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Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Department of Prosthodontics, Crown & Bridge, Esthetics & Oral Implantology

snowflake iconList of Publications

  1. Jagtap Ak, Chaudhari PD, Bhandari JA: A pragmatic approach to full mouth rehabilitation. International Journal of Prosthetic and Restorative Dentistry. 2014, 4(1):14-19
  2. Jagtap Ak, Shadakshari Shivamurthy, Raghavendra Swamy KN: Occlusal Splint therapy: for a Dysfunctional temporomandibular joint. JOFR.2014:4(2): 115-117
  3. Shah J, Bulbule NS, Kakade DM. Comparative evaluation of sorption, solubility & microhardness of heat cure polymethylacrylate denture base resin & flexible (thermoplastic polyamide nylon) denture base resin. Journal of clinical & diagnostic research. Aug2014, vol 8(8) : ZF09-ZF 12
  4. Asawa N, Bulbule NS, Kakade DM, Shah R. Angulated Implants: An alternative to bone augmentation & sinus liftprocedure: systematic review. Journal of clinical & diagnostic research. Oct2014; vol 9(03): ZF10-ZF 13.
  5. Bulbule NS, Motwani BK. Comparative study of fracture resistance of porcelain in metal ceramic restorations by using different metal coping designs- An in vitro study. Journal of clinical & diagnostic research. Nov2014; vol 8(11) : ZF123-ZF 127.
  6. Astagi PB, Gangadhar SA, Bhandari AJ, Gandage D. Management of a Flabby Tissue by Window Technique: A Clinical Case. Pravara Medical Review. 2014 Mar 1;6(1).
  7. Himanshu Arora, Neeraj Mittal, Salim Malik, Bala Bhat. Management of Atrophic Bulbi Using Scleral Shell Prosthesis: A Case Report. Journal Of Dental Peers, vol2(1) April 2014
  1. Dr. Nikhil, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Dilip Kakade, Dr. Riddhi Shah Angulated Implants; An alternative to bone augmentation and sinus liftprodure: Systematic review. “Journal and Diagnostic research Vol9(03) Pp10-13
  2. Diksha Sharma, Aruna Bhat, Himanshu Arora, Bala Bhat. Comparison of color stability of four heat cure denture base resins in various staining solution & denture cleansers: In vitro study. International journal of prevention & clinical dental research.vol-2(3) Sept-2015.
  3. Bala Bhat, Deeksha Sharma, Himanshu Arora.A Novel technique to restore anterior Esthetics with cast partial denture International Journal of experimental dental science.vol-4,June-2015
  4. Dr. Shwetha Shetty Prosthodontic management of atwoods class V mandibular ridge utilizing natural zone technique and linear occlusion scheme- A case report, Indian Journal of Dental science Vol 7 (1) pp089-091 March 2015
  1. Asawa N, Bulbule NS, Kakade DM, Shah R. Evaluating Facial Esthetics by Relating. Upper & Lower Lips with E- plane: A Short Clinical Photographic Study. International Journal Of Scientific Study. Feb 2016, Vol (11): 100- 103.
  2. Mohit Kheur, Tanvi Sethi, Trevor Coward, Dilip Kakade, M.Rajkumar. Evaluation of the effect UV stabilizers on the change in color of a silicon elastomer following ageing by three different methods. An in vitro study. Journal of dental research and scientific development. July-Sept-2016;vol16(3).Pg.18-23
  3. Swarup S, Rajagopal P. Amelogenesis Imperfecta-Functional and Esthetic Rehabilitation: A Case Series. Journal of International Oral Health. 2016 Feb Vol 8(2) Pp 287-291.
  4. Sharma D, Bhat BS, Arora H. Restoring Anterior Aesthetics by a Rotational Path Cast Partial Denture: An Overlooked Technique. Journal of clinical & diagnostic research.vol-10(5), May-2016.
  5. Dr. Madhura Kaluskar, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Amit Jagtap, Dr. Dilip Kakade. A Unique reverse approach for establishing original anterior guidance of missing anterior teeth.- A casereport, European Journal of Biomedical & Pharmacaceutical Sciences. Vol(11). Oct 2016 pg 421-424
  6. Dr. Guruprasad Handal, Dr. Amit Jagtap, Dr. Deepak Kelgardre, Dr. Girish Nazirkar & Dr. Shailendra Singh. Prosthetic Rehabilitation of an Aculor Defect with The Combination of Prefabricated & Custom made Prosthesis. International Journal of Current Research vol.8(10) Oct. 2016 pg39968-39971
  1. Dr. Pooja Dang, Dr. Amit Jagtap, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule. Radiographic Comparison Of Guided Bone Regeneration With Membranes In Dental Implant Cases A Systematic Review. International Journal Of Current Research Vol 9 (02) Feb2017 pg 46395-46400
  2. Dr. Chandra Ahuja, Dr. Amit Jagtap, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule And Dr. Arpita Tandan. Bone Density In Immediate, Delayed And Progressive Implant Loading Protocolsin Maxillary Posterior Region. International Journal Of Current Research Vol- 9 (08) Feb.2017 pg 46872-46878
  3. Dr. Aditya Chandele, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Dilip Kakade, Dr. Arpita Tandan Comprative Strength Of Surface Hardness & Compressive Strength Of Type III Gypsum After Addition Of 2% Gum Arabic & 0.2% Calcium Hydroxide. International Journal Of Current Research Vol 9 (02) Feb. 2017
  4. Dr. Mohit Kheur, Dr. Dilip Kakade, Dr. Tanja Sethi, Dr. M. Kajkumar. Evalution of the Effect Of ultraviolet stabilizers on the change in colour of Pigmented Silicon Elastomer: An In Vitro Study, Journal Of Indian Prosthodontics Society. Vol 16 (3) March 2017
  5. Dr. Mansi Jain, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Nayana Anasane. Trends in Restoring Antrophied Mandibular Ridges With Implants Over A Period Of Three Decades. Internation Journal Of Current Research Vol 9 (03) March 2017 pg 47950-47956
  6. Dr. Arpita Tanden, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Amit Jagtap, Dr. Chandra Ahuja. Effect of Implant Design & Surface Modification On Osseointegration. International Journal Of Current Research Vol 9 (03) March 2017 pg 479994-48003
  7. Dr. Mansi Jain, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Nayana Anasane. A Collaborative Approach towards Speech Analysis In Patients Rehabilited With Maxillary Obturator Prosthesis. International Journal Of Current Research Vol 9 (03) March 2017
  8. Dr. Vinayak Bharate Influence of different forms and materials of (Zirconium/Titanium) abutments in peri-implant soft-tissue healing using MMP-8 A Randomized pilot study Journal of prosthetic dentistry Vol 118(4) March 2017
  9. Dr. Rachal Quodros, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Amit Jagtap, Dr. Dilip Kakade. Osteo-Odonto-Kerato Prosthesis A Tooth In An Eye Treatment For Corneal Blindess A Review. International Journal Of Applied Dental Science Vol 9 (04)April 2017
  10. Dr. Neha Hakepatil, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Amit Jagtap Radiation carriers: Preventive Approach from Radiations during Chemotherapy. International Journal of Current Research Vol- 9, Issue- 04 April 2017
  11. Dr. Bala Bhat, Dr. Manish Jadhav Effect of age and gender on display of maxillary and mandibular teeth during rest speech and function. Internation journal of current research Vol- 9, Issue- 04 April 2017
  12. Dr. Onkar Jabade Dr. Dilip Kakade, Dr. Nayana Anasane & Riddhi Kulkarni. Compating Mandibular 2 Implants Supportrd Overdenture & Convation Mandibular Complete Denture On The Basis Of Patient Compliance & Cost Factor. A Systematic Review. Internation Journal Of Current Research Vol 9 (05) May 2017
  13. Dr. Mohd. Siddique, Dr. Nayana Anasane, Dr. Dilip Kakade Denture Stability in Compromised Mandibular Residual Ridge with Neutral Zone Technique. Internation Journal Of Current Research Vol 9 (05) May 2017
  14. Dr. Riddhi Kulkarni, Dr. Dilip Kakade, Dr. Nayana Anasane, Dr. Onkar Jabade Trends in treatment modilities for hemimandibulactomy patient: A systematic review Internation Journal Of Current Research Vol- 9, Issue- 05 May 2017
  15. Dr. Manish Jadhav Gingival colored porcelain- A clinical report of an esthetic prosthetic paradigm International journal of basic medical research Vol- 7, Issue- 04 Oct 2017
  16. Dr. Anshu Nair, Dr. Nayana Anasane, Dr. Dilip Kakade Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of three commercially available disintectants on irreversible hydrocolloid materials by spray method. An in vitro study Internation Journal Of Current Research Vol 9(10) Oct 2017
  17. Dr. Mohit G.Kheur, Dr. Dilip Kakade, Coward J. Trevor2, Tanrez Amin Lakha, Tania Sethi Effect of newly developed pigments and ultraviolet absorbers on the color change of pigmented silicone elastomer Vol 17 (4) Nov 2017
  18. Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Arpita Tandon, Dr. Dilip Kakade To Evaluate & Compare effect of different thickness of heat cured polymethyl methacrylate denture base resins stored in distil water & articial saliva at different time intervals on sorption & linear dimensional change-An invitro study; International Journal of current research. Vol 9(11) Nov 2017;pp61510-61512
  19. Dr. Yogesh Ahirrao, Dr. Shalini Aggarwal, Dr. Nayana Anasane Effect of different cavity congurations on the tensile bond strength of hybrid and nanofilled composites- in vitro study International Journal of current research. April 2017 Vol 9(4) pp49350-49354
  20. Dr. Mrunal Burute, Dr. Dilip Kakade, Dr. Nayana Anasane, Dr. Madhura Kaluskar Non splitted mandalities full arch prosthesis with midifid PEEK material- A case report International Journal of current research. Nov 2017 Vol 9(4) pp49417-49419
  21. Dr. Yogesh Kumar, Dr. Vinayak Bharate, Dr. Dinesh Babu, Dr. Chandralekha Verma. A Simple and Innovative Technique Prosthetic Rehabilitation of continuous Maxillary and Orbital Defect. International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, April- June 2017 Vol 7 (2) Pp-1-4
  1. Dr. Attargekar VM, Dr. Nidawani P., Dr. Galagali G. and Dr. Harsh RH Analysis of DentalAnxiety Levels in Patients Receiving Prosthodontic Care and effectiveness of Music Therapy in Reducing Dental Anxiety- A Clinical Study International Journal of Current Advanced Research April., 2018 Vol 7 (4) Pp 11746-11750
  2. Dr. Chandra Ahuja, Dr. Amit Jagtap, Dr. Nilesh bulbule. The effect of different palatal vault configurations on flexural strength using resin denture base materials. Journal of Indian Dental Association. June 2018 Vol 12 (6) Pp 11-19
  3. Dr. Pallavi Prasannan, Dr. Amit Jagtap, Dr. Dilip Kakade. Evaluation of effect of different implant collar designs on soft tissue attachment at the neck of the implant-A systematic Review JIDA Aug. 2018 Vol 12(8)
  4. Dr. Arpita Tandan, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Amit Jagtap, Dr. Dilip Kakade. Comparative evolution of the Dimensional Accuracy of Closed Tray & Open Tray Impression Technique for Dental Implants using Two Different Impression materials- Invitro Study. Journal Clinical & Diagnostic Research Vol 12(11) Nov. 2018 Pp ZC34-ZC38
  5. An Innovative Method to Determine the Width of Maxillary Anterior Teeth with the Help of Measurements Obtained From The Master Cast Jadhav Manish Shivaji, Pallavi Vaidya, Roopa K. T., Rohit Wadhwa, Anjali Wadhwa, Piyush Gandhi (Ahead of Print) The Journal of contempory dental practice.
  6. Mapkar Mohammed A, Jagtap Amit, Asadullah Syed Ruby Syed. Effect of two desensitizing agents on crown retention using zinc phosphate cement. International Journal of Oral Care and Research. Year : 2018 | Volume: 6 | Issue Number: 4 | Page: 64-68 -GOOGLE SCHOLAR
  7. MA Mapkar, A Jagtap, SRS Asadullah. Effect of two different types of desensitizing agents on crown retention using glass ionomer cement. International Journal of Oral Care and Research, 2018 -GOOGLE SCHOLAR
  8. Marathe S. Discolouration of acrylic resin teeth due to cigarette smoke. Journal of Indian Prosthodontics society. 2018; 18: S64. PUBMED
  1. Dr. Bhagyashree S. Dange, Dr. Vikas Vartak and Dr. Ajay Mootha Reliability of two Different Commercially Available Shade Guides For The Shade Selection of Maxillary Central Incisors. International Journal of Current Research Jan., 2019 Vol11(01) Pp 613-617
  2. Dr. Samruddhi Ghodmare, Dr. Dilip Kakade, Dr. Nayana Anasane, Dr. Vaibhav Jathar, Dr. Pooja Thawani Evaluation of accuracy of Implant Placement by Template Guides and free Hand Surgery. International Journal of Research in Health and Allied Sciences May-June 2019 Vol 5(3) Pp51-54
  3. Dr. Prerna Kulkarni, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Dilip Kakade, Dr. Neha Hakepatil. Radiographic stents and surgical stents in Implant placements: An Overview. International Journal of Current Research and Review June 2019 Vol 11 (12) Pp11-15
  4. Dr. Aniket Gupta, Dr. Siddharth Swarup, Dr. Swapnil Kurhade. Identification of an herbal ingredient that could be incorporated in oral topical cleansing aids & performs the action of carries pre sention: A clinical study. Journal of research & advancement in Industry July 2019 Vol 9 (3S) 50-57
  5. Dr. Prena Kulkarni, Dr. Nilesh Bulbule, Dr. Dilip Kakade, Dr. Shalu Mondal, Dr. Akanksha Bhandari Influence of Different Implant Abutment Connection Design on Abutment Screw Loosening in Dental Implant Systems- A Systematic Review. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies Aug., 2019 Vol 3 (8) Pp 117-124
  6. Dr. Vedashree Natu, Dr. Nayana Anasane, Dr. Amit Jagtap. Clinical Evaluation Associated with Bleeding on Probing of Soft Tissue Around Dental Implants Restored with Cement Retained and Screw Retained Prosthesis: A Systematic Review Indian Journal of Dental Education Vol. 12 (3) Sep.2019
  7. Dr. Vedashree Natu, Dr. Nayana Anasane, Dr. Amit Jagtap. Management of Flabby Ridge During Fabrication of complete denture , Challenge in clinical practice: A case report Indian journal of Dental Education Oct- Dec 2019 Vol. (12) 4 pp 161-163
  8. Patil, Amita D.; Shetty, Soumya; Mulay, Sanjyot; Jagtap, Pritesh; Gandage, Dhananjay; Ghare, Sailee. Effect of various mixing techniques of MTA on compressive strength and surface microhardness-A systematic review. Pravara Medical Review . Jun2019, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p36-39. SCOPUS
  9. Dr. Seema Marathe. Book- Post Endodontic Restoration by Notion Press Publisher, ISBN Number-9781646507504
  1. Sanika S. Shah, Amit Jagtap, Shwetha Shetty, Pooja Kachi Success Rate of Dental Implants placed with Piezoelectric Ridge Splitting - A Systematic Review Journal of Indian Dental Association - Vol 14 - Issue 2 - February 2020
  2. Siddique Mohammed Qureshi, Nayana Shriram Anasane, Dilip Kakade Comparative evaluation of the amount of gingival displacement using three recent gingival retraction systems- In vivo study Contemporary clinical Dentistry: vol (11) 1 Jan-March 2020 pp 28-33
  3. Dr. Pooja Thawani, Dr. Nayana Anasane, Dr. Amit Jagtap Comparative evaluation of retention characteristics of ball attachment and locator attachment system in implant retained over dentures – A systematic review International Journal of current research Vol. (12) 4 April 2020
  4. Dr. Bhagyashree Dange Prosthesis rehabilitation of a post evisceration patient with an ocular prosthesis: A case report International journal of scientific research Vol. (9) 5 May 2020 pp 65-66
  5. Dr. Siddhique Qureshi, Dr. Nayana Anasane, Dr. Amit Jagtap The effect of two regenerative surgical treatments forperi-implantitis defect using porous titanium granules alone and a combination of bovine bone mineral withcollagen membrane: A systematic review. Journal of Dental Implant July, 2020 Vol 10 (1) Pp 45-49
  6. Pooja Kachi, Amit Jagtap, Siddharth Swarup, Sanika Shah Comparative evaluation of Primary stability, insertion torque, implant bone contact in osseodensification and convention osteotory- A systematic review Journal of Indian Dental Association Vol 14 Issue 7 July 2020
  7. Dr. Lalit Patil, Dr. Manish Jadhav, Dr. Krishnapriya Nene, Dr. Siddharth Swarup, Dr. Rohit Wadhawa, Dr. Saurabh Yadav Assesment of Prevalence of Dental Fear and its Relation with Caries in School Children Journal of Indian Dental association Ludhiana Vol. 5 Issue 1 2021 Pp 46-52
  8. Lalit Patil1* Manish Shivaji Jadhav2 Krishnapriya Nene3 Siddharth Swarup4 Saurabh Yadav5Neha Verma Singh6Analysis of Microleakage in Restorative Materials Used for Primary Teeth Comparative Study J Res Adv Dent 2020;11:1:120-124.
  9. Dr. Bala Bhat, Dr. Deeksha Gupta, Dr. Seema Marathe, Dr. Na,rata Shah Naidu, Dr. Himanshu Arora Assessment of denture cleaning habits and the various denture cleaning methods used by the elderly people of south coastal Karnataka- A short study International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR) Sep., 2020 Vol 3 (5) Pp399-404
  10. Dr. Nidhi Momaya, Dr. Ansu Elizabeth Blessan Trends in publications of review of literature in prosthodontic journals – A 5 year retrospective study. IJDSR June 2020;3(3):164-173. GOOGLE SCHOLAR
  11. Ankur Chauhan, Rohit Singh, Manish Shivaji Jadhav et al. Assessment of accuracy of different materials used in impressions for fixed partial dentures. EJMCM 2020;7(9):3072-3076. SCOPUS
  12. Padam Singh, Siddharth Swarup, Bhushan Bangar et al. Gingival retraction produced by different retraction systems- A comparative study. EJMCM 2020;7(11):5898-5902. SCOPUS
  13. Akanksha N Bhandari, Nilesh S. Bulbule, Amit K Jagtap, Trunaya Bhatlekar, Amit Nandi, Shalu Mondal. A Zone of Minimal Conflict: “The Neutral Zone” – Case Series with 6 Month Follow Up. Review International Journal of Current Research and Review.Dec2020.23(12).152-155
  1. Amit Nandi1, Nilesh S Bulbule2, Shalu S Mondal, Akansha Bhandari, Prerna Kulkarni4, Amit Jagtap5 The Effect of Different Dental Implant Thread Designs on Stress Distribution on Bone – A Systematic Review International Journal of Current Research and Review Vol 13 Issue 01 January 2021
  2. Lalit Patil, Manish Shivaji Jadhav, Krishnapriya Nene, Siddharth Swarup, Rohit Wadhwa, Saurabh Yadav. Assessment of Prevalence of Dental Fear and its Relation with Caries in School Children. IDA Ludhiana’s Journal – le Dentistry Vol.5 Issue 1 2021 GOOGLE SCHOLAR
  3. Bhandari AN, Bulbule NS, Bhatt V, Bhatlekar T, Mondal S, Jagtap A. Comparison of Photographic and Visual Method for Tooth Shade Selection Using Two Shade Guides: A Clinical Research to Improve Shade Communication. International Journal of Current Research Review. Vol 13; Issue 13; July 2021, Pp 18-23. SCOPUS
  4. Dr. Seema Marathe. Effect of Orthodontic Treatment on Endodontically Treated Tooth: A Clinical Study , Annals of R.S.C.B. May 2021, Vol. 25, (6) , 12671 – 12674. (SCOPUS)
  5. Trunaya Bhatlekar, Siddharth Swarup, Swapnil Kurhade, Manish Jadhav, Dhananjay Gandage and Amit Jagtap. Chitosan – A naturally occurring viable alternative to Nystatin as an anti-fungal agent incorporated in heat polymerised denture base resin. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2021; 7(11): 5904-5915. GOOGLE SCHOLAR
  6. Agarwal TG, Jagtap AK, Bulbule NS, Jathar VP. Comparative evaluation of effect of three different crowm to implant ratio on marginal bone loss: A systematic review, J Dent Implant 2021; vol. 11, issue 1, pages 4-12. GOOGLE SCHOLAR
  7. Attargekar V, Galagali G, Reddy ES, Nidawani P, Harsha RH, Naik S. Evaluation of stress distribution in maxillary anterior bone from three different tapered implant thread designs with two angulated abutments: A 3-dimensional finite element analysis study. J Dent Implant 2021;11:53-9. GOOGLE SCHOLAR
  8. Dr Bhagyashree Dange, Carol Fernandes. Enhancing Esthetics of Fixed Prosthesis in Anterior Region with an Innovative Pontic Design in conjunction with Periodontal Plastic Surgery- A Case Report. Clinical Dentistry 2021; XV;27:30. GOOGLE SCHOLAR
  9. Bhagyashree Dange, Ajay Mootha, VNV Madhav, Sonal Kale, Siddhi Nevrekar, Vikas Attargekar. Comparison of temperature rise within pulp chamber during light curing of composite restoration. Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume 138, Issue 37, e50946. SCOPUS
  10. Dr. Manish Jadhav Assesment of habits of tobacco use among dental and non dental students of Indian population: a cross sectional study. Journal of pharmacy and biolallied sciences. Vol 13 issue 1 june 2021. SCOPUS
  11. Fernandes D, Anasane Nayana, Jagtap A, Gandage D, Thawani Pooja , Iti jain, Rajpurohit L. Prevalence of Gloden Proportion, Recurring Esthetic Dental(RED) Proportion and Preston’s Proportion in Aesthetic Dentition amongb local population- A cross section study. Annals of R.S.C.B, ISSN:1583-6258, vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, pages. 13015-13022 Received 25 april 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021. SCOPUS
  12. Kadam A, Kurhade S. Orbital Prosthesis- When life gets blurry adjust your focus (A case report) International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research. Vol 3, Issue 3,May June 2021, Page 91-95 WEB OF SCIENCE
  13. Padam Singh, Siddharth Swarup. COVID 19 & Dental Practice: A comprehensive review. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Enquiry;2021: vol. 12. GOOGLE SCHOLAR
  1. Dr. Amit Jagtap doi:10.9734/jpri/2022/v34i9A35492. Shruti, G. T. and Amit, K. J. (2022) “Comparative Evaluation of the Relationship between Different Anthropometric Measurements on the Face with the Mesiodistal Width of the Maxillary Central Incisor in Males and Females in Local Population in Pune, India”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(9A), pp. 9-17. Dudhani, S., Shetty, S. and Jagtap, A. (2021) “Comparative Evaluation of the Influence of Single Preoperative Antibiotic Dose of Amoxicillin (1gm) and Postoperative Antibiotic Dose of Amoxicillin Drug (500mg) Regimen on Postoperative Outcome and Implant Stability in Single Tooth Dental Implant Surgery: Randomized Controlled Trial”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 33(60B), pp. 2108-2119. doi: 10.9734/jpri/2021/v33i60B34852.
  2. Dr. Nilesh Bulbule Mondal SS, Bulbule NS, Anasane NS, Nandi A, Jagtap AK, Bhandhari A. Digital impressions: One-step closer to precision. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2022 Aug 8]. Dr.Akansha Shinde,Dr.Nilesh Bulbule,Dr.Gyatri Balachandran,Dr.Amit Jgtap, “Decreased mean chair side time and occlusal interferences post-insertion of removable or fixed prosthesis fabricated using functionally generated path technique-A scoping review”,IJDSIR –May-2022,Vol.-5,Issue-3,P.No.628-635
  3. Dr. Dhananjay Gandage and Dr.Swapnil Kurhade Narute N, Gandage DS, Das NK, Kurhade S, Mahagaonkar PA, Jagtap A, Rajpurohit L, Bulbule N. DENTURE-CLEANSERS AND DENTURE BIOFILM. JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. 2022 May 10;54(5):2022.
  4. Dr. Seema Marathe Marathe, S., Asopa, V., Sharma, M., Deepika, D., Verma S., & Wadhwa, R.(2022). Assessment of salivary titanium levels among patients undergoing dental implants:A case control study.International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S6), 1752-1756.
  5. Dr. Bhagyashree Dange Vajpayee A, Dange BS, Manerikar R, Sharma V, Srivastava S, Patil MV. SEM study of the effect of passive ultrasonic irrigation on the cleanliness of dentinal tubules in endodontic retreatment . International Journal of Health Science. 2022 Jul. 19 [cited 2022 Aug. 8];6(S4).
  6. Dr. Siddharth Swarup Bangar,B.,Reddy,S.D.J.,Arif,S.M.,Asopa,V.,Swarup,S.,&Kaur,I.B.(2022).Analysis of accuracy of two different implant impression technique: A comparative study. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S6).
  7. Dr. Nayana Anasane 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3318 Fernandes DS, Anasane NS, Jagtap AK. Splinting Open Tray Impression Copings Using Long Shank Carbide Burs during Definitive Impression: A Dental Technique. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (5):566-568.
Faculty name & Designation Name of the Journal Category I / II / III Year of Publication Points
Dr. Amit Jagtap An Eye for an Eye- An Ocular Prosthetic Rehabilitation Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 7), 4862-4868 - 2023 -
Dr.Nilesh Bulbule. A Questionnaire Study to Assess Level of Knowledge, Awareness and Management of Mucormycosis Among Prosthodontists working in dental hospitals/teaching institutions in Pune District Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 14 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ 2023 - 2023 -
- Fatigue Resistance of Two Different Materials Used as Retentive Attachments in Implant Supported Overdenture after Immersion in Denture Cleaning Solution: An In vitro Comparative Study - 2023 -
Dr.Nayana Anasane A Comparative Evaluation of the Fracture Resistance of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) Plus and MTA Angelus: An In Vitro Study Open Access Original Article - 2023 -
Dr. Dhananjay Gandage COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF APICAL SEALING ABILITY OF MTA PLUS AND MTA ANGELUS: AN INVITRO STUDY Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 7), 4801-4807 - 2023 -
- A Comparative Evaluation of the Fracture Resistance of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) Plus and MTA Angelus: An In Vitro Study Open Access Original Article - 2023 -
Dr.Siddharth Swarup COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF APICAL SEALING ABILITY OF MTA PLUS AND MTA ANGELUS: AN INVITRO STUDY Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(Special Issue 7), 4801-4807 - 2023 -
- Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets to Temporary Crowns: In Vitro Effects of Surface Treatment Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, Month 2023 - 2023 -
Dr. Seema Marathe In vivo Study to Evaluate the Effect of Instrument Size on the Accuracy of Three Different Apex Locators when Various Irrigation Solutions are Used in Vital and Non‑vital Teeth 2023 Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences - 2023 -
Dr.Aparna Deo Assessment of Prognosis of Dental Implants in Diabetic Patients: A Clinical Study 2023 Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences - 2023 -
Dr. Samidha Shinde Effect of aging on colour stability of monolithic multilayered zirconia crowns-an invitro study  - 2023 -
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