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Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
List of Publications
Deshpande R R, Kachare P, Sharangpani G, Varghese V, Bahulkar S. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of two commercially available dentifrices (fluoridated and herbal) against salivary microflora. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.2014; 6(6), 72-74.
Deshpande R.R., Jadhav M, Singh R, Mutha M., Metha B.S. Comparative evaluation of total salivary proteins in leukemic and healthy children of mixed dentition age group. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.2014,5(1): 126-130
Deshpande R.R. & Sharangpani, G. & Bahulkar, S.S. & Kachare, P. & Varghese, V. K. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of two commercially available dentifrices (Colgate total and Kidodent) against salivary microflora. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.2014 5(1): 420-424.
Walimbe H, Muchandi S, Bijle N, Bendgude V, Dolas A Chaturvedi S. Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Topical Anesthetics in Reducing Pain during Administration of Injectable Local Anesthesia in Children. World Journal of Dentistry, April-June 2014;5(2):129-133
Deshpande R R, Ankit k , Dasgupta S, Singh S, Kamble G, Torne R, Deshpande N.R. Comparative evaluation of antibacterial activity of E. Basal and E. Laevis against salivary microflora in mixed dentition age group. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2014 5(6):1029-103
Deshpande R R, Bendgude V, Metha BS , Jadha M, Mutha M, Chhabra RS, Gadkari T V. Correlation between salivary constituents of father and child. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research.2014; 7(6). 59-61
Nankar M, Walimbe H, Bijle N, Kontham U, Kamath A, Muchandi S. Comparative Evaluation of Cariogenic and Erosive Potential of Commonly Prescribed Pediatric Liquid Medicaments: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2014 Jan 1;15(1):20-5
Deshpande RR, Patil G, Shep S, Chabbra R, Patil D, Arbale V, et al .Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of two different extracts and one derived compound of Ehretia laevis and chlorhexidine against salivary microflora. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.2014; 5(6): 476-480
Deshpande R , Kamath A, Chaturvedi S, Mutha M, Shep S, Arbale V, et al. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of different extracts of ‘Ehretia laevis’ against salivary microflora. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.2014; 5(5): 489-494.
Deshpande R R, Kakade P, Panvalkar P, Varghese V. A comparative evaluation of antimicrobial activity of various extracts of embelia basal against salivary microflora of mixed dentition age group . Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Science, 2014; 5(1):131-136
Deshpande R R, Patil V, Ankit K, Dasgupta S, Singh S. Comparative evaluation of antibacterial activity of E. basal and E. laevis against salivary microflora in mixed dentition age group. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences,2014; 5(6):1029-1034.
Preetam Shah, Patne Satyajit, Patil Lalit, Patil Smita. Dental Anxiety in Child Patients: A Review. UJMDS. 2014, 02 (04).
Muchandi S, Walimbe H, Bijle M, Nankar M, Chaturvedi S, Karekar P .Comparative Evaluation and Correlation of Salivary Total Antioxidant Capacity and Salivary pH in Caries-free and Severe Early Childhood Caries Children. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(3).
Walimbe H, Bijle MN, Nankar M, Kontham U, Bendgude V, Kamath AA
Knowledge,Attitude and Practice of Paediatricians toward Long-Term Liquid Medicaments Associated Oral Health. J Int Oral Health. 2015 Jan;7(1):36-39
Walimbe H, Kontham U, Bijle M, Wani V, Nankar M, and Muchandi S. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Devitalizing Agents: A Survey of General Dental Practitioners J Int Oral Health. 2015 Mar; 7(3):12-14.
Mutha M, Deshpande R.R, Patil V, Shep S Comparative evaluation of antibacterial properties of different extracts of mimusops elengi (bakul) and ehretia laevis (ajaan) against salivary microflora. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 217-9,
Deshpande RR, Sabhlok S, Patil V, Singh S, Chhabra RS, Mutha M, Dasgupta S, Ankit K. Comparative Evaluation of Salivary Electrolytes in Cleft Lip and Palate and Healthy Children. Research journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences. 2015 Jan 1;6(1):860-4
Deshpande RR, Sabhlok S, Waknis P, Sarve P, Mutha M, Shep S, Luniya P. Comparative Evaluation of Salivary Total Protein in Cleft Lip Palate Children to Their Mother and Between Healthy Children to Their Mother. Research journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences. 2015 ;6(5):386-90
Deshpande RR, Patil V, Rajpurohit L, Dungarwal P, Bagde KK, Kotwal V, Mutha M, Shep S. Comparative Evaluation of Salivary Electrolytes in Male and Female Children in Deciduous Dentition. Research journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences. 2015 Jul 1;6(4):1550-6.
Mutha M, DESHPANDE R R, PATIL V, SHEP S, DESHPANDE N R, TORNE R. “Comparative evaluation of antibacterial properties of different extracts of mimusops elengi (bakul) and ehretia laevis (ajaan) against salivary microflora”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2015; 8(1): 217-9.
Gidwani, K.V.. (2015). Age related changes of human salivary electrolytes in children between deciduous and mixed dentition. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2015, 6(4):1531-1535.
Deshpande R, Kamath A, Rajpurohit L, Kotwal V, Vinchurkar S, Deshpande S, Mutha M. Comparative evaluation of salivary total proteins in deciduous and mixed dentition. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2015; 6(4); 1536-1539
Mutha, M., S. Shep and R. Torné..Comparative Evaluation of Antibacterial Properties of Different Extracts of Juglans regia (Walnut) & Erethia laevis (Ajaan Vruksh) Against Salivary Micro Flora. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2015; 7(2): 151-153.
Deshpande RR, Patil V, Rajpurohit L, Dungarwal P, Bagde K, Kotwal V, et al. Comparative evaluation of salivary electrolytes in male and female children in mixed dentition. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2015; 6(4):1550-1556
Patil Lalit, Preetam Shah. Study of the Incidence of Lip Biting after administration of the Local Anesthesia in Pediatric Patients. UJMDS. 2015, 03(04).
Rahul R Deshpande, Vishwas Patil, Meenakshi Nankar, Fawaz Siddiqui, Ladusingh Rajpurohit, Harsha S Nalawade, Khyaati V Gidwani, Vaishnavi Kotwal. Comparative Evaluation of Human Salivary Electrolytes in Children of Deciduous and Permanent Dentition research journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences. 2016,7(1): 1720-1724
Deshpande R R, Kontham U R , Shep S V , Gupta S L. Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Properties of Leaf Extracts of Achyranthes aspera Plant and Chlorohexidine Against Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis and whole salivary samples of children in mixed dentition age group-International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016; 8(12): 1654-1657
Deshpande R R, Patil V, Nankar M, Siddiqui F, Rajpurohit L, Nalawade H et al. Comparative Evaluation of Human Salivary Electrolytes in Children of Mixed and Permanent Dentition. research journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical scienceS.2016.7(1):803-807.
Kamath A , Deshpande R R, Chhabra R, Patil V, Shep S, Bagde K, et al. Evaluation of Salivary Total Protein Concentration in Male and Female Children in Permanent Dentition Age Group. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.2016;7(2):273-276.
Deshpande R, Nankar M, Siddiqui F, Rajpurohit L, Deshpande S, Vinchurkar S, et al. Comparative evaluation of salivary total proteins in mixed and permanent dentition. Research journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences.2016; 7(1).
Siddiqui F, Karkare S. Sealing Ability of Nano-ionomer in Primary Teeth: An ex vivo Study. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016;9(3); 209-213.
Patil S, Kontham U, Kamath A, Kontham R. Shear bond strength of composite resin bonded to preformed metal crowns for primary molars using a universal adhesive and two different surface treatments: an in vitro study. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. 2016 Oct;17(5):377-380.
Deshpande R R, Patil V, Bagde K, Dungarwal P, Rajpurohit L., Mutha M, et al Comparative evaluation of salivary electrolytes in male and female children in permanent dentition Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2016; 7(3):273-276.p
Patil V, Deshpande RR, Chhabra RS, Kamath A, Patil D, Dungarwal P, et al. Comparative evaluation of salivary total protein concentration in male and female children in deciduous dentition Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2016; 7(2):1616-1619.
Patil V, Deshpande RR, Chhabra RS, Kamath A, Shep S, Bagde K et al Comparative evaluation of salivary total protein concentration in male and female children in mixed dentition age group. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2016; 7(3):174-177.
Chaturvedi S, Walimbe H, Karekar P, Nalawade H, Nankar M, Nene K. Comparative evaluation of anxiety level during the conventional dental procedures with and without audiovisual distraction eyeglasses in pediatric dental patients. Journal of International Oral Health . 2016;8(11);1016-1022.
Shep SV, Deshpande RR, Patil V, Siddiqui F, Ruikar A, Shendkar CD. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of three different extracts of achyranthes aspera linn and chlorhexidine against salivary microflora. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016; 8(12): 1654-1657.
Patil Lalit, Preetam Shah, Priyanka Chopade, Smita Patil, Chandrakant Bangar. Idiopathic Gingival Hyperplasia: A case report. Journal of International Medicine and Dentistry. 2016; 3(1): 52-57.
Patil Lalit, Preetam Shah, Alok Patel, Rahul Lodaya, Chetan Bhat, Shweta Chaudhary. “Evaluation of Working Length Determination in Primary Molars by Tactile, Radiovisiography and Electronic Apex Locator- A comparative in vivo study. International Journal of Current Research. 2016, 8, (08), 36374-36378.
Narayan A, Satyaprasad S, Anandraj S, Ananda SR , Kamath P A, Nandan S. Comparison of efficacy of three chemotherapeutic agents on Streptococcus mutans count in plaque and saliva: A randomized controlled triple blind study. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 2017;35 (2):174-180.
Walimbe H, Karekar P, Siddhiqui F,Nankar M, Nalawade H and Nene K. Comparative evaluation of anxiety levels in children prepared for conventional dental treatment procedures using three behavior shaping techniques. International Journal of Current Research 2017;9(6):52074-52078
Siddiqui F.S. Anesthesia-related mortality in pediatric patients in dental office setting. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. Apr-Jun 2017;35(2):184-185.
Kokkali V.V., Bendgude V., Sharangpani G. Comparative evaluation of post-traumatic periodontal ligament cell viability using three storage media. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2017 Jun;18(3):209-214
Patil SS, Kontham UR, Kontham RK, Chowdhery A. Retrospective evaluation of paediatric oral biopsies over a 10-year period in western india. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2017 Jun;18(3):171-178.
Ganjre A. Kheur S, Pawar V., Pawar M. Significance of effect of metformin on cancer stem cells- “Need of an Hour” in oral cancer. J Res in Med and Dent Sci. 2017;5(5):30-33.
Deshpande S S , Bendgude VD , and Kokkali V V . Survival of Bonded Space Maintainers: A Systematic Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2018;11(5):440-445
Deshpande R, Patil V, Shere A, Gajjar P, Dungarwal P, Bagde K. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of Five different extracts of Amaranthus cruentus (Lal Math) and 0.2% chlorhexidine against acidogenic salivary microflora in mixed dentition age group. Research journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences.2018;9(1):113-117
Aggarwal VP, Mathur A, Mathur A. A 1-year appraisal of pit and fissure Sealants following disinfection with and without chlorhexidine solution: An in vivo randomized trial. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2018 ;36(4):402-406
Deshpande R, Lele G, Gholap D, Shah H, Basa S, Gajjar P, et al. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of two different extracts Of Artemisia Pallens (Davana) and 0.2% Chlorhexidine against acidogenic Salivary microflora in mixed dentition age group. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences,2018,9(1):545-549.
Deshpande R, Patil V, Basa S, Gajjar P, Gholap D, Shere A, Shah H, Kamble G. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of four different extracts of Embelia basal (Vidanga) and 0.2% Chlorhexidine against acidogenic salivary microflora in mixed dentition age group. Research journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences. 2018 Jan 1;9(1):562-565.
Shere A, Patil V, Kamath A. comparison of amount of fluoride release from three different glass ionomer cements – A systematic review. International journal of scientific research,2018;7(7).
Deshpande R , Patil V, Gajjar P, Shere A, Dungarwal P, Bagde K, Basa S. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of four different extracts of Polyalthia Longifolia (Ashoka) and 0.2% Chlorhexidine against acidogenic salivary microflora in mixed dentition age group. . Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2018; 9(1):108-112.
Gidwani KV, Bendgude VD, Kokkali VV, Mehta V. Comparison of effectiveness of quad helix appliance with other slow maxillary expanders in children with posterior crossbite: A systematic review. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2018 Jul-Sep;36(3):225-23.
Deshpande RR, Dungarwal PP, Bagde KK, Thakur PS, Gajjar PM, Kamath AP. Comparative evaluation of salivary zinc concentration in autistic and healthy children in mixed dentition age group-pilot study. Indian J Dent Res. 2019 Jan-Feb;30(1):43-46..
Mathur A, Mathur A, Aggrawal V. In vitro study on root canal sealers evaluation in term of microleakage. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research. 2019; 6(7):511-514
Mathur A, Mathur A, Aggrawal V. Unstimulated salivary flow rate and its effect on dental caries along with age and gender among different dentition: a comparative analysis. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research. 2019; 6(7):506-510.
Agarwal S, Bendgude V, Kakodkar P. Evaluation of Success rate of lesion sterilization and tissue repair compared to Vitapex in pulpally involved primary teeth: A systematic review. Journal of conservative Dentistry 2019; 22(6): 510–515.
Anmol Mathur, Aditi Mathur. Relationship of Dexterity with Dental Caries among subjects having whorl pattern: A Dermotoglyphic Study. ARC Journal of Dental Science 2019:4(2);1-5.
Tamhankar G, Bendgude V, Pawar M, Chavan J. Comparitive evaluation of microleakage of type 9 Glass ionomer cement and nano ionomer cement restoration in cavities prepared by urbium : yttrium aluminium garnate laser and conventional bur method. Int J of Paed Rehab 2019;4(2):71-75.
Pawar V, Kharat A, Pawar M, Bhonde R, Patil V. Need for bio banking and all round omics approach for cancers of mouth/oral region. Oral Diseases 2019;00:1-2.
Pawar M. Behaviour of DPSCs in vitro under hyperglycemic and ischemic conditions simulate in vivo scenario. JISPPD 2019;37(s):27.
Dr. Geetanjali Jadhav, Dr. Lalit Patil, Dr. Smita Patil. A Review of Technique of Lesion Sterilization and Tissue repair in Primary teeth. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research. 2019;2(2):123-126.
Tharakan A, Pawar M, Qazi N. Knowledge, attitude and practice among school teachers about correlation of oral habits and functional dyslalia in children. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 2020;7(8):702-705.
Tharakan A, Pawar M, Kale S. Effectiveness of licorice in preventing dental caries in children: A systematic review. JISPPD 2020;38(4): 325-331.
Solanki H, Mathur A, Kamath A, Patil V. Influence of deciduous molar hypomineralization- a systematic review. Indian Journal of public health research and development 2020;11(6)
Mulani R, Mathur A. Retention of various pit and fissure sealants in deciduous teeth. A Systematic review. Indian Journal of public health research and development 2020;11(7)
Manish Jain, Aditi Mathur, Anmol Mathur, Pravin U Makhi. Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of bacterial aerosols in dental clinical settings: Risk exposure towards dentist,auxiliary staff, and patients. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 9(2), 2020.
Nikhil Holla, Anmol Mathur, Aditi Mathur, Habtom Bahta. Perception of undergraduates enrolled in health science courses from Asmara Eritrea towards Hepatitis B. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 9(2), 2020.
Patil L, Jadhav M, Nene K, Swarup S, Yadav S, Singh N. Analysis of Microleakage in Restorative Materials Used for Primary Teeth: A Comparative Study. Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry 2020;11:1:120-124
Patil S, Kontham U, Kontham R, Patil S, Kamble S. Fluoride release and fluoride-recharging ability of three different sealants. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2020 Jul-Sep;38(3):247-252
Patil S, Sarode S, Sarode G, Gadbail A, Gondivkar S, Kontham U, Alqahtani K. A bibliometric analysis of the 100 most cited articles on early childhood caries. Int J Paediatr Dent 2020; 30(5):527-535.
Sengupta N, Sarode S, Sarode G, Gadbail A, Gondivkar S,Patil S et al. Analysis of 100 most cited articles on forensic odontology. Saudi Dent J 2020; 32(7):321-329.
Dr. Rashmi Singh Chauhan
Bilateral birooted primary maxillary and mandibular canines : report of a rare case. Accepted in International Journal of Clinical Pediatric dentistry.
Madhura Pawar
A comparative radiographic evaluation of crestal bone loss around dental implants by varying the abutment diameters. Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology. Vol.25 Issue 6 2021.
Madhura Pawar
Evaluation of public awareness, knowledge, and approval of oral implant treatment: A cross sectional study. Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology. Vol.25 Issue 7 2021.
Pawar M.
Probiotic Streptococcus A12 strain in Caries prevention: A systematic review. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. Accepted to be published in Vol.12 issue 2 April-June 2021.
Aditi Mathur
, Anmol Mathur, Vikram Pal Aggarwal. Salivary lead levels in mixed unstimulated saliva of children and its correlation with dental caries. International Journal of current research and review. Volume 13, Issue 8, April 2021
Heeral Sureshkumar Shah, Vishwas Mohanrao Patil, Ananth P. Kamath ,
Aditi Anmol Mathur
Comparative evaluation of instrumentation time, obturation time and radiographic quality of obturation using two rotary systems and manual technique for primary molar pulpectomies- In vivo study- Contemporary Clinical Dentistry Year : 2021 | Volume : 12 | Issue : 1 | Page : 55—62.
Dr. Sejal S. Shah,
Dr. Meenakshi Y Nankar,
Dr. Vikas D. Bendgude, Dr. Bhagyashree R Shetty. “Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy in Tongue Thrust Habit: A Narrative Review”. IJCPD: IntJ. Clinical Pediatric Dent 2021.
Lalit Patil,
Manish Shivaji Jadhav,
Krishnapriya Nene,
Siddharth Swarup, Rohit Wadhwa, Saurabh Yadav. Assessment of Prevalence of Dental Fear and its Relation with Caries in School Children. IDA Ludhiana’s Journal – le Dentistry Vol.5 Issue 1 2021
Kulwani Rai, Prabhat Mandhotra, Neeraj Sharma,
Lalit Patil,
Akshay Sharma, Suneet Singh. Invitro Assessment of Apical Microleakage of Teeth Sealed with Three Different Root Canal Sealers: A Comparative Study. JPBS Symposium – Dental 2021. Volume 13, issue 1, page 5375-8
Iqbal Singh,Roshani Chawla,
Lalit Patil,
Manish Shivaji Jadhav. Assessment of Habits of Tobacco Use among dental and non- dental students of Indian Population: A Cross- sectional Study JPBS Symposium – Dental 2021. Volume 13, issue 1, page 5417-20
Pawar M. Probiotic Streptococcus A12 strain in Caries prevention: A systematic review. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. Accepted to be published in Vol.12 issue 2 April-June 2021
Patil L. Assessment of Prevalence of Dental Fear and its Relation with Caries in School Children. IDA Ludhiana’s Journal – le Dentistry Vol.5 Issue 1 2021
Kulwani Rai, Prabhat Mandhotra, Neeraj Sharma, Lalit Patil, Akshay Sharma, Suneet Singh. Invitro Assessment of Apical Microleakage of Teeth Sealed with Three Different Root Canal Sealers: A Comparative Study. (Article Proof). JPBS Symposium – Dental 2021.
Iqbal Singh,Roshani Chawla, Lalit Patil, Manish Shivaji Jadhav. Assessment of Habits of Tobacco Use among dental and non- dental students of Indian Population: A Cross- sectional Study. (Article Proof). JPBS Symposium – Dental 2021.
Available from:
Bane SP,
Rathi NV
, Thosar NR, Deulkar PV. Surgical enucleation of radicular cyst in endodontically treated primary mandibular molar. BMJ Case Reports CP. 2022 Mar 1;15(3):e248376. DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-248376
Rathi N
, Deulkar PV, Mehta J, Baliga S, Thosar N. Air management techniques in dental office in post COVID era: A Literature Review. Brazilian Dental Science. 2022 Mar 29;25(1). DOI:10.4322/bds.2022.e2472
Shetty B,
Chauhan RS
, Vishwas P, Rathi N, Krishnapriya N, Tirupathi S. Antimicrobial Efficacy Of Curcumin Modified Zinc Oxide Eugenol Against Endodontic Pathogens. Ann Dent Spec. 2022;10(1):47-51.
Pawar M
, Pawar V, Renugalakshmi A, Albrakati A, Uthman US, Dewan H, Mugri M, Sayed M, Bhandi S, Patil VR, Reda R. Glucose and Serum Deprivation Led to Altered Proliferation, Differentiation Potential and AMPK Activation in Stem Cells from Human Deciduous Tooth. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021 Dec 30;12(1):18.
Pawar M
, Toshniwal Nandalal G, Padmawar NS, Parhad SM. Evaluation of prevalence of oral lesions among children of upto 12 years of age. Journal of Positive School Psychology. 2022 Apr 24:2819-21.
Shetty SS,
Mathur A
, Khan HA, Nankar MY. Knowledge, attitude and practice of pediatricians towards digit sucking habit among children in Pune, India. Advances in Human Biology. 2022 Jan 1;12(1):42.
Tirupathi SP
, Rajasekhar S, Ganesh M, Kogila AV, Kandathil DT. Pediatric Intermaxillary Fixation in a Child with Isolated Subcondylar Fracture under Local Anesthesia: A Technical Note and Case Report. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2022 Jan;15(1):119.
Tirupathi S
, Rajasekhar S. Topical Anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry: An Update. Dent. 2022;15(2):240-5.
Tirupathi SP
, Nanda N, Pallepagu S, Malothu S, Rathi N, Chauhan RS, Priyanka V, Basireddy R. The combined effect of extraoral vibratory stimulus and external cooling on pain perception during intra-oral local anesthesia administration in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. 2022 Apr;22(2):87.
Arya A, Sreekanth S,
Tirupathi S
, Kumar N, Saikrishna S, Yeso A, Meena M, Afnan L. Clinical periodontal parameters and sub-gingival bacterial profile in chronic periodontitis patients with and without chronic kidney disease (CKD): A cross-sectional observational study. ijhs [Internet]. 2022 Jun;6(S6):1424-36. Available from:
Jadhav P, Malothu S, Anand P, Goje V, Kumar R,
Tirupathi S
, Afnan L. Oral health knowledge, attitude and practices among medical students: A cross-sectional observational study. ijhs [Internet]. 2022 Jun;6(S6):1414-23. Available from:
Dalal D
, Khandelwal A, Tirupathi SP, Tirupathi SP, Kadam N. Identification And Assessment of Factors Predicting Behaviour of The Child in The First Dental Visit. Journal of Positive School Psychology. 2022 Jun 1:10950-4.
Nagpal DK, Parate AS,
Khandelwal A
. Comparing the tensile bond strength of two dental adhesives with a positive control, etch and rinse adhesive to the underlying dentin: an in-vitro study. Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2022 Jun 10;54(6):110-8.
Research Projects