A Genomic Microchip for Oral Cancer. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(3):175-176.
Sarode G, Sarode SC, Patil S. Emperipolesis: An Unreported Novel Phenomenon in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(4):345-347.
Gupta V, Gupta N, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Assessment of Equipment Utilization and Maintenance Schedule at a Dental Institution in Bengaluru, India. World J Dent 2017;8(2):104-108.
Sarode GS, Maniyar N, Sarode SC, Patil S. Mucous cell prosoplasia in oral pathologies: a brief review. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Apr;11(4):ZE08-ZE10.
Kumar A, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Majumdar B, Patil S, Sharma NK. Beyond gene dictation in oral squamous cell carcinoma progression and its therapeutic implications. Trans Res Oral Oncol (In press)
Majumdar B, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Etiologic Association between Epstein-Barr Virus and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Brief Evidence-based Discussion. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2017 Apr 1;18(4):261-264.
Sarode G, Sarode S, Shelke P, Patil S. Histopathological assessment of surgical margins and related shrinkage of tissue specimens in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a brief review. Trans Res Oral Oncol 2017 (In press)
Sarode SC, Maniyar N, Sarode GS, Patil S. Abscopal Effect: Propitious or Pernicious? J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(5):349-351.
Sarode G, Sarode S, Tupkari JV, Patil S. Is oral squamous cell carcinoma unique in terms of intra- and inter-tumoral heterogeneity? Trans Res Oral Oncol 2017:1-6.
Gondivkar SM, Gadbail AR, Vedpathak PR, Sarode S, Sarode G, Mankar M, Patil S. Odontometric and Skull Anthropometric Parameters as a Forensic Tool in Stature Estimation: A Cross-sectional Analysis. World J Dent 2017;8(3):202-206.
Sarode SC, Sarode G, Patil S. Site specific Oral Cancers are different Biological Entities. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(6):421-422.
Patil S, Sarode G, Sarode S, Anand R, Patil S. Focal adhesion kinase expression in ameloblastoma: a preliminary observational study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jun, Vol-11(6): ZC47-ZC50.
Anand R, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, et al. Desmoplastic ameloblastoma: Journal of Investigative and clinical dentistry.
Raj AT, Patil S, Sarode S, Sarode G. Oral Health Hazards of Water Pipe Smoking: Current Evidence. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(7):539-540.
Raj AT, Patil S, Sarode S, Sarode G. P-hacking. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(8):633-634.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Why are we still unable to accurately determine the malignant potential or the behavior of oral mucosal lesions? Oral Oncol. 2017 Aug;71:60.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Prajapati G, Maralingannavar M, Patil S. Calcifying Cystic Odontogenic Tumor in Radiologically Normal Dental Follicular Space of Mandibular Third Molars: Report of Two Cases. Clin Pract 2017 Feb 9;7(1):933.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Deshmukh R, Anand R, Patil S. Tumor Budding in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(9):743-744.
Patil S, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Bhandi S, Awan KH, Ferrari M. Prosthetic rehabilitation of oral submucous fibrosis patients: A systematic review of published case reports and case series. PLoS One. 2017 Sep 6;12(9):e0184041.
Patil S, Rao RS, Raj AT, Sanketh DS, Sarode S, Sarode G. Oral Candidal Carriage in Subjects with Pure Vegetarian and Mixed Dietary Habits. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Jul;11(7):ZC22-ZC24.
Kamble S, Hiremath SS, Puranik MP, Gaikwad R, Biradar A, Gadbail AR, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Dental Caries and Dental Anomalies in Children with Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate in Bengaluru City. World J Dent 2017;8(4):1-5.
Jatol-Tekade S, Tekade SA, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Treatment of Class III Malocclusion at Later Stage of Growth. World J Dent 2017;8(5):1-5.
Kumari K, Rao RS, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Raman Microspectrometry: An Alternative Method of Age Estimation from Dentin and Cementum. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017: 11(10): ZC11-ZC16.
Sarode GS, Choudhary N, Sarode SC, Patil S. Is the Pen really Mightier than the Scalpel? J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(11):987-988.
Raj AT, Patil S, Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Is Oral Verrucous Hyperplasia a Distinct Entity or a Precursor of Oral Verrucous Carcinoma? World J Dent 2017;8(4):247.
Gaikwad R, Bhowate R, Bajad P, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Potential Predictor of Tobacco Cessation among Factory Workers: A Baseline Data of Worksite Tobacco Cessation Programs in the Central Part of India. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2017 Nov 1;18(11):1071-1077.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Maniyar N, Anand R, Patil S. Oral cancer databases: a comprehensive review. J Oral Pathol Med. 2017 Nov 29. doi: 10.1111/jop.12667.
Patil S, Rao RS, Raj AT, Venkataswamy P, Haragannavar V, Nambiar S, Augustine D, Venkatesiah SS, Sarode S, Sarode G. Insights into the pathogenesis and clinicopathological spectrum of oral vegetable granuloma. Case series with literature review. Clin Pract. 2017 Oct 20;7(4):1008.
Raj AT, Patil S, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Rajkumar C. Evaluating the association between household air pollution and oral cancer. Oral Oncol. 2017 Dec;75:178-179.
Anand R, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Human permanent teeth are divided into two parts at the cemento-enamel junction in the divine golden ratio. Indian J Dent Res. 2017 Nov-Dec;28(6):609-612.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Maniyar N, Sharma NK, Patil S. Carcinogenesis-relevant biological events in the pathophysiology of the efferocytosis phenomenon. Oncol Rev. 2017 Dec 12;11(2):343.
Barnali Majumdar, Shankargouda Patil, Sachin C Sarode, Gargi S Sarode, Roopa S Rao. Clinico-pathological prognosticators in oral squamous cell carcinoma: An update. Translational Research in Oral Oncology 2017; Volume 2: 1–14.
Kamble S, Hiremath SS, Puranik MP, Gaikwad R, Biradar A, Gadbail AR, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Dental Caries and Dental Anomalies in Children with Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate in Bengaluru City, India. World J Dent 2017;8(4):304-308.
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Dony EC, Reddy MGS. Assessment of Molecular alterations using the markers p53 and ki-67 in resected margins of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Int Poster J Dent Oral Med 2017;19:1117.
Reddy MGS, Dony E. Role of aquaporins in oral cancer. J Cancer Res Ther. 2017 Jan-Mar;13(1):137-138.
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Reddy MGS, Kheur S, Desai RS. Oral Granulomatous lesions: a Review. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences 2017;4(6) :297-306.
Thakre GR, Desai RS, Reddy MGS,Chaudhari SM. Role of Calretinin in the Pathogenesis of Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences 2017; 4(8): 362-8
Reddy MGS, Ingle Y, Madalli R, Kheur S. Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma on the Palate in an Immunocompromised Patient. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences 2017; 4(11): 500-503.
Yerwadekar S, Rahalkar J, Darda M, Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Histopathologic evaluation of root repair after damage due to intentional contact with orthodontic microscrew implants: an in vivo study. J Clin Diag Res 2018;12(2):ZC01-4.
Choudhari SS, Kulkarni DG, Patankar S, Kheur SM, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Angiogenesis and Fibrogenesis in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Viewpoint. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018;19(2):242-245.
Vaidya K, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Majumdar B, Patil S. Peripheral giant cell granuloma recurring as an exclusively intra-osseous lesion: An unusual clinical presentation. Clin Pract. 2018 Jan 8;8(1):1023.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Decoding oral cancer conundrums from 'bad luck' point of view. Future Oncol. 2018 Feb;14(5):409-411.
Sarode SC, Panta P, Sarode GS, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar SM, Patil S. New research directions for areca nut/betel quid and oral submucous fibrosis for holistic prevention and treatment. Oral Oncol. 2018 Feb 8. pii: S1368-8375(18)30051-4.
Sarode SC, Chaudhary M, Gadbail A, Tekade S, Patil S, Sarode GS. Dysplastic features relevant to malignant transformation in atrophic epithelium of oral submucous fibrosis: a preliminary study. J Oral Pathol Med. 2018 Feb 25. doi: 10.1111/jop.12699.
Sanketh, D.S., Kumari, K., Rao, R.S., Haragannavar, V.C., Sarode, S.C., Sarode, G.S., Raj, A.T. and Patil, S. Expression of Ki-67, p53, α-SMA and COX-2 in lichen planus and related lesions: a pilot study. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 2018
Gondivkar SM, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar RS, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Impact of oral potentially malignant disorders on quality of life: a systematic review. Future Oncol. 2018 Mar 21. doi: 10.2217/fon-2017-0577.
Gondivkar SM, Bhowate RR, Gadbail AR, Gaikwad RN, Gondivkar RS, Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Development & validation of oral health related quality of life measure in oral submucous fibrosis. Oral Dis. 2018 Mar 23. doi: 10.1111/odi.12857.
Dande R, Gadbail AR, Sarode S, Gadbail MPM, Gondivkar SM, Gawande M, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Oral Manifestations in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Chronic Renal Failure Patients receiving Hemodialysis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018;19(4):398-403.
Sarode GS, Maniyar N, Choudhary N, Sarode SC, Patil S. Gold Nanoparticles: A Novel Approach in Early Detection of Oral Cancers. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2018 Apr 1;19(4):357-358.
Patil S, Majumdar B, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Awan KH. Oropharyngeal Candidosis in HIV-Infected Patients-An Update. Front Microbiol. 2018 May 15;9:980.
Gondivkar SM, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar RS, Chole R, Sarode GS. Bibliometric analysis of 100 most cited articles on oral submucous fibrosis. J Oral Pathol Med. 2018 Jun 15. doi: 10.1111/jop.12742.
Gondivkar SM, Gadbail AR, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Comment on "TFM classification and staging of oral submucous fibrosis: A new proposal". J Oral Pathol Med. 2018 Apr 23. doi: 10.1111/jop.12720.
Panta P, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar SM, Patiln S. "Mind" in Betel-quid Use and Related Disorders. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2018 Jun 1;19(6):629-630.
Prajapati G, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Shelke P, Awan KH, Patil S. Role of forensic odontology in the identification of victims of major mass disasters across the world: A systematic review. PLoS One. 2018 Jun 28;13(6):e0199791.
Gondivkar SM, Bhowate RR, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar RS, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Impact of oral submucous fibrosis on oral health-related quality of life: a condition-specific OHRQoL-OSF instrument analysis. Oral Dis. 2018 Jun 21. doi: 10.1111/odi.12921.
Nilendu P, Sarode SC, Jahagirdar D, Tandon I, Patil S, Sarode GS, Pal JK, Sharma NK. Mutual concessions and compromises between stromal cells and cancer cells: driving tumor development and drug resistance. Cell Oncol (Dordr). 2018 Jul 19. doi: 10.1007/s13402-018-0388-2.
Raj AT, Patil S, Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Oral Potentially Malignant Disorder Based Customized Epithelial Dysplasia Grading: a Need of the Hour. Pathol Oncol Res. 2018 Jul 14. doi: 10.1007/s12253-018-0455-z.
Raj AT, Patil S, Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses on smokeless tobacco products should include Shammah. Nicotine Tob Res. 2018 Jul 7. doi: 10.1093/ntr/nty144.
Panta P, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. New Directions for Oral Submucous Fibrosis Research: Whole Evaluation for Holistic Rehabilitation! J Contemp Dent Pract 2018 Aug 1;19(8):901-903.
Panta P, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Potential of web-resource on 'oral dysplasia and precancer'! Oral Oncol. 2018 Jul 18. pii: S1368-8375(18)30264-1. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.07.009.
Gadbail AR, Chaudhary M, Sarode SC, Gondivkar S, Tekade SA, Zade P, Hande A, Sarode GS, Patil S. Ki67, CD105, and α-SMA expression supports the transformation relevant dysplastic features in the atrophic epithelium of oral submucous fibrosis. PLoS One. 2018 Jul 12;13(7):e0200171. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200171.
Majumdar B, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Technology: Artificial intelligence. Br Dent J. 2018 Jun 22;224(12):916. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2018.485.
Sachin C.Sarode, Gargi S. Sarode, Yashwant Ingale,Manjusha Ingalesup> A. Thirumal Raj,Shankargouda Patil.Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the mandible – A case report and review of published case reports. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research doi.org/10.1016/j.jobcr.2018.04.004
Patil, S., Majumdar, B., Awan, K., Sarode, G., Sarode, S., Gadbail, A., & Gondivkar, S. (2018). Cancer oriented biobanks: A comprehensive review.
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Raj AT, Patil S, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Awan KH. Letter to the Editor: "Dysplasia Should Not Be Ignored in Lichenoid Mucositis". J Dent Res. 2018 Sep;97(10):1178.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Ingale Y, Ingale M, Majumdar B, Patil N, Patil S. Recurrent juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst of the maxilla: a case report and review of literature. Clin Pract. 2018 Jul 24;8(3):1085.
Panta P, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Can healthy diet intercept progression of oral potentially malignant disorders? Oral Oncol. 2018 Aug 17. pii: S1368-8375(18)30298-7. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.08.007.
Panta P, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. 'Chronic traumatic ulcer of lateral tongue'- An underestimated 'oral potentially malignant disorder'? Oral Oncol. 2018 Aug 30. pii: S1368-8375(18)30310-5. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.08.019.
Sharma NK, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Letter to the Editor: "Impact of Age on Disease Progression and Microenvironment in Oral Cancer". J Dent Res. 2018 Oct 3:22034518803868. doi: 10.1177/0022034518803868.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Gaikwad T, Patekar D, Gadbail A, Gondivkar S, Panta P, Patil S. Usage Analysis of WhatsApp for Dentistry-related Purposes among General Dental Practitioners. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2018 1;19(10):1267-1272.
Anand R, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Rajpurohit LS, Patil S. Yes-associated protein (YAP) molecule expression in odontogenic epithelium of ameloblastoma. Clin Oral Investig. 2018 Oct 9. doi: 10.1007/s00784-018-2693-6.
Gondivkar SM, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar RS, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S, Awan KH. Nutrition and oral health. Dis Mon. 2018 Oct 4. pii: S0011-5029(18)30128-7. doi: 10.1016/j.disamonth.2018.09.009.
Raj AT, Patil S, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S. Scope of Mathematical Biology in Cancer Research. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2018 Sep 1;19(9):1035-1036.
Sarode SC, Sharma NK, Sarode GS, Nilendu P, Patil S. Survival strategies of cancerous cells: a novel perspective. Future Oncol. 2018 Nov;14(26):2679-2682.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Gopalakrishnan D, Patil S. Indian Higher Health Education Institutions and World University Ranking: A Viewpoint J Contemp Dent Pract 2018;19(12):1425-1426.
Patil S, Majumdar B, Sarode SC, Sarode GS. 'Third Space' Perspective on Redefining Oral Pathology: Hypothetical Considerations. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2018 Nov 1;19(11):1293-1294.
Gondivkar S, Gadbail A, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S, Awan KH. Infectious diseases of oral cavity. Dis Mon. 2018 Oct 26. pii: S0011-5029(18)30127-5. doi: 10.1016/j.disamonth.2018.09.008.
Shelke P, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Anand R, Prajapati G, Patil S. Alveolar soft-part sarcoma of the oral cavity: A review of literature. Rare Tumors. 2018 Dec 17;10:2036361318810907. doi: 10.1177/2036361318810907.
Choudhari SS, Kulkarni DG, Patankar S,
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Choudhari SS, Kulkarni DG, Sarode SC, Kheur SM, Patankar S.
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Reddy MGS, Sarode SC, Desai RS. Evaluation of Myofibroblasts by Expression of Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin (Α-SMA) in Oral Sub mucous Fibrosis. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences 2018; 5(1): 17-20
Mahalle A Reddy MGS, Putta S, Gupta NKheur S. Knowledge Attitude & Practice of Tobacco use among Children in a school, Pune: A Cross Sectional Survey. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 2018;9(2):59-63.
Dony E, Reddy MGS, Kakodkar P. Mandibular Canine Index(MCI) Not an Accurate Tool for Gender Identification: Results From A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 2018;9(7):61-69.
Madalli R, Reddy MGS, Bagul N, Kheur S. Histopathological Evaluation of white lesions -An institutional Observational study. . Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 2018;9(7):70-74
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Patil S. Tumor Associated Tissue Eosinophilia in Ameloblastoma. Pathol Oncol Res. 2019 25 (3), 1267-1268.
SC Sarode, GS Sarode, AR Gadbail, S Gondivkar, S Patil. Physiotherapy in oral submucous fibrosis can increase the malignant potential Medical Hypotheses 2019, 109298.
Ganjre AP, Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Molecular characterization of metastasizing ameloblastoma: A comprehensive review Journal of cancer research and therapeutics 2019 15 (3), 455.
SM Gondivkar, AR Gadbail, SC Sarode, RS Gondivkar, M Yuwanati, Sarode GS. Measurement properties of oral health related patient reported outcome measures in patients with oral cancer: A systematic review using COSMIN checklist PloS one 2019 14 (6), e0218833.
Panta P, Andhavarapu A, SC Sarode, G Sarode, S Patil. Reverse Koebnerization in a linear oral lichenoid lesion: A case report. Clinics and Practice2019;9(2).
Sharma NK, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Vomocytosis by macrophages: a crucial event in the local niche of tumors. Future Oncol. 2019 Apr 30. doi: 10.2217/fon-2019-0078.
Gondivkar SM, Bhowate RR, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar RS, Sarode SC, Saode GS. Comparison of generic and condition-specific oral health-related quality of life instruments in patients with oral submucous fibrosis. Qual Life Res. 2019 Apr 1. doi: 10.1007/s11136-019-02176-y.
Sharma NK, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Starvation in cancer cells: Circulating arginine is good for cancer but bad for patients. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2019 May 15. doi: 10.1080/14737140.2019.1620606.
Sarode GS, Sharma NK, Sarode SC, Patil S. Oral premalignant lesions of smokers and non-smokers show similar carcinogenic pathways and outcomes. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019 May 6. doi: 10.1111/jop.12866.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Choudhary N, Sharma NK, Dharmarajan G, Patil S. Together consideration of microenvironment and tumor cells: Analysis of papers published in Oral Oncology. Oral Oncol. 2019 Jun 6. pii: S1368-8375(19)30194-0.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Patil S. Letter to the Editor: "Aberrant Collagen Cross-linking in Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma". J Dent Res. 2019 May 29:22034519853261. doi: 10.1177/0022034519853261.
Gondivkar SM, Bhowate RR, Gadbail AR, Sarode SC, Gondivkar RS. Assessment of oral health-related quality of life instruments for oral submucous fibrosis: A systematic review using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN). Oral Oncol. 2019 Jun;93:39-45.
Sarode GS, Nm R, Maniyar N, Sarode SC, Patil S. Use of X-ray Diffraction Technique of Hair for Oral Cancer Detection: A Proposal. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2019 Mar 1;20(3):277-278.
Sarode GS, Gupta K, Maniyar N, Sarode SC, Panta P, Patil S. Use of Tilapia Hepcidin in Oral Cancer Therapeutics: A Proposal. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019;20(4):403–404.
Gadbail AR, Chaudhary MS, Sarode SC, Gondivkar SM, Belekar L, Mankar-Gadbail MP, Dande R, Tekade SA, Yuwanati MB, Patil S. Ki67, CD105 and α-smooth muscle actin expression in disease progression model of oral submucous fibrosis. J Investig Clin Dent. 2019 Jul 19:e12443. doi: 10.1111/jicd.12443.
Sarode G, Maniyar N, Sarode SC, Gopalkrishnan D, Patil S.Cajal Bodies and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2019 Jun 1;20(6):651-652.
Patil S, Raj AT, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Menon RK, Bhandi S, Awan KH, Khan MM, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Kakkar MS, Ahmad ZH, Ferrari M. Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Microstomia Patients: A Systematic Review of Published Case Reports and Case Series. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2019 Apr 1;20(4):508-515.
Sarode SC, Sengupta N, et al. A Critical Appraisal on the “Level-of-evidence” Classification Systems. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2019;XX(X):1.
Sharma NK, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Patil S. Letter to the Editor: "Macrophages Promote Growth of Squamous Cancer Independent of T Cells". J Dent Res. 2019 Sep 4:22034519873660. doi: 10.1177/0022034519873660.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Patil S. Physiotherapy in oral submucous fibrosis can increase the malignant potential. Med Hypotheses. 2019 Oct;131:109298. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2019.109298.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Sharma NK, Patil S. Lysyl oxidase in oral cancer: Friend or foe? Med Hypotheses. 2019 Sep;130:109283. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2019.109283.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Maniyar N, Sharma N, Yerwadekar S, Patil S. Recent trends in predictive biomarkers for determining malignant potential of oral potentially malignant disorders. Oncology Reviews. 2019 Sep 10;13(2).
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Rahul Anand, Shankargouda Patil, Mohammed Jafer, Hosam Baeshen, Kamran Habib Awan. Epidemiological aspects of leprosy. Disease a month 100899.
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Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Jain P, Sharma NK, Patil S. Dietary Modification as a Part of Prescription in Inflammatory Lesions of Oral Cavity: A Need of the Hour.
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Debta P, Sarode G, Sarode S, et al. Natural history of trigeminal neuralgia - A hospital-based retrospective study [published online ahead of print, 2019 Dec 23]. Oral Dis. 2019;10.1111/odi.13263. doi:10.1111/odi.13263.
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Gondivkar SM, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar RS, Sarode GS, Gaikwad RN, Yuwanati M. Prevalence and Pattern of Self-medication with Alternative Medicine: Treatment-switch Analysis in Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients. Niger J Clin Pract. 2021 Sep;24(9):1307-1312.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Sengupta N, Ghone U, Sharma NK. Hemorrhagic areas as a histological prognosticator in oral cancer: A novel proposition. Med Hypotheses. 2021 Sep;154:110642.
Gondivkar S, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Yuwanati M, Sarode GS, Gondivkar RS, Sengupta N. Awan KH. Oro-facial opportunistic infections and related pathologies in HIV patients: A comprehensive review. Dis Mon. 2021 Sep;67(9):101170.
Gondivkar SM, Gadbail AR, Sarode SC, Dasgupta S, Sharma B, Hedaoo A, Sharma A, Sarode GS, Yuwanati M, Gondivkar RS, Gaikwad RN. Prevalence of Trismus and Its Impact on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients Treated for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2021 Aug 1;22(8):2437-2444.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Sharma NK. Novel use of fluorescent microscopy in determining basement membrane integrity in ambiguous cases. Oral Oncol. 2021 Aug;119:105217.
Yuwanati M, Sarode SC, Gadbail A, Gondivkar S, Sarode GS. Why do Only Certain Cases of Oral Submucous Fibrosis Undergo Malignant Transformation? J Contemp Dent Pract. 2021 May 1;22(5):463-464.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Sengupta N, Ghone U. Conspicuous and frank dilated vascular spaces: A marker of malignant transformation in oral submucous fibrosis. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2021 Jul-Sep;11(3):365-367.
Sharma NK, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Pal JK. Dietary Choices Modulate Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells: A Role of FXR Nuclear Receptor. Nutr Cancer. 2021;73(7):1253-1260.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. A cocktail of carcinogens from betel quid chewing. Arch Toxicol. 2021 Jun;95(6):2223-2224.
Sarode SC, Gondivkar S, Gadbail A, Sarode GS, Yuwanati M. Oral submucous fibrosis and heterogeneity in outcome measures: a critical viewpoint. Future Oncol. 2021 Jun;17(17):2123-2126.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Sengupta N, Sharma NK. Readdressing dysplasia at surgical margins as predictive biomarker of malignant transformation. Oral Oncol. 2021 Jun;117:105181.
Khanagar SB, Naik S, Al Kheraif AA, Vishwanathaiah S, Maganur PC, Alhazmi Y, Mushtaq S, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Zanza A, Testarelli L. Application and Performance of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Oral Cancer Diagnosis and Prediction of Prognosis: A Systematic Review. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 May 31;11(6):1004.
Yuwanati M, Gondivkar S, Sarode SC, Gadbail A, Sarode GS, Mhaske S. Impact of Oral Lichen Planus on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clin Pract. 2021 May 7;11(2):272-286.
SR Joshi, GS Pendyala, S Shetty, GS Sarode, S Sarode, K Jadhav. Knowledge and Awareness of Children Towards Parental Tobacco Consumption in Central Maharashtra-An Epidemiological Questionnaire-based Study. Int J Cur Res Rev| Vol 13 (09), 71.
Oliveira NG, Ramos DL, Dinis-Oliveira RJ. Reply to the commentary by Sarode and Sarode on "Genetic toxicology and toxicokinetics of arecoline and related areca nut compounds: an updated review". Arch Toxicol. 2021 May;95(5):1861-1862.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Letter to the Editor: "Carcinogenesis of Male Oral Submucous Fibrosis Alters Salivary Microbiomes". J Dent Res. 2021 May;100(5):557. doi: 10.1177/0022034520986101. Epub 2021 Mar 3. PMID: 33655805.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Anticholinergic drugs versus preprocedural mouth rinses for reduction of SARS-CoV-2 load in dental aerosols. Med Hypotheses. 2021 May;150:110577. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2021.110577. Epub 2021 Mar 23. PMID: 33780778; PMCID: PMC7985654.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Sharma NK. Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2 Specific Cell Subset Identification in Oral Tissues: A Need of the Hour in COVID-19 Research. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2020 Dec 1;21(12):1305-1306. PMID: 33893249.
D Patekar, SC Sarode, GS Sarode, P More. Cyclin D1 and Nuclear Factor Kappa B Expression in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Oral Submucous Fibrosis, and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Associated with Oral Submucous. Journal of Dental Research and Review 8 (2), 75-81.
Sarode G, Maniyar N, Sarode SC, Choudhary N, Mehta V, Gopalakrishnan D, Yerwadekar S, Joshi S, Pendyala G. Oral Cancer in Young vs Old Individuals: A Systematic Review. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2021 Apr 1;22(4):435-451. PMID: 34267015.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Khurayzi TA, Mohamed Beshir SE, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S. Exploring the role of immunotherapeutic drugs in autoimmune diseases: A comprehensive review. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2021 Apr-Jun;11(2):291-296.
Sarode SC and Sarode GS. Triphala extract negates arecoline-induced senescence in oral mucosal epithelial cells in vitro. Saudi J Biol Sci. 2021 Apr;28(4):2223-2228. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.01.011. Epub 2021 Jan 21. PMID: 33911939; PMCID: PMC8071809.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Medicinal treatment of oral submucous fibrosis: Why is research not still translated into actual practice? Oral Oncol. 2021 Apr;115:105099.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Sengupta N, Ghone U, Kumar Sharma N, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S. Denture induced mechanotransduction can contribute to oral carcinogenesis. Med Hypotheses. 2021 Mar;148:110507.
Gondivkar SM, Gadbail AR, Sarode SC, Hedaoo A, Dasgupta S, Sharma B, Sharma A, Yuwanati M, Gondivkar RS, Gaikwad RN, Sarode GS. Oral Psychosomatic Disorders in Family Caregivers of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2021 Feb 1;22(2):477-483.
Sengupta N, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S. Optimum surgical margins in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue: Does shrinkage matters? Oral Oncol. 2021.
Sarode G, Sarode SC, Sengupta N. Letter to the editor: Enhancing the predictive potential of preoperative DOI assessment using imaging techniques. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2021 Feb;131(2):265.
Ghone U, Sarode GS, Sengupta N, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, . Betel quid habit and mechanistic interpretation of disease progression and malignant transformation. Med Hypotheses. 2021 Jan;146:110445.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Sharma NK. Are oral manifestations related to SARS-CoV-2 mediated hemolysis and anemia? Med Hypotheses. 2021 Jan;146:110413. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2020.110413. Epub 2020 Nov 22. PMID: 33261916; PMCID: PMC7680608.
Choudhary N, Sarode GS, Yuwanati M, Maniyar N, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, . Tumor associated tissue eosinophilia in oral squamous cell carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2021 Jan-Mar;11(1):33-39.
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Yadahalli R, Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Biofeedback in oral cancer pain: A review. J Dent Res Rev 2021;8(1):65-8.
Yadahalli R, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Patil S. Significance of CC Group of Chemokines in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Oral Potential Malignant Disorders: A Review. World J Dent 2021;12(2):160–165.
Yadahalli R, Kheur S, Adwani A, Bhonde R, Raj AT, Patil S: Nuclear Blebbing Frequency in Tobacco-Induced Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders: A Pilot Study. Acta Cytologica 2021;65:403-410.
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Sarode SC and Sarode GS.
A perspective on trends in air pollution attributed disease burden in India.
The Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Anand R and Sengupta N.
Smokeless tobacco control measures: assumptions that matter.
The Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia
Dr. Supriya Kheur -
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Dr. Sachin Sarode
Sarode SC, Sharma NK, Sarode G, Bhatkar D. Do osmotic pressure and hygroscopicity of areca nut related products drive extracellular fluid loss and condensation of collagen bundles in oral submucous fibrosis?. Med Hypotheses 2022 Jun 1;163:110836.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Sengupta N, Ghone U. Viral cytopathic effect in maxillary sinus epithelium and SARS-CoV-2: Pitfalls in diagnostic characterization. JOBCR. 2022 May 25.
Yuwanati M, Sarode SC, Gadbail A, Gondivkar S, Sarode G. Modern lifestyle, stress and metabolism: possible risk factors for oral carcinogenesis in the young generation. Future Oncol 2022 May;18(15):1801-4.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Sengupta N. Strengthening koilocyte as a biomarker of HPV infection: A need of the hour. Oral Oncol 2022 Apr 30;129:105891.
Sengupta N, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Sharma NK. Preconditioning of lymph nodes prior to metastasis: Foresightedness of tumor cells. Oral Oncol 2022 Apr 18;128:105863..
Sarode SC, Sharma NK, Sarode G. A critical appraisal on cancer prognosis and artificial intelligence. Future Oncol 2022 Apr;18(13):1531-4.
Vaidya K, Sarode SC, Gadre P, Gadre K, Yuwanati M, Sarode GS. Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma presenting as localized hematoma of the palate. Oral Oncol 2022 Mar 18;127:105821-
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Sharma NK. Salivary gland carcinomas and molecular chaos: Additional perspectives. Oral Oncol 2022 Mar 3;127:105802.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Yuwanati M, Gadbail A, Gondivkar S. A brief overview of 100 best-cited papers on oral submucous fibrosis in Oral Oncology. Oral Oncol 2022 Mar 1;126:105769.
Sengupta N, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Ghone U. Scarcity of publicly available oral cancer image datasets for machine learning research. Oral Oncol 2022 Mar;126:105737.
Sarode SC, Sharma NK, Sarode G, Bhatkar D. Hygroscopic nature of betel quid: A cause for acinar cell degeneration and xerostomia. Med Hypotheses. 2022 Mar 1;160:110768.
Sharma NK, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Molecular Landscape of Lung Epithelium Contributes to High Severity and Comorbidities for COVID-19 and Lung Cancer. Curr Cancer Ther Rev. 2022 Feb 1;18(1):2-6.
Yuwanati M, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Gadbail A, Gondivkar S. Clinical trial outcomes in oral squamous cell carcinoma: A pragmatic ideation. Oral Oncol 2022 Feb 1;126:105752-.
Sharma NK, Sarode S, Sarode G. Natural vaccines accumulated in face masks during COVID-19: Underappreciated role of facial masking. JOBCR 2022 Jan 1;12(1):42-4
Gadbail AR, Sarode SC, Chaudhary MS, Gondivkar SM, Tekade SA, Yuwanati M, Sarode GS, Hande A, Patil S. Ki-67, CD105, and α-smooth muscle actin expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma corresponds with different forms of tobacco consumption habits. (Ahead of Print)Medknow Publications.
Patil S, Fageeh HN, Mushtaq S, Ajmal M, Chalikkandy SN, Ashi H, Ahmad ZH, Khan SS, Khanagar S, Varadarajan S, Sarode SC. Prevalence of electronic cigarette usage among medical students in Saudi Arabia–A systematic review. Niger J Clin Pract. 2022 Jun 1;25(6):765.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Sengupta N, Ghone U, Kumari N, Mahindre S, Gophane R, Patil S. Indigenous Causes of Human Papilloma Virus Negative Non-habit-associated Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Perspectives and Prospects. World J Dent 2022 Jul 22;13:540-2.
Dr. Mamatha Reddy
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Kakodkar PV, Reddy MG. Mu‑can: Abacterial‑fungal symbiosis that reduces dental caries. J Conserv Dent 2022;25:211-2.
Reddy MG, Kakodkar P, Nayanar G. Capacity of Candida species to produce acetaldehyde at various concentrations of alcohol. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. 2022 Apr 1;26(2):161 J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2022;26: 161-5.
Dr. Gargi Sarode
Ghone U, Sarode G, Sarode SC, Sengupta N. Use of tilapia fish skin in oral submucous fibrosis therapeutics. Medi Hypotheses. 2022 Jun 6:110889.
Somani S, Shetty R, Bhargava K, Bhawalkar A, Kumar T, Newase P, Sarode G. Comparative evaluation of mechanical properties of three different direct posterior restorative materials: An in vitro study. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth [Epub ahead of print]
Newase P, Bhargava K, Paunikar M, Bhawalkar A, Kumar T, Sarode G. Comparative evaluation of the effect of hand file, different nickel-titanium retreatment files, and self-adjusting file system on the incidence of dentinal microcrack formation during the removal of root canal filling material: An in vitro stereomicroscopic study. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth [Epub ahead of print]
Ghone U, Sarode G, Sarode SC, Sengupta N. Anti-filarial drug diethylcarbamazine in treatment of oral submucous fibrosis. Med Hypotheses. 2022 Jun 1;163:110846.
Gargi Sarode, Urmi Ghone, Pranali Dhirawani, Maithili Manohar, Sachin Sarode, Namrata Sengupta, Sourav Sudrania, Shankargouda Patil
Venoms and Oral Cancer: A Mini-review
. World J Dent, 13(3):295.
Joshi P, Shetty R, Banpurkar A, Mehta V, Sarode G, Yedewar P, Sharma T. In Vitro Comparison of the Wettability of a Bioceramic Root Canal Sealer on Dentin With and Without Erbium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Er: YAG) Laser Irradiation. Cureus. 2022 Mar 31;14(3).
Sarode G, Sarode SC, Sharma NK. Phenotypic reflection of white sponge nevus in histomorphological features of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Oncol 2022 Feb;125:105707.
Ingle Y, Sarode SC, Sarode G, Ingle M, Ingle S. Concurrent plexiform ameloblastoma and COVID-19-associated mucormycosis of the maxilla. Oral Oncol. 2022 Feb;125:105712.
Sarode G, Maniyar N, Sarode S, GS M. Oxidative Stress, Microenvironment, and Oral Cancer. InHandbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Mechanistic Aspects 2022 Jan 1 (pp. 99-118). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Yuwanati M, Gadbail A, Gondivkar S. Lichenoid infiltrate in oral submucous fibrosis: A new marker of malignant transformation. Oral oncol 2022 Jan;124:105671.
Dr. Roopa Yadahalli
Yadahalli R, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Khan ZA, Vyas N, Kharat AH, Bhandi S, Awan KH, Patil S. CC group of chemokines and associated gene expression of transcription factors: deciphering immuno-pathogenetic aspect of oral submucous fibrosis. Dis Mon. 2022 Mar 25:101351.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Anand R, Sengupta N. Smokeless tobacco control measures: assumptions that matter. Lancet Reg Health Southeast Asia. 2022 Nov 28;9:100119.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Anand R. Impact of smokeless tobacco policies. Lancet Glob Health. 2023 Sep;11(9):e1337.
Sarode SC, Sharma NK, Sarode G, Bhatkar D, Ananda N. Quantification of betel quid hygroscopicity in context to saliva: A proof of concept for future studies. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2023 Jan-Feb;13(1):41-43.
G Sarode, U Ghone, S Sarode, N Kumari, R Gophane. Phospholipase A2 in oral cancer. Phospholipases in Physiology and Pathology, 145-156.
G Sarode, U Ghone, S Sarode, N Sengupta, R Anand. Phospholipase in candidiasis. Phospholipases in Physiology and Pathology, 93-100.
Sarode SC and Sarode GS: Mensah GA, Fuster V, Murray CJL, Roth GA et al. Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks Collaborators. Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks, 1990-2022. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2023.
Mehta V, Sarode GS, Obulareddy VT, Sharma T, Kokane S, Cicciù M, Minervini G. Clinicopathologic Profile, Management and Outcome of Sinonasal Ameloblastoma-A Systematic Review. J Clin Med. 2023 Jan 3;12(1):381.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Sharma N. Outdoor air pollution and oral cancer: critical viewpoints and future prospects. Future Oncol. 2023 Feb;19(6):409-411.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Micro-write with micro-time: A strategy for effective manuscript writing for time-poor officials. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2023 Apr-Jun;27(2):257-258.
GS Sarode, SC Sarode, N Sengupta, U Ghone, S Prasad. Unusual exuberant koilocytic proliferation in odontogenic keratocyst. Oral Surgery 16 (2), 240-242.
SC Sarode, GS Sarode, N Sharma, R Anand, N Sengupta. Fibrosis-associated DDR1 downregulation contributes to a better prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma associated with oral submucous fibrosis Medical Hypotheses 174, 111058.
U Ghone, G Sarode, SC Sarode. Targeting the positive feedback loop of the kynurenine pathway in oral lichen planus for its treatment. Medical Hypotheses 175, 111080.
S Mahindre, GS Sarode, N Sengupta, R Anand, SC Sarode. Non‐habit‐associated squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue in a treated breast cancer patient. Oral Surgery 16 (3), 304-306.
GS Sarode, SC Sarode, R Anand, N Sengupta. Exuberant individual cell keratinization: An unusual presentation in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Oncology Reports 7, 100068.
GS Sarode, SC Sarode, NK Sharma, A Gadbail, S Gondivkar, M Yuwanati. Preclinical methodologies for studying smokeless tobacco-induced oral carcinogens: A perspective. Oral Oncology Reports 7, 100073.
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Functional autoantibodies in COVID-19: Pragmatic considerations. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2023 Oct-Dec;66(4):899-901.
G Sarode, M Pawar, V Pawar, S Sarode. Natural Compounds in the Treatment of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis. Pharmacological Studies in Natural Oral Care, 285-297.
U Ghone, G Sarode, S Sarode. Natural Compounds in the Treatment of Oral Submucous Fibrosis. Pharmacological Studies in Natural Oral Care, 183-196
Sarode SC, Sarode GS. Functional autoantibodies in COVID-19: Pragmatic considerations. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2023 Oct-Dec;66(4):899-901.
GS Sarode, N Kumari, R Gophane, N Sengupta, R Anand, SC Sarode. Correlation between oral cancer diagnosis and seasonal patterns: An institutional experience. Oral Surgery 16 (4), 373-375.
Sarode G, Gondivkar SM, Gore A, Anand R, Sengupta N, Mehta V, Sarode SC. Clinico-pathological and prognostic overview of metastasizing ameloblastoma: An overview of the systematic reviews. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2023 Nov-Dec;13(6):751-757.
Puttaswamy N, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Cardenas A, Gandhirajan RK, Balakrishnan K. Environmental tobacco smoke and children's health: a bibliometric and altmetric analysis of 100 most cited articles. BMC Public Health. 2023 Nov 9;23(1):2208.
Sarode G, Sarode SC. Critical viewpoint on ChatGPT usage in oral medicine. Oral Dis. 2023.
Sarode G, Ghone U, Sengupta N, Anand R, Sarode SC. Tumor infiltrating neutrophil microabscess in OSCC: A poorly understood histopathologic prognosticator. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2023 Dec;124(6S):101609.
Sarode SC, Sengupta N, Sarode GS, Anand R. Salivary metabolomics for oral leukoplakia: A viewpoint. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2023 Dec;124(6S):101652.
Singh S, Sarode G, Anand R, Sengupta N, Sarode SC. Critical concern of tobacco consumption among pregnant and lactating women in India: A call for comprehensive data and intervention strategies. Glob Epidemiol. 2023 Oct 23;6:100125.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC. Psammomatoid ossicles in odontogenic keratocyst: A rare and unusual phenomenon. Oral Oncol. 2023.
Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Sharma N. Comment on "Clonal evolution of long-term expanding head and neck cancer organoid: Impact on treatment response for personalized therapeutic screening". Oral Oncol. 2023.
Sarode SC, Pawar NJ, Sarode G, Singh S. Wildfire and child displacement: Still a burning issue. Glob Epidemiol. 2023.
Sarode G, Sarode SC. Comment on "Development and validation of a multivariable model for prediction of malignant transformation and recurrence of oral epithelial dysplasia". Br J Cancer. 2023 Dec;129(12):1875-1876.
U Ghone, G Sarode, R Gawali, V Mehta, S Deshmukh, S Sarode. Study Among General Dental Practitioners, Orthodontists and Forensic Odontologists Regarding Forensic Identification in Orthodontic Context Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences & Forensic Medicine 5 (2), 169-179.
Sarode SC and Sarode GS: Mensah GA, Fuster V, Murray CJL, Roth GA et al. Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks Collaborators. Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks, 1990-2022. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2023 Dec 19;82(25):2350-2473.
Yadahalli R. Upper Labial Mucosa Schwannoma: A Rare Case Report. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2023;17(12):8-11.
Yadahalli R, Sarode GS, Sarode SC, Khan ZA et al. CC group of chemokines and associated gene expression of transcription factors: Deciphering immuno-pathogenetic aspect of oral submucous fibrosis. Disease-a-Month 2023;69(1):17-25.
Anand R, Sarode G, Ghone U, Mehendre S, Sarode SC. Novel rejuvenating strategies for irradiated salivary glands. Oral Oncology Reports. 2023 Sep 1;7:100066
Anand R, Sarode G, Pandiar D, Sengupta N, Sarode S. Decoding Peto's paradox in carcinogenesis: An insight. Oral Oncology Reports. 2023 Sep 1;7:100070.
Keerthika R, Kamboj M, Girdhar A, Narwal A, Devi A, Anand R, Juneja M. An exotic pathogenetic mechanism of angiogenesis in oral lichen planus—A systematic review. J Oral Pathol Med. 2023; 1-8.
Anand R, Sarode G, Sengupta N, Sarode S. Resilience to oral cancer development in individuals with debilitating habits: Unravelling the enigma. Oral Oncology Reports. 2023 Oct 4:100099
Anand R, Sarode G, Sarode S. Integrating art in Oral Histology and Oral Pathology lessons: Indian scenario. J Dent Sci. 2023 Sep; doi: 10.1016/j.jds.2023.09.017
Anand R, Sarode G, Sengupta N, Sarode SC. Smoke and Mirrors: Unmasking E-Cigarette Awareness Among Indian Youth. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2023 Oct 1;24(10):3305-3306. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2023.24.10.3305.
Anand R, Sarode GP, Sengupta N, Sarode SC. Mitigating Smokeless Tobacco Use among School Going Adolescents: An Urgent Call for Intervention. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2023 Oct 1;24(10):3307. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2023.24.10.3307.
Anand R, Sarode G, Sarode S. Air quality of dental clinics in developing nations: A disregarded crisis. J Dent Sci. 2023 Apr;18(2):916. doi: 10.1016/j.jds.2022.10.017
Anand R, Sarode G, Sarode S. Dysplasia at surgical margins could act as a putative histological marker for malignization. Cancer Treat Res Commun. 2023 Jan 7;34:100680. doi: 10.1016/j.ctarc.2023.100680.
Bansal D, Kamboj M, Anand R, Pandiar D, Narwal A, Sivakumar N, Devi A. Association of childhood vaccination with pediatric lichen planus: A systematic review. Int J Dermatol. 2023 Jan;62(1):22-31. doi: 10.1111/ijd.15974.
Anand R, Sarode GS, Sengupta N, Sarode SC. TikTok Content Analysis on Smokeless Tobacco and Betel Quid: Perception Versus Reality. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2023 Apr 1;24(4):1101-1102. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2023.24.4.1101.
Bhola R, Narwal A, Kamboj M, Devi A, Anand R, Chatterjee S. Histopathological evaluation of minor salivary gland aberrations in oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Cancer Res Ther. 2023 Jan-Mar;19(2):299-303. doi: 10.4103/jcrt.jcrt_1832_21.
Anand R, Sarode GS, Sharma NK, Sarode SC. Unravelling the complex interplay between the immune system and fibrosis in oral submucous fibrosis: Insights from spatial transcriptomics and metabolomics. Oral Oncology Reports. 2023 Sep 1;7:100060
Keerthika R, Narwal A, Kamboj M, Devi A, Anand R, N Sivakumar, Singh V, Agarwal V, Gupta A. Mucor infection associated with global COVID-19 pandemic - an institutional histopathological study. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2023 Mar 1;28(2):e99-e107. doi: 10.4317/medoral.25130.
Pandiar D, Krishnan RP, Ramani P, Anand R, Sarode S. Oral submucous fibrosis and the malignancy arising from it, could best exemplify the concepts of cuproplasia and cuproptosis. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2023 Feb;124(1S):101368. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2022.101368.
Srivastav M, Dony EC. A Review on Therapeutic Potential of Cold Atmospheric Plasma Therapy in Oral Cancer: Emerging Trends and Amelioration. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Apr 1;17(4): ZE01-7.
Dony EC, Mamatha GS, Srivastava M. Therapeutic potential of Simarouba glauca in treatment of Oral diseases. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2023;16(6):2825-8.
Mohandas R, Mohapatra S. Effectiveness of SAMITAL® for Management of Chemo/Radiotherapy-Induced Oral Mucositis in Patients with Cancer—a Systematic Review. Current Oral Health Reports. 2023;10:175–183. doi: 10.1007/s40496-023-00353-0.
Mohandas R, Mohapatra S, Narkhede R, Kheur S. Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Management of Osteoradionecrosis of the Jaw: A Systematic Review. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU [Internet]. 2023; doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1770981.
Mohandas R, Ramani P, Mohapatra S. Interobserver Audit of Surgical Margins in Patients with Recurrence of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma – A Retrospective Study Oral Maxillofac Pathol J 2023; 14(2). Page number 153- 156
Mohandas, Rahul; Mohapatra, Subhashree; Oshin, Mary; Hajare, Shubhangi Sambhaji. Top 100 Most Cited Articles on Human Papillomavirus-Induced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Bibliographic Review. Journal of International Oral Health 15(3):p 219-225, May–Jun 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/jioh.jioh_248_22
Mohandas R, Ramani P, Mohapatra S. Salivary Aspartate Aminotransferase, Alanine Aminotransferase and IgA as biomarkers for Type I Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. Journal of Advanced Oral Research. 2023;14(1):5-10. doi:10.1177/23202068221135433
Mohandas R, Mohapatra S. Dental Screening at 35,000 Feet-Why Not! Journal of clinical and diagnostic research [ (Internet) 2023.
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