Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Public Health Dentistry Research Projects - DPU Dental
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Department of Public Health Dentistry & Preventive Dentistry

Research Projects

Name of the Project, Clinical Trial, Endowment, Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/Co Investigator Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/No n-Government) Department of Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator Year of Award Funds provided (INR in Lakhs) Duration of the project
Comparative evaluation of the antibacterial Activity of ethanolic, aqueous and hydroethanolic extract of blacks mulberry (Morus nigra) fruits against streptococcus mutans -An in Vitro study Prasad Chintaman III BDS STS DPU Non-Government Dr. Subhashree Mohapatra 1 year  5000/- August 2023
Perceptions and practice towards nutrition labelling and food packaging of commonly consumed packaged food among children’’ Mehak Bulani III BDS STS DPU Non-Government Dr.Anmol Mathur 1 year  5000/- August 2023
Impact of Educational Intervention on the Knowledge of COTPA Laws among Interns in a Tertiary Dental Hospital Setting, Pune: An Interventional Study Dr. Subhashree Mohapatra DPU Non-Government Dr.Anmol Mathur 1 year 4200/- 9th August 2023
Tackling Food Marketing to Children aged 9-12 years through Food Focused Advertising Media Literacy Intervention in Pune District- A mixed method approach" Dr. Anmol Mathur ICMR Government Dr.Aditi Mathur 2 ½ year 16,88,390/ 10,78,379/- November 2022
 Assessment of periodontal health in areca nut chewers reporting to a dental institute in Pune Neha Poossery (Intern) DPU Non-Government  Dr Ruttika Desai 1 year 5000/- 2021
Assessment of perception toward electronic learning among undergraduate students in a healthcare university in Pimpri, Pune- A cross sectional web-based survey  Sakshi Bhude (III BDS) DPU Non-Government  Dr Anindita Dutta 1 year 5000/- 2021
Smoking cessation through Nicotine Replacement Therapy for patients visiting the Dental College, Pune. An interventional study Dr.Ajinkya Mukadam Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation. Mumbai Non-Government Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya 6 Month 9200/- Received July 2023 June 2021
Smokeless Tobacco use and its association with Type 2 Diabetes- A Case Control Study Dr.Harshwardhan Sawane Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation. Mumbai Non-Government Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya 6 Month 24570/- June 2021 Ongoing
Name of the Project, Clinical Trial, Endowment, Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department of Principal Investigator/ Co-Investigator Year of Award Funds provided (INR in Lakhs) Duration of the project
The effectiveness and efficiency of prevention oriented school oral health program in Pune and Pimpri – Chinchwad – A population based study Dr. Sahana Hegde -Shetiya
Dr. Nitin Gupta Dr.DeeptiAgarwal,
Dr. PradnyaKakodkar
DPU Non-Government Dr.SahanaHegdeShetiya 2 Year 15,39,874/- June 2014-16
Profiling the oral micro biome for s mutans ,lactobacillus and fungal sp,evaluatiog their symbiotic association in the adult population and development of polyclonal antibodies for multi-drug resistant fungal sp Dr. PradnyaKakodkar
Dr.Mamtha Reddy
DPU Non-Government Dr. PradnyaKakodkar 2.5 Year Rs.7,50,000/- June -2017-19
Evaluation of the oral health status in pregnant women during the course of their gestation period Dr.AnitaSanap
DPU Non-Government Dr.Pradnyakakodkar 2.5 Year 1,10,000/- Oct-2017-19
Effectiveness of dental health education using Braille and Audio tactile performance Technique for improving oral hygiene status of visually impaired children. Ms. SushmitaSudarshanDeshpande III BDS
Dr.Ladu singh Rajpurohit
STS-ICMR Government Dr.LadusinghRajpurohit 1 Year Rs.10,000 /- Jan-2015-15
Chemical analysis of Electronic-Hookah liquid cartridge and herbal flavoured hookah in Pune City. – An In-vitro study Ms.SnehaSushil Mann IV BDS
STS-ICMR Government Dr.SushilPhansopkar 1 Year Rs.10,000 /- Jan-2015-15
Effectiveness of training on program on knowledge, attitude and practices related to infection control and waste management among 3rd year under-graduate students in a private dental college.” Ms.Shruti Sanjay Ladia III BDS
Dr.Nitin Gupta
STS-ICMR Government Dr.Nitin Gupta 1 Year Rs.10,000 /- Jan-2015-15
Comparative evaluation of enamel re-mineralization potential of an indigenously prepared dentifrice containing 5% nano-hydroxyaoatite with cimmercually available fluoridated dentifrice by surface micrrohardness analysis and environmental scanning electron microscopy examination Dr.SharadShetty
Dr,Nitin Gupta
Dr.LadusingRajpurohit (Statistical work )
Anchor Health and Beauty care Pvt.Ltd,Mumbai Non-Government Dr,Nitin Gupta
Dr.LadusingRajpurohit (Statistical work )
3 months Rs.3,59,800 2018
Behavioural tobacco cessation counselling among transgender of Pune City and Pimpri Chinchwad- An Interventional study Dr.SahanaHegde-Shetiya NarotamSekhsaria Foundation. Mumbai Non-Government Dr.AbhishekKumbhalwar
Dr.Sonal Kale
1 Year 16000/- Nov 2019-20
Detection of noxious gases among herbal and conventional cigarette smoke –an in vitro study Dr.AnmolMathur DPU Non-Government Dr.AnmolMathur 1 Year 23,000/- July 2019-20
Internet addiction and its effect on sleep quality and academic performance among undergraduate healthcare students affiliated with a deemed university AvniRana (interns) - Non-Government Dr.AnmolMathur 1 Year - 2018-19
Assessment of dentist perception towards triclosan and Its effect on health Dr.AnmolMathur - Non-Government Dr.SahanaHegde-Shetiya
Manali Jayant Raskar ( I BDS)
6 Month 2019-20
Knowledge and Attitudes regarding antimicrobial resistance among students of Dental College in Pune Dr. Ruttika Desai - Non-Government Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Jaya Naikode, (IV, 1) BDS student ShreyaMutha, (IV, 1) BDS student 6 Month 2019-20
“Detection of noxious gases among herbal and conventional cigarette smoke. An in-vitro study DrAnmolMathur Industrial Scientific Collaboration 7th International Business Park TechQuest Building Singapore 65-65617787 Non Government - 1 year 0.53 2019-2020
Perceptions, attitudes, myths and beliefs towards public health/PH dentistry amongst Interns and Public Health Dentistry Post graduate students in India- A qualitative study Dr. Sonal Kale - Non Government Dr. Ajinkya Mukadam
Dr. SurbhiTripathi
Dr. ShivamKapoor
Dr. PunithShetty
Dr. SahanaHegdeShetiya
6 Month - 2020
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