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Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Department of Public Health Dentistry & Preventive Dentistry

Case of the Month

1. Outreach activity of the Month : June

Date - 19th June 2021
Venue - Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pune
Topic - Public Health Dentistry Day

The Department of Public Health Dentistry, Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pune, observed "Public Health Dentistry Day" by conducting a weeklong series of events from 14th June 2021 to 19th June 2021. Oral Health education was delivered to the patients visiting the Dental college and the satellite centres by the interns posted in the Department (Sania Jamil, Rajlakshmi Gaikwad and Krishna Patil) and satellite centre staff (Dr Renuka Shinde). Special emphasis towards prevention of oral diseases was done from 14th -18th June through the following events.

  • 14th June- Patients were encouraged to brush twice daily and Correct Tooth-brushing technique was explained to the patients through audio-visual aids.
  • 15th and 16th June- Making parents and guardians of the children aware of the preventive treatments available for children.
  • 17th June- High lightening the importance of nutrition and balanced diet in prevention of dental caries with the help of innovative models.
  • 18th June- Creating awareness regarding the ill effects of tobacco use and distribution of educational material about the same.

19 th June 2021, to celebrate National Public Health Dentistry Day, a special patient information booth was set up at the entrance of the dental college. Educational materials were distributed to the patients and fun informative games were played that piqued the interest of the adults and children alike. This effort was appreciated by Dean Dr D. Gopalakrishnan. Another event was conducted at the Alandi Rural heath satellite centre, Oral health promotion activities were undertaken wherein the residents doctors and post graduate students from Medical and Nursing colleges were trained to identify oral diseases at the early stages and facilitate prompt referral in order to curb the disease early. The patients visiting the centre were also invited to attend the activity for creating awareness amongst them.

2. Outreach activity of the Month : July

Date - 17th July 2021
Venue - Online Audio/Video Competition -19 PCMC Marathi medium Secondary Schools
Strength – 7273 children
Topic - On account of ‘’World No Tobacco Day 2021’’

The Department of Public Health Dentistry Dr D.Y Patil Dental College Pimpri Pune, Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya, Professor and Head organized Online Audio/Video Competition among 19 PCMC Marathi medium Secondary School. Total Strength was 7273 children Among which 9 audio/video were received from 9 School staff members, 8 audio/video from 8 students from 7 schools who participated

Topic- How would you make your school tobacco free? Judge -.Mr.Appasaheb Ugale, Secretary and Project Director, Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha,Aurangabad, Maharashtra

The student and staff prize winners are -

  • 1st prize –Student – Sonavle Bhumi Arun 10th Std. Keshavnagar, PCMC, Madyamik,Vidyalaya
  • 1st Prize – Staff - Devare Sir, PCMC, Madyamik,Vidyalaya, Landewadi

Student Audio/Video
Staff Audio/Video
Prize winner

3. Oral Hygiene day celebrated

Date - 2nd August 2021
Venue - Alandi Satellite Center, Alandi
Topic - Oral Hygiene day celebrated

The department of Public health dentistry organized a Oral Hygiene day which is celebrated all across India at Alandi center on Tuesday 2nd Aug 2021. A total of 6 patients given Health education for oral health day celebration were given brushing techniques to the patients waiting in the health center. Dr Harshawardhan conducted the camp along with 4 interns and 4 final year students from the department. Patients treated -6

4. Lecture by Adjunct Faculty Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Date - 6th August 2021
Venue - Online lectures
Topic - Lecture by Adjunct Faculty Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Dept. of Public Health Dentistry, Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pune organised a lecture series on Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, (Online lectures) on 06 Aug 2021 by their adjunct faculty Dr. S. A. Rizwan, from NIE, Chennai. Dr Rizwan is working with ICMR currently and is an expert towards Meta analysis and systematic reviews. The session was attended by more than 35 candidates consisting of post graduate students and staff members of dental college. Dr Sahana Hegde Professor and HOD welcomed Dr Rizwan, Vote of thanks was given by Dr Anmol Mathur. Quality assessment tools for the studies were conducted followed by doubt clearing session.

5. Youth Day Celebrated

Date - 14th August 2021
Venue - Alandi Satellite Center, Alandi
Topic - Youth Day Celebrated

Department of Public Health Dentistry Dr D Y Patil Dental College and hospital on the occasion of Youth Day organized a health education drive at Alandi Health Center during the camp on 14th August 2021. On this day the intern Unnati Soma along with the post graduate student Dr Kabir made the youth aware towards the ill effects of tobacco and importance of maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily. Total Patients who visited the OPD were 12 patients total treatment provided to 14 patients.

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