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Department of Public Health Dentistry & Preventive Dentistry
List of Publications
Sonawane Madhuri,
Shetiya Sahana Hegde
, Shirahatti Ravi, Agarwal Deepti, Mahuli Simpy. Comparison of chewing ability, oral health related quality of life and nutritional status before and after insertion of complete denture amongst edentulous patients in a dental college of Pune. Ethiop J Health Sci. 2014:24:3
Pubmed, Scopus
Thakkar K, Hegde-Sehtiya S, Devadiga A, Agarwal D, Mahuli A. Change in knowledge, attitude and practice regarding oral cancer and screening practices through visual oral examination among medical officers of primary health centres in pune district, Maharashtra. “East African Journal of Public Health. 2014:11:1:697-03.
Dr. S P Kakade,
S H Shetiya
,P Kakodkar, D Agarwal.Periodontal status of type I diabetics compared to non-diabetic participants: a preliminary study. Ceylon Medical Journal 2014:59:1:19-20
Machale P,S,
Hegde-Shetiya Sahana
, Shirahatti, Ravi Agarwal, Deepti. Assessment of non-cavitated and cavitated carious lesions among 12-15 years old government and private school children in Pune, Maharashtra, India Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 2014:2:117-24(web edition of this journal)
Dr. Ravi Shirahatti,
Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya
, Review of Research designs and statistical methods employed in dental post graduate Dissertations" Indian Journal of Dental Research,2015:26(4):327-34.,
Kamal Shigli,
et al. Perception and Knowledge of dental interns towards interdepartmental co-ordination for successful prosthodontic treatment: A pilot study. J Indian ProsthodontSoc 2015;15: 115-121.,
Chandan Kumar, Matsyapall, Nikita Ratnani, Rohit Agarwal, Anganwadi workers as Oral Health Guides: An Interventional Study. Journal of Dental Research and Scientific Development 2015:2, 2:33-37.
Google Scholar
Ladusingh Rajpurohit
, Nishant Mehta1, Anil V. Ankola2,Akshata Gadiyar2, Evaluation of the anti‑microbial activity of various concentration of wheat grass (Triticum aestivum) extract against Gram‑positive bacteria: An in vitro study,Journal of Dental Research and Review,2015:2(2):70-72
Google Scholar
Preethi Kusugal, Zarir Ruttonji, Roopa Gowda1,
Ladusingh Rajpurohit2
, Pritam Lad,Three‑dimensional facial analyses of Indian and Malaysian women, Contemporary Clinical Dentistry,Jul-Sep 2015:6(3)332-36.
Sushil Phansopkar,
Sahana Hegde-Shetiya
, Deepti Agrawal, Face and Content Validation of Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment Index among Few Subject Matter Experts in India, International Journal of Dental Health Concerns, Jan -april 2015:1(1)13-18,
Google Scholar
,PradnyaKakodkar,RaviShirahatti,Deepti Agarwal, Effect of using an intra‑oral camera as a reinforcement tool for plaque control in a supervised tooth brushing program: An interventional study Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, jan-july:2016: 14(2)110-15.,
Google Scholar
,AmitMahuli,SimpyMahuli, Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) amongst its users in Pune city. And chemical analysis of the three different E-cigarette cartridges. Journal of Dental Research and Scientific Devlopment,June2016:3(2)12-18 ,
Google Scholar
Suyog Savant,
Sahana Hegde-Shetiya
,Ravi Shirahatti,Deepti Agarwal,Cultural Competency amongst General Dental Practitioners in Mumbai – A KAP study,Juornal of Ahmadabad Dental, August 2016:
Sahana Hegde-Shetiya
,Amendment of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow, sept-201616(3)471
Google Scholar
Kamal Shigli, Neha Agrawal1, Chandrasekharan Nair2, Suresh Sajjan3,
Pradnya Kakodkar4,
Mamata Hebbal,Use of PowerPoint presentation as a teaching tool for undergraduate students in the subject of gerodontology,The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow,2016,16,2,185-90.
Pradnya Kakodkar
, Sushma Nayak,, Siddhi Hathiwala,Evaluating the effectiveness of mobile phone text messaging (short message service) as a reinforcement tool for improving the dental caries knowledge: An interventional study,Journal of Dental Research and Scientific Development,Jan-june 2016:3(1):2.
Google Scholar
Pradnya kakodkar,
Swati V Patil ,Santosh KumarSN,The effect of short Yoga Intervention on the anxiety and comfort level of the dental patients repoting for extraction International scientific yoga journal SENSE,2016 dec, Vol-II Dec.Pg-1-5
Google Scholar
Karan Talreja,
Ladusingh Rajpurohit
, Pooja Thawani. Effect of Statutory and Pictorial Health Warning among People Consuming Tobacco Products in Pune City, India – A Questionnaire Study. JCHM., Aug-2016;3(2):80-84
Google Scholar
Nitin Gupta
, Pushpanjali Krishnappa2, Inventory Analysis in a Private Dental Hospital in Bangalore, India, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research., nov-2016,10(11)10-12
Nitin Gupta
,VaibhavGupta,Efficiency of mobile dental unit in public health programs, International Journal of Medical Research &Health Sciences, Aug.2016 5,714-180,
Web of science, Google Scholar, NIH NLM,
Saurabh P. Kakade1,
Sahana Hegde-Shetiya2
, Amit Vasant Mahuli3, Simpy Amit Mahuli3, Deepti Agrawal2,Assessment of Oral Health Status and Normative Treatment Needs of Residents of Nimbut Village, Pune, Maharashtra, India, International Journal of Dental Health Concerns,2016,2,
Google Scholar
Nitin Gupta
,Effectiveness of Training Program Related to Infection Control and Waste Management Practices in a Private Dental College,Pune − A Quasi-Experimental Study.Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry,2017,15(1),4-7Google Scholar,
Google Scholar,UGC
Vaibhav Gupta,
Nitin Gupta
, Gargi S Sarode, Sachin C Sarode, ShankargoudaPatil, Assessment of Equipment Utilization and Maintenance Schedule at a Dental Institution in Bengaluru, India.World Journal of Dentistry 2017,8(2),
Google Scholar
Roshani MChawla Pranjan Mitra,
Sahana H Shetiya
, Deepti R Agarwal, D Satya Narayana, Nikhil Bomble Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Women in Slums of Pimpri, Chinchwad, Pune, Maharashtra, India, regarding Usage of Mishri,The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice,March 2017;Vol-;18,3Pg-218-221.
Nitin Gupta,
,Sushil Phansopkar,Deepti Agarwal,Pradnya Kakodkar, SahanaHegde‑Shetiya,Effectiveness of Prevention‑oriented School Oral Health Program in aPrivate School in Pimpri, Pune,Journal of Dental Research and Review | January-March 2017Volume 4 | Issue 1 |Pg-21-24 Indexed,
Google Scholar
Sahana H Shetiya,
Deepti R Agarwal, Pranjan Mitra, Nikhil A Bomble, D Satya Narayana Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Pregnant Women regarding Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs following Oral Health Education in Pune District of Maharashtra: A Longitudinal Hospital-based Study,The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, May 2017 Vol-;18,5Pg-371-377,
Deepika Dagar,
Pradnya Kakodkar
, Dr.Sahana hegde-Shetiya,Dr.Sushil Phansopkar,Dr.Khushboo thakkar, Fruit Hookah,Journal of Dental Research and Review,2017,4,55 ,
Google Scholar
Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya1
, Dr. Abhishek Kumbhalwar2, Dr.Pradnya Kakodkar 3Dr. L Rajpurohit4 ,Comparative assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, Practice regarding sustainable development amongst Under Graduate and Post Graduate students of Dentistry in Pune city, The Research Journal (TRJ): A Unit Of I2or,2017,3,
Google Scholar
Saurabh P. Kakade,
,Ravi V. Shirahatti ,Deepti Agrawal,Amit Mahuli,Simpy mahuli ,Dental Care Utilization Pattern and Barriers Encountered Toward Seeking Oral Health Care Services among the Residents of Nimbut Village,Maharashtra, India,Journal of Dental Research and Review ,2017,4,3,63-66,
Google Scholar
Dr.Shruti Nair,Dr.
Pradnya Kakodkar
,Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya ,The Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS-Marathi,Journal of Dental Research and Review ,2017,4,4,114-15,
Google Scholar
Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar
,Editorial,Scenarios for Problem‑solving Activity for the Postgraduate Students of Public Health Dentistry,Journal of Dental Research Review,2017,4,1,2,-3,
Google Scholar
Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar
,Editorial,A Tribute to Dr. Abhay Bang,Journal of Dental Research and Scientific Development,2017,4,3,57,
Google Scholar
Dr Akshatha Gadiyar, Dr Anil V Ankola,
Dr Ladusingh Rajpurohit
Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of Ocimum Sanctum L. (Tulsi) Extract Against Streptococcus Mutans and Lactobacillus Acidophilus – An in Vitro Study Journal of Health Sciences and Research (IJHSR) (April 2017),Vol. 7; Issue: 4,Pg-224-28,
Google Scholar
Sushmita Deshpande,
Ladusingh Rajpurohit
, Vivian Varghese Kokka1, Effectiveness of Braille and audio‑tactile performance technique for improving oral hygiene status of visually impaired adolescents,Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, 2017, 21, 1, 27-31,
Pranav Pramod Shinde,
Sahana Hegde Shetiya
, Deepti Agarwal, Anmol Mathur Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice about Infant OralHygiene Care among Indian Professional Working Mothers:A Questionnaire Study,,Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry ,2018,16,1,58-61
Google Scholar
Shruti Nair,
Pradnya Kakodkar
, Sahana Hegde Shetiya, Ladusingh Rajpurohit, Sonal Kale,Impact of Different Levels of Caries Experience on the Qualityof Life of Preschool Children and Their Families in Pimpri,Pune: A Cross‑Sectional Study,Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry ,2018,16,3,193-97
,Google Scholar
Pranav PramodShinde,
Sahana Hegde Shetiya
, Deepti Agarwal, Anmol Mathur ,Perceptions and Attitudes among Interns of Dental Collegesin Pune District toward Community Outreach Program:A Qualitative Study,Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 2018,16,3,236-41
Google Scholar
Vini Mehta,
Sahana Hegde Shetiya
, Pradnya Kakodkar, Chandrashekar Janakiram,Suliankatchi Abdulkader Rizwan,Efficacy of herbal dentifrice on the prevention of plaque and gingivitis as compared to conventional dentifrice:A systematic review and meta‑analysis,Journal of Indian Society of Periodontolog,2018,22,5,
Pradnya Kakodkar
, Switching from “Teach and Learn” Approach to “Facilitate and Construct” for Dental Students of Gen Z,Journal of Dental Research and Review ,Jan-March,2018,Volume 5 | Issue 1,Pg-1-2
Google Scholar
Pradnya Kakodkar,
In an Interview with Dr. Ramesh Bhonde,Journal of Dental Research and Review,Jan-March,2018,Volume 5 | Issue 1,Pg-1-2,
Google Scholar
Pradnya Kakodkar
, Journal’s Peer-Review Process: Point of View from the Triad (Contributor, Peer Reviewer and the Editor),Journal of Dental Research and Review ,April-June- 2018,Volume 5 | Issue 2,Pg-33-34
,Google Scholar
Deeksha Gijwani1 , Simarpreet Singh2 ,
Anmol Mathur3
, Vikram Pal Aggarwal4 , Aditi Sharma5 , Nikita Goyal6 , Salvi Setia7, Effect of Opioids on Oral Health Status among Institutionalised Drug Addicts in a District of Rajasthan, India,Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,2018 Apr 12(4,Pg -1-4,
Aditi Sharma, Naveen Oberoi, Simarpreet Singh,
Vikram Pal Aggarwal, Manu Batra,Utilization of health‑care schemes: A ground reality ofIndian scenario,Journal of Oral Research and Review,2018,10,45-49,
Google Scholar
Akshatha Gadiyar,Anil Ankola,
Ladusingh Rajpurohit
,Awareness of anti tobacco advertisements and its influence on attitude towards tobacco used among 16-18 year old students in Belgaum city – A cross sectional study,Journal of education and health promotion ,2018 ,7,1-6,
Vikram Pal Aggarwal,
Anmol Mathur1
, Aditi Mathur2 ,A 1‑year appraisal of pit and fissure sealants following disinfection with and without chlorhexidine solution: An in vivo randomized trial,Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry,2018,36,4,402-06,
Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar,Editorial,Gen Z Students: Newer Teaching Methods and its Application in Dentistry,Journal of Dental Research and Scientific Development,2018,5,4,103-04
Google Scholar
Aditi Sharma , Simarpreet Singh
, Anmol Mathur
, Vikram Pal Aggarwal ,
Neha Gupta, Diljot Kaur Makkar , Manu Batra , Deeksha Gijwani ,Route of Drug Abuse and Its Impact on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life among Drug Addicts,Addict Health, Summer 2018,10,3,148-54,
S Shetiya
A Kumbhalwar P Kakodkar,Prevalence of precancerous lesions and conditions amongst Indian tobacco users: systematic review andmeta-analysis(OA 05-230-25),International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease,2018,22,11,S-78,
Wos Scopus
Sonal Sadashiv Kal
e ,Pradnya Kakodkar ,Sahana Hegde Shetiya ,Assessment of oral findings of dental patientswho screen high and no risk for obstructive sleepapnea (OSA) reporting to a dental college – Across sectional study ,Sleep Science,2018,11,
Aditi Sharma, Simarpreet Singh1,
Anmol Mathur2
, Manu Batra1, Vikram Pal Aggarwal1, Puneet Kaur3, Deeksha Gijwani1,students, Association of personality traits with anxiety and depression among clinical and nonclinical dental students, Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry,2019,17,1,31-34,
Google Scholar
Dr. Vikram Pal Aggarwal1*, Dr. Niharika Goyal2 , Dr Manu Batra3 ,
Dr Anmol Mathur4
, Dr Aditi Mathur5,Relationship of Dexterity with Dental Caries among Subjects Having Whorl Pattern: A Dermatoglyphic Study, ARC Journal Of Dental Science,2019,4,2,1.-5
Salvi Setia, Simarpreet Singh,
Anmol Mathur1
, Manu Batra, Vikram Pal Aggarwal, Deeksha Gijwani,Sleep quality impact on oral health status of sugar mill workers of Fazilizka, Punjab A Cross Sectional Survey, Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry,2019,17,2,125-29,
Google Scholar
Sonal Sadashiv Kale
, Pradnya Kakodkar, Sahana Hegde Shetiya, Assessment of Mothers ability in caries diagnosis, utilizing the Smartphone photographic method, Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry,2019,37,4,360-64,
Dipika Dagar ,Pradnya Kakodkar,
Sahana Hegde Shetiya
, Evaluating the cyberchondria construct among computer engineering students in Pune (India) Using Cyberchondria Severity Scale (CSS-15),Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,2019,23,3,117-20,
Sonal Sadashiv Kale
, Pradnya Kakodkar, Sahana Hegde Shetiya, Dental caries prevalence among 5-15 years old children from SEAR countries of WHO- A systematic review and meta-analysis, Indian Journal of Dental Research,2019,30,6,937-47,Scopus & ICI
Vini Mehta1,
Sahana Hegde-Shetiya2
, Pradnya Kakodkar2, Nitin Gupta3,Knowledge and Practice on Current Regulatory Requirements for Members of Ethics Committee amongst Dental Colleges in India, Indian Journal of Public Health Research &Development,2019,10,12,282-87,
Saurabh P. Kakade1,
Sahana Hegde-Shetiya2
, Ravi Shirahatti, Deepti Agrawal, pradnya kakodkar,Asituational Analysis of Oral Health Programs in the Primary Schools of Pune City (India),Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development,2019,10,12,353-57,
A Kumbhalwar,
S Hegde-Shetiya
, P Kakodkar,H Gupte,Effectiveness of behavioral intervention in smokeless tobacco cessation among adult users reporting to a Dental Hospital - A randomized controlled trial”, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease,2019,23,10,S-419,
Wos Scopus
Mehta Vini1, Hegde S Sahana2, Kakodkar Pradnya3, Rajpurohit L4 Kumbhalwar Abhishek4,Association between Dental Caries and Multimedia Habits amongst Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Children, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine,2020,18,3,228-31,
Google Scholar
Shruti Nair, Pradnya Kakodkar, Sahana Hegde Shetiya, Ladusingh Rajpurohit,Efficacy of T. Cordifolia (Guduchi) against Plaque and Gingivitis‑A Clinico‑Microbiological Study, Indian Journal of Dental Research,202031,6,831-34,
Pubmed ICI
Ann. Polachirakal Tharakan1, Madhura Pawar1, Sonal Kale2,Effectiveness of licorice in preventing dental caries in children: A systematic review, Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry,2020,38,4,325-31
Parul Sharma, Simarpreet Singh,
Anmol Mathur1
, Manu Batra, Vikram Pal Aggarwal, Mankirat Kaur Gill,Impact of Educational Intervention on Oral Health Knowledge among AYUSH Workers in Sriganganagar, Rajasthan – A Quasi Experimental Study,Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry,2020,18,3,228-31,
Google Scholar
Dipika Dagar ,Pradnya Kakodkar,
Sahana Hegde Shetiya
, Content Analysis of Oral Health Information in Science Textbooks: A Cross sectional Study in Schools of Pune, India, Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry,2020,18,3,236-41,
Google Scholar
Dr.Mahima Bulani,
Dr.Sahana Hegde Shetiya
, Dr.Deepti Agarwal,Prevalence of Molar Incisor Hypo mineralization (MIH) amongst 8 to 11 years old government school children in Pune , Maharashtra – A Cross Sectional Study,Pravara Med Rev,2020,12,3,91-99,
Priti Dargad,
Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya
, An in-vitro comparative evaluation of antibacterial activity of white tea extract with chlorhexidine (0.2%) on Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonasgingivalis and Tannerella forsythia byAntimicrobial Susceptibility Testing,Drug Invention Today (http://jprsolutions.info/),2020,13,3,77-80,
Dipika Dagar ,Pradnya Kakodkar,
Sahana Hegde Shetiya
, Clinical significance vs statistical significance of chlorhexidine mouthwash vs herbal mouthwash in gingivitis: A systematic review,Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development,2020,11,7,229-234,
Dipika Dagar ,Pradnya Kakodkar,
Sahana Hegde Shetiya
, Oral Health Promoting Activities in Schools of Three Different Boards in Pune City- A Descriptive Study, Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth,2020,13,3,215-19,
Mahima Bulani,
Sahana H. Shetiya
, Dipti Agarwal, Anmol Mathur,Severe Early Childhood Caries, Hypoplasia-Associated Severe Early Childhood Caries and Deciduous Molar Hypomineralization amongst 3 to 6 Years Old Anganwadi Children in Pune, Maharashtra: A Cross-Sectional Study, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development,2020,11,4,174-79,
Nikhil Bomble
Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya
Dr,Deepti Agarwal, Association of periodontal status with lung function in patients with and without COPD visiting a Medical Hospital in Pune- A comparative pilot study,Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology,2020,24,1,67-71,
Scopus Pubmed
Nikhil Holla1,
Anmol Mathur2
, Aditi Mathur3, Habtom Bahta4, Nada Abrar4,Vikram Pal Aggarwal5,Perception of undergraduates enrolled in health science courses from Asmara Eritrea towards Hepatitis B,Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care,2020,9,1,271-75,
Sonal Sadashiv Kale
,Pradnya Kakodkar ,Sahana Hegde Shetiya ,Assessment of oral findings of dental patientswho screen high and no risk for obstructive sleepapnea (OSA) reporting to a dental college – Across sectional study ,Sleep Science,2018,11,
Sonal Sadashiv Kale
, Pradnya Kakodkar, Sahana Hegde Shetiya, Prevalence of dental caries among children aged 5-15 years from 9 countries of Eastern Mediterranean Region- A Meta-analysis,Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal,2020,26,6,726-35,
Dr.Suyog Savant,
Dr.Sahana Hegde Shetiya
,Effectiveness of pictorial health warnings present on Cigarette packet for smokers – a qualitative study,International Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal,2020,7,25,26-31,
Mehta Vini1, Hegde S Sahana2, Kakodkar Pradnya3, Kumbhalwar Abhishek4,Evaluating the effectiveness of “Tobacco Monitor” App in reporting violation of tobacco policy in the community, & Mathur Ankita5, Biomedical Informatics2021,17,2,206-12,
Pubmed EBSCO
Deepika S. Dagar, Pradnya V. Kakodkar1, Sahana H. Shetiya ,Effectiveness of Instructed Tooth Brushing on Plaque and Oral Hygiene Among the Visually Impaired Children from a Residential Blind School in Pune – An Interventional Study, Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth |Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow,2021,14,2,180-84
UGC care list
Deepika S. Dagar, Pradnya V. Kakodkar1,
Sahana H. Shetiya
,Effectiveness of Instructed Tooth Brushing on Plaque and Oral Hygiene Among the Visually Impaired Children from a Residential Blind School in Pune – An Interventional Study,Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth |Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow,2021,14,2,180-84
UGC care list
Aditi Mathur1, Anmol Mathur2, Vikram Pal Aggarwal3, Salivary Lead Levels in Mixed Unstimulated Saliva of Children and its Correlation with Dental Caries, International Journal of Current Research and Review,2021,13,8,
Ruttika Vijay Desaia,* , Nivedita Chandrashekhar Badrapurb , Harshitha Mittapallic ,Bagepalli Keshavappa Srivastavac , Shruthi Eshwarc , Vipin Jai,Brush Up”: An Innovative Technological Aid For Parents To Keep A Check Of Their Hildren’s Oral Hygiene Behaviour,Revista Paulista de Pediatria,2021,1,39,7-Jan,
Pubmed, Scopus
Fernandes D1, Anasane N2, Jagtap A3, Gandage D4, Thawani P5, Jain I6, Rajpurohit L7,Prevalence of Golden Proportion, Recurring Esthetic Dental (RED) Proportion and Preston’s Proportion in Aesthetic Dentition among local population – A cross sectional study, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology ,2021,25,6
Google Scholar
Dr. Abhilasha Bhawalkar, Dr. Shreya Gulati, Dr. Sanjyot Mulay, & Dr. Rajesh Shetty Antibacterial effectiveness of natural products alone and in combination with Calcium Hydroxide as Intracanal Medicaments : An In-Vitro Microbiological Study. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2021;5(06): 82-86.
Manihani AK, Mulay S, Beri L, Shetty R, Gulati S, Dalsania R. Effect of total-etch and self-etch adhesives on the bond strength of composite to glass-ionomer cement/resin-modified glass-ionomer cement in the sandwich technique – A systematic review. Dent Res J 2021;18:72.
Kurtarkar P, Aggarwal SD, Digholkar R, Dhatavkar P. Comparative evaluation of the cleaning efficacy of two commercially available buffered sodium hypochlorite solutions by measurement of lateral penetration of sealer into radicular dentin: A fluorescence microscopic study. J Dent Res Rev 2021; 8:16-9.
Rajesh Shetty, Poonam Joshi, Nitin Hariyani, Gargi Sarode, Vini Mehta Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Two Cavity Disinfectants on the Microtensile Bond Strength at Resin-Dentine Interface: In Vitro study -European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine.2021;8(1):2515-8260.
Dr. Somya Sahu Single visit endodontics - A review International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research.March2021;4(2):2581-5989.
Nikhil N. Borse, Anita Sanap, Shailendra Sonawane,Yogita Deshpande Internal Root Resorption - A Review- Annals of R.S.C.B.April 2021;25(4): 16723 – 16737.
Shruti Sudhakar Khade, Anita Babasaheb Tandale, Karishma Krishnakumar, Sayali Anil Maral1 Antifungal Efficacy of Commonly Used Endodontic Irrigating Solutions on C Albicans – A Systematic Review International Journal of Current Research and Review June 2021;13(11): 112-116.
Abhilasha Bhawalkar, Sanjyot Mulay, Himali Desai, Rajesh Shetty Comparative Evaluation Of Post-Operative Endodontic Pain Using Various Intracanal Medicaments After Instrumentation With Rotary Single-File System-Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) July2021;12(6):7060- 7068.
Eshani H. Shah, Pradeep Shetty, Shalini Aggarwal, Sanket Sawant, Ronit Shinde, Reetubrita Bhol,Effect of fibre-reinforced composite as a post-obturation restorative material on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth: A systematic review,The Saudi Dental Journal, 2021.07.006.
Jnananjan Chattopadhyay, Pushpraj Singh, Anmol Mathur,. Rohit Dhoot Patients' oral health-related quality of life and orthodontic treatment, Azerbaijan Medical Journal,2022,62,7,1917-26.
Kabir Suman Dash, Anmol Mathur, Sahana Hegde-Shetiya, Anindita Dutta, Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Parents of Children Aged 7-12years regarding Pit and Fissure Sealant Therapy - A Survey Questionnaire, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2022,13,5,811-16.WOS
Vini Mehta, Gerta Kaçani, Mohammed M. Al,Anwar Abdulkarim ,Hyaluronic Acid: A New Approach for the Treatment of Gingival Recession—A Systematic Review, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health,2022,19,14330,11,3, Pubmed/Scopus
Madhushree M,. Sashi Deepth Reddy.J, Ladusingh Rajpurohit, .Akanksha Anand, Jaspinder Kaur,Uses of Glass ionomer cements in dentistry,Neuroquantology,2022,20,12,3272-76,Pubmed
Dr Silpi Chatterjee, Dr Keerthana Chandrasekaran, Dr Safiya Fatima Khan , Abubakar Siddique, Reshma VJ, Faheem Muzaffar Mir, Muhaseena Muhamood,Association Of Temporomandibular Joint Signs & Symptoms With Dental Fluorosis & Skeletal Manifestations Of Hazaribag District, Jharkhand, India, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2022,54,10,314-20,Scopus
Shetiya SH, Kumbhalwar A, Kale SS,Tobacco habit abstinence through behavioral counseling among transgender persons of pune district: A quasi-experimental design, Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry,2022,20,4,384-87, WOS UGC
Mohammad Salameh Almahairah, Silpi Chatterjee, Namita Rajput, Bhupendra Kumar, Melanie Lourens, Role of Iot In Increasing Profitability Of Enterprises, Journal Of Northeastern University,2022,24,4,399-411,Scopus
Visha Shailesh Pandya, Vini Mehta, Mohammas Miraj, Sharifa M. Alasiry , Wdad Alanazy Tintu Thomas Uthup , Riyaz Ahamed Shaik, Monkeypox: An Unfamiliar Virus—Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics, Diagnosis, and Treatment with Special Emphasis on Oral Health,Diagnostics,2022,12,2749,12-Feb,Scopus
Nasser M Al Ahmari , Maram A. Alahmari, Mohammed M. Al Moaleem , Raghad S. A. Alshahrani , Fatimah F. Alqahtani , Waad Saeed Mohammed , Bandar M A Al Makramani , Vini Mehta , Aida Meto ,Physical, Optical, and Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Materials after Coffee Immersion and Evaluation of Cleaning Impact with Different Oral Hygiene Tools,Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health,2022,19,15047,14-Feb, Pubmed/Scopus
Ahmad Yahya K. Assiri,Jilani Saafi, Mohammed M. Al Moaleem, Vini Mehta,Ferrule effect and its importance in restorative dentistry: A literature Review,J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol,2022,14,4,e1-e14,Pubmed
Anu Gaikwad, Vini mehta, chirali shah, mansi agrawal, R. A. Shaik, Mashael b. Alharbi, M. Alrouji, s. Alhajlah, o. Alomeir, ritu kumar ahmad, Retrospective Analysis of Neutralizing Antibody Cocktail (Casirivimab and Imdevimab): A Game Changer in Treating Mild COVID-19 Patients,Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,2022,84,5,08-Jan
Dargad P, Shetiya S, Agarwal D, Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding green dentistry amongst the alumni of a private Dental College in Pune, Maharashtra – A questionnaire study, Ecology, Environment and Conservation,2022,28,8,S-134-S140
Subhashree Mohapatra, Rahul Mohandas, Monkeypox and Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease Outbreak in India: A Double Trouble?,Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology,2022,16,1,3138-3143,Scopus
Milanjeet KaurRaizada, Ladusingh Rajpurohit1, Jasmine Bhogal2,Cognizance of Precision Dental Medicine among Indian Dentists,Journal of Dental Research and Review,2022,1,9,24-28, 84,
UGC care list
Shruti Nair, Sahana Hegde Shetiya,Deepti Agarwal, Ladusingh Rajpurohit,Inventory development to assess perceptions and metacognition of dental students toward learning in colleges in Pune, India, Journal of Education and Health Promotion,2022,11, Sopus
Mahima Bulani ,Sahana Hegde Shetiya,Deepti Agarwal,Efficacy of Ozone oil compared with Chlorhexidine gluconate gel (1%w/w) for the treatment of gingivitis- Randomized Controlled Trial.orphanage,Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry,2022,20,1,95-99, WOS UGC
Kumbhalwar Abhishek Hegde S Sahana Pradnya V. Kakodkar Mehta Vini Himanshu gupte Sudhir jadhav,Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling in Smokeless Tobacco Cessation Among Adult Users Reporting to a Dental Hospital in Pune: A Randomized Controlled Trial,Journal of Cureus Medical Science,2022,14,4,e24041 1-10, Pubmed
Kumbhalwar A, Shetiya SH, Kakodkar P, Mehta V, Mathur Ankita, Porwal P,Prevalence of precancerous lesions and conditions in India: A systematic review and meta-analysis,World Journal of Methodology,2022,12,4,293-204, Pubmed
Dr.Sachin B Mangalekar1, Dr. Amreen Aijazuddin, Dr. Sultan Abdulrahman Almalki,Dr. Akshayraj Langaliya, Dr. Silpi Chatterjee, Santosh Kumar, Dental Anxiety Scales Used In Pediatric Dentistry: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis,Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science,2023,22,SI,117-23, Scopus
Vini Mehta, Gargi S. Sarode , Vishnu Teja Obulareddy , Tanvi Sharma , Shruti Kokane , Marco Cicciù, Giuseppe Minervini,Clinicopathologic Profile, Management and Outcome of Sinonasal Ameloblastoma—A Systematic Reviewm,Journal Clinical Medicine,2023,12,381,12-Jan,Pubmed
Ajmera P, Miraj M, Kalra S, Goyal RK,Chorsiya V, Shaik RA, Alzhrani M,Alanazi A, Alqahtani M, Miraj SA,Pawaria S and Mehta V, Impact of telehealth interventions on physiological and psychological outcomes in breast cancer survivors:A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,Frontiers in Oncology,2023,19,1,Pubmed
Marya Ahsan, Riyaz Ahamed Shaik, Ayaz K. Mallick, Saeed S. Banawas , Thamer A. M. Alruwaili ,Yousef Abud Alanazi , Hayat Saleh Alzahrani , Ritu Kumar Ahmad , Mohammad Shakil Ahmad ,Faisal Holil AlAnazi , Fahad Alfhaid , Mohammed Zaid Aljulifi , Vini Mehta ,A Cross-Sectional Study to Assess mRNA-COVID-19 Vaccine Safety among Indian Children (5–17 Years) Living in Saudi Arabia,Vaccines,2023,11,207,12-Jan,scopus
Deshmukh K, Shetiya SH, Gupta R, Compliance of sections 4–7 of Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) 2003 in India—A systematic review and meta analysis, Indian J Community Med,2023,48,41,41-60, Scopus
Sahana Shivkumar , Vini Mehta , Sunil Kumar Vaddamanu , Urvashi A. Shetty ,Fahad Hussain Alhamoudi , Maram Ali M. Alwadi , Lujain Ibrahim N. Aldosari ,Surgical protocols before and after COVID-19 - A Narrative review,Vaccines,2023,11,439,12-Feb,scopus
Silpi Chatterjee, Asim Mustafa Khan, Reshma VJ , Muhaseena Muhamood , Muhamood Moothedath Kumuda Rao , Faheem Muzaffar Mir,Knowledge, Opinion and Practices towards screening of oral cancer among Homeopathy and Ayurveda students in Indore, Madhya Pradesh India,Cureus,2023,15,3,e-35707-15,Pubmed WoS
Subhashree Mohapatra, Rahul Mohandas, Pratibha Ramani, Awareness about Importance of Clinical and Radiological Details for Histopathological Reporting among Practicing Oral Pathologists in Kerala, India, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,2023,17,2,ZC25-28
Shailandra Kumar Prasad, Dr Nabeel Kadhim Abbood, Dr.Silpi Chatterjee, Nitin J Jadhav, Dr. Varun K R, Dr.G. Nagaraj, Jagadeesha T, Application of Advanced Thermodynamic Methods For Optimizing Thermal Systems, Eur. Chem. Bull,2023,12,5,537-49,Scopus
Giuseppe Minervini , Rocco Franco , Maria Maddalena Marrapodi , Vini Mehta , Luca Fiorillo , Almir Badnjevi´c , Gabriele Cervino , and Marco Cicciù, The Association between COVID-19 Related Anxiety, Stress,Depression, Temporomandibular Disorders, and Headaches from Childhood to Adulthood: A Systematic Review,Brain Sci,2023,13,481,1.-12
D’Souza1, Jagdish V. Tupkari, Tabita Joy, Doney Rathi, Saurabh R. Nagar, Vini Mehta, Ganga Jadhav,A prospective immunohistochemical study using E-cadherin and Ncadherin to depict cadherin switch in oral squamous cell carcinoma Zaneta Ivy,J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol,2023,30,2,365-74,Scopus
Giuseppe Minervini , Rocco Franco , Maria Maddalena Marrapodi , Vini Mehta , Luca Fiorillo, Medicina Gaucher: A Systematic Review on Oral and Radiological Aspects,2023,59,670,12-Jan,Scopus
Anjali Sharad Ghatge, Sharad Balasaheb Ghatge, Vini Mehta,A review on bigonial width reduction by botulinum toxin injections in masseter, Biomedical Informatics,2023,19,3,272-77,Scopus
Subhashree Mohapatra, Rahul Mohandas, Applications of Dermatoglyphics in Dentistry- A Bibliographic Review Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,2023,17,3, ZE23-ZE29, Wos
Pranav Shinde, Sahana Hegde Shetiya, Deepti Agarwal, Implementation and Evaluation of Community Participatory Oral Health Program in School Children from Select Rural Population in Deshmukhwadi, Pune District, Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry,2023,21,1,59-66,WOS
Ajinkya Mukadam, Sahana H. Shetiya, Smoking cessation through nicotine replacement therapy for patients visiting the Dental College, Pune – A quasi experimental study, Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics,2023,19(5):1365-1370.
Vini Mehta, Aroop Mohant, Moustafa A., Sarvesh Rustagi ,Marburg virus disease in Equatorial Guinea: The need for one health approach, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease,2023,53,Scopus
Nishreen M. Parekh, Shivani P. Bansal, Vini Mehta, Pankaj M. Shirsat, Pooja Prasad, Persistent Buccopharyngeal Membrane –A Systematic Review of Case Reports and Case Series,The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal,2023,17-Jan,Scopus
Anmol Mathur, Aditi Mathur, Manish Jain, D Gopalakrishnan, Level of Copper in Unstimulated Saliva and its Impact on Dental Caries amongst Different Dentition: A in vivo Comparative Analysis, Advances in Human Biology,2023,13,5,S23-26,Wos
Kabir Suman Dash, Anmol Mathur, Sahana Hegde-Shetiya, Sonal kale, Systematic Review and Meta Analysis on Global Prevalence of Tooth Fracture amongst Visually Impaired Individuals, Advances in Human Biology,2023,13,5, S6-15, Wos
Shreya Bagwe, Vini Mehta, Ankita Mathur, Abhishek Kumbhalwar, Ashok Bhat, Role of various pharmacologic agents in alveolar bone regeneration: A review, National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery,2023,14,2,19-97,Scopus
Santosh Kumar Verma, Awanindra Kumar Jha, Om Prakash, Subia Ekram, Chandmani Tigga, Mohammad Kashif Noorani, Vini Mehta, Aida Meto, Agron Meto, Luca Fiorillo, Impact of dental and orofacial trauma on oral health-related quality of life in adults: A systematic review,Chinese Journal of Traumatology,2023,Scopus
Subhashree Mohapatra, Rahul Mohandas, R Pradeep Kumar, Comparison of the Anti-microbial Efficacy of Clove, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Nutmeg, and Peppermint Essential Oil against Oral Pathogens: An In-vitro Study, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,2023,17,5, ZC01-ZC05,Wos
Sawsan Mustafa Abdalla, Elsadig Yousif Mohamed, Hala Mostafa Elsabagh,Mohammad Shakil Ahmed , Riyaz Ahamed Shaik , Vini Mehta , Ankita Mathur, COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among the General Population: A Cross-Sectional Study,Vaccines,2023,11,14-Jan,Scopus
Mrinal Nadgouda, Aditya Patel, Shraddha Patel, Pradnya Nikhade , Manoj Chandak , Ladusingh Rajpurohit, and Swayangprabha Sarangi,Comparative Evaluation of Microleakage of G-Aenial, Bis-GMA Nanohybrid and BisGMA Microhybrid Flowable Composites in Class I Cavities – An in Vitro Study, International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research,2023,3,5,116-P122
Tulica Singh, Mahalakshmi V, Sasmita Sahu, Silpi Chatterjee, Asim Mustafa Khan, Maryam Faseeha Haqh , Vikas Singh ,A Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Different Beverages on Colour Stability and Surface Micromorphology of Nanocomposite Restorative Material,Cureus,2023,15,7,e41905-12,Pubmed,Wos
Ankur Bhargava, Sonal Saigal, Ranjeet Kumar, Silpi Chatterjee, Irfanul Haque, Dushyantsinh Vala,Knowledge, Awareness, and Interest in Forensic Odontology Among the Dental Teaching Staffs in the Dental Colleges of Jharkhand ,Cureus,2023,15,7,e41884-92,Pubmed,Wos
Harshawardhan B. Sawane, Sahana H. Shetiya, Smokeless Tobacco as a Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in South East Asia Region: Systematic Review and Meta Analysis,Indian Journal of Community Medicine,2023,48,4,579-87,Pubmed, Scopus, WOS
Sneha Kalpe, Anmol Mathur Priyanka Kharat,How fad diets may jeopardize your oral well-being: The hidden consequences, Human Nutrition & Metabolism,2023,33.20014.1-10,Scopus
Sushil Anil Phansopkar, Anmol Mathur, Subhashree Mohapatra, Root caries prevalence among older adults in Miraj, India: A cross-sectional study, Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics.,2023,18,2,79-84, Scopus
Subhashree Mohapatra. Rahul Mohandas, Assessment of oral health status, self-perceived needs, unmet needs, and barriers to utilization of dental services among institutionalized elderly population in Chennai-a crosssectional study, Journal of Oral Research,2023,12,1,299-313, scopus
Subhashree Mohapatra. Rahul Mohandas, Assessment of antimicrobial efficacy against oral pathogens, antiinflammatory, and anti-oxidant activity of ethanolic and aqueous extract of Erythrina variegate- An in-vitro study,Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology,2023,16,12 5930-5934, scopus
Subhashree Mohapatra. Rahul Mohandas, Comparative evaluation of the effect of loss and gain framed tobacco cessation messages on smoking behavior: A systematic review,Journal of Mental Health and Human Behavior,2023,28,2,126-134,WOS
Subhashree Mohapatra, Ladusingh Rajpurohit, Rahul Mohandas,1 Sujeet Patil Comparing the effectiveness of water flosser and dental floss in plaque reduction among adults: a systematic review,Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology,2023,27,6,559-567,scopus/pubmed
Kharat, P.B., Rajpurohit, L., Mathur, A., Kalpe, S., Sawane, H.,Effectiveness of Various Modes of Education of Tooth Brushing Technique in Plaque Control Among Visually Impaired Children: A Systematic Review,Cumhuriyet Dental Journal,2024,27,1,59-68,Scopus
Shweta Dobhada, Ladusingh Rajpurohit, Preet Lunawat ,Acceptance of oral cancer screening by patients outside of dental settings: A balancing act with potential benefits,Oral Oncology Reports,2024,9,Scopus
Dash, K.S., Mathur, A., Rajpurohit, L., Kharat, P., Mehta, V.,Effect of dental anxiety on oral health value among professional adults-a correlational study Bulletin of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery,2024,20,1,82-91,Scopus
S Dobhada, L Rajpurohit ,Bard versus ChatGPT: An adjunct to scientific writing,Oral Oncology Reports,2024,9,Scopus
Lunawat, P., Dobhada, S., Rajpurohit, L.,Diagnostic and therapeutic issues of oral cancer,Oral Oncology Reports,2024,9,Scopus
Rajpurohit, L., Dobhada, S., Scientific writing and its ethical considerations using AI tools,Oral Oncology Reports,2024,9, Scopus
PB Kharat, KS Dash, L Rajpurohit, S Tripathy, V Mehta ,Revolutionizing healthcare through Chat GPT: AI is accelerating medical diagnosis,Oral Oncology Reports,2024,9,Scopus
KS Dash, A Mathur, L Rajpurohit, S Kale ,Comparative Efficacy of Oxitard Capsules and Immusante Tablets in Early Stages of Oral Submucous Fibrosis-A Randomized Controlled Trial,Journal of Health Science and Medical Research,2024,01-11,Scopus
Ankur Bhargava1 , Sonal Saigal2 , Silpi Chatterjee3 , Keerthana Chandrasekaram4 , Ghazala Khurshid5 , Guy Patrick Sandou6 , Vikas Singh,Evaluation of type, nature and prevalence of common oral pathology lesions involving periodontium and implant in patients of tertiary level dental hospital in Hazaribagh city, Jharkhand,Journal of Pharmacy and Bio-allied Sciences,2024,16,1,s-116-7,Scopus
Silpi Chatterjee, Asim M. Khan2 , V. J. Reshma2 , Muhamood Moothedath3 , Muhaseena Muhamood2, Faheem M. Mir4,The Role of Teleconsultations in Remote Oral Radiology Interpretation.Journal of Pharmacy and Bio-allied Sciences,2024,16,1,s-501-03,Scopus
Dr Silpi Chatterjee, Dr Keerthana Chandrasekaran2 , Dr Safiya Fatima Khan3, AbubakarSiddique4, Reshma VJ5, Faheem Muzaffar Mir6 & Muhaseena Muhamood7 ,Evaluating the Impact of Teledentistry on Patient Outcomes, Diagnostic Accuracy, and Satisfaction in a Prospective Observational Analysis,Cureus,2024,16,2, e-54424-32,Pubmed
Subhashree Mohapatra. Rahul Mohandas. Plaque cleaning efficacy of waist-shaped interdental brushes among individuals with open interproximal spaces: a systematic review. Evidence-based Dentistry. 202.2024, early access,WOS
Subhashree Mohapatra. Rahul Mohandas. Clinical Outcome Success of Silver-Modified Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (SMART) in Treating Children with Dental Caries in Primary Teeth: A Systematic Review. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences.2024 early access, Scopus
Research Projects