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Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Department of Public Health Dentistry & Preventive Dentistry

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Research work of Post Graduate Students
Sr. No. Name of Student Name of Guide Topic Research work Status
1 Dr. Pranav Shinde Dr. SahanaHegde-Shetiya Implementation and evaluation community participatory oral health promotion and prevention program in select rural population in Deshmukhwadi, Pune district. Main Dissertation Completed and Submitted
2 Dr. PranavShinde Dr. SahanaHegde-Shetiya Knowledge, attitude and practice about infant oral hygiene care in working professional mothers in Information technology companies in Pune city. Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
3 Dr. PranavShinde Dr. SahanaHegde-Shetiya Perceptions and attitudes of Interns of Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental college towards community outreach program- A Qualitative Study Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
4 Dr. MahimaBulani Dr. SahanaHegde-Shetiya Prevalence of Hypoplasia- associated Severe Early Childhood Caries (HAS-ECC) and Deciduous Molar Hypo mineralization(DMH) amongst 3 to 6 years old anganwadi children in Pune Municipal Corporation, Maharashtra –A Cross Sectional Study. Main Dissertation Completed and Submitted
5 Dr. MahimaBulani Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Prevalence of Molar Incisor Hypo mineralization (MIH) amongst 8 to 11 years old government school children in Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) , Maharashtra – A Cross Sectional Study. Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
6 Dr. MahimaBulani Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Efficacy of Ozone oil compared with Chlorhexidinegluconate gel (1%w/w) for the treatment of gingivitis- Randomized Controlled Trial. Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
7 Dr. Priti Dargad Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Developing and pilot testing of an instrument to assess the oral health literacy of patients above 18 years, seeking dental care in the outreach programme by Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital – A pilot study. Main Dissertation Completed and Submitted
8 Dr. Priti Dargad Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding green dentistry, amongst the alumni of Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital– A questionnaire study. Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
9 Dr. Priti Dargad Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Anti-bacterial effect of white tea extract v/s chlorhexidine (0.2%) on S. mutans, L. acidophilus, P. gingivalis and Prevotellaintermedia: An In-vitro study. Collaborated with Pharmacy College, Dept. of Microbiology, Maratha Mandal College, Belgaum Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
10 Dr. Shruti Nair Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar To assess the efficacy of Guduchi (Tinosporacordifolia) against gingivitis and dental caries -A Clinical and Microbiological, before and after study Main Dissertation Completed and Submitted
11 Dr. Shruti Nair Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar Attitude and Practice of undergraduate (IV yr) and postgraduate dental students (III yr) towards learning, their perceptions and cognitive skills in deemed university Vs health science university in Pune, Maharashtra-A Questionnaire Study Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
12 Dr. Shruti Nair Dr.Pradnya Kakodkar Assessment of caries experience and quality of life of preschool children in Pimpri, Pune using M- ECOHIS. Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
13 Dr. Vini Mehta Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Assessment of Tobacco Monitor app in  reporting violations on tobacco and seeking support services amongst the students of health science colleges of a University in Pune Main Dissertation Completed and Submitted
14 Dr. Vini Mehta Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Knowledge and practice on current regulatory requirements and guidelines specific to ethics for members of institutional ethics committee amongst dental colleges in India – A questionnaire study Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
15 Dr. Vini Mehta Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Association between dental caries and time spent on multimedia amongst institutionalized and non-institutionalized children Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
16 Dr. Sonal kale Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar Assessing oral findings of dental patients who screen high risk for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) reporting to Dental College and assessment of KAP regarding the same amongst the college dentists Main Dissertation Completed and Submitted
17 Dr. Sonal kale Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar Dental students feedback regarding classroom behavior before and after practicing Gibberis meditation Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
18 Dr. Sonal kale Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar Mother’s diagnosis of their 5 year old child’s dental caries status using a Smartphone based photographic method- An intervention study Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
19 Dr. Abhishek kumbhalwar Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Effectiveness of behavioral interventions in smokeless tobacco cessation among adult users reporting to a dental hospital –A randomized controlled trial. Main Dissertation Completed and Submitted
20 Dr. Abhishek kumbhalwar Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of undergraduate BDS students of Dr.D.Y Y Patil Dental college and hospital (Pimpri) regarding sustainable global goals-A questionnaire study. Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
21 Dr. Abhishek kumbhalwar Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Oral health status and treatment needs of Transgenders of Pune city and Pimpri-Chinchwad –A pilot survey. Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
22 Dr. DeepikaDagar Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar Content analysis of oral health information in school textbooks of different boards and assessment of the oral health promoting activities in schools of Pune- Descriptive study Main Dissertation Completed and Submitted
23 Dr. Deepika Dagar Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar Evaluating the cyberchondria construct among software employee in Pune using CSS-15 questionnaire and assessing the response of dentist about cyberchondriac patients visiting their clinic. –A descriptive study Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
24 Dr. Deepika Dagar Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar Evaluating the effect of “instructed” tooth brushing on plaque among the visually impaired children- An interventional study. Term Dissertation Completed and Submitted
25 Dr. Kunal Deshmukh Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Impact Of Tobacco Free School Initiatives In High Schools Of Pimpri – Chinchwad, Pune – An Interventional Study Main Dissertation Completed and Submitted
26 Dr. Kunal Deshmukh Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Comparative - Efficacy of Plantago Major Homoeopathic Mother Tincture as mouth wash with Chlorhexidine (0.2%) mouth wash in management of gingivitis amongst students- A Double Blind, Parallel group, Randomized Control Trial” Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
27 Dr. Kunal Deshmukh Dr.Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Efficacy of Plantago Major Homoeopathic Mother Tincture as mouth wash with Chlorhexidine (0.2%) mouth wash in management of oral hygiene amongst students – A Double Blind, Parallel group, Randomized Control Trial. Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
28 Dr. AjinkyaMukadam Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Smoking cessation through Nicotine Replacement Therapy for patients visiting the Dental College, Pune. An interventional study Main Dissertation Completed and submitted
29 Dr. AjinkyaMukadam Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Retention and caries development after pit and fissure sealant placement among 6-14 years old school children from Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation –cohort study. Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
30 Dr. Ajinkya Mukadam Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Practice and attitude towards clinical exposure given to Public Health Dentistry Post Graduate students in Dental colleges all over India.- Questionnaire study Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
31 Dr. Harshwardhan Sawane Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Smokeless Tobacco use and its association with Type 2 Diabetes- A Case Control Study Main Dissertation Completed and submitted
32 Dr. Harshwardhan Sawane Dr. Sahana Hegde-Shetiya Assessment of COVID-19 deaths associated with or without co morbidity at R Central ward Borivali, Mumbai: A Retrospective Study Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
33 Dr. Harshwardhan Sawane Dr. L. Rajpurohit Knowledge and practice of Regulatory requirements of clinical trials (2019) and medical devices (2017) in India amongst Public Health Dentists of colleges offering Post graduation course in Public Health Dentistry Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
34 Dr. Kabir Suman Dash Dr. Anmol Mathur Comparative efficacy of oxitard capsule and immusante tablet in early stages of oral submucous fibrosis - A randomized controlled trial  Main Dissertation Completed and submitted
35 Dr. Kabir Suman Dash Dr. Anmol Mathur Knowledge, Attitude and practice of parents of children aged 7-12 years regarding pit and fissure sealant therapy-A questionnaire study  Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
36 Dr. Kabir Suman Dash Dr. Anmol Mathur Effect of dental anxiety on oral health value among professional adults from Pune city- A correlational study. Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
37 Dr. Sneha Kalpe Dr. Anmol Mathur Smokeless tobacco use as a risk factor for dental caries in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: A case control study Main Dissertation Completed and submitted
38 Dr. Sneha Kalpe Dr. Anmol Mathur Effectiveness of Gain Frame versus Loss Frame Model among smokers and smokeless tobacco users towards tobacco cessation: A Randomized Control Trial Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
39 Dr. Sneha Kalpe Dr. Anmol Mathur Perception towards Eat Right School campaign among Pimpri Chinchwad school teachers Term Dissertation Completed and submitted
40 Dr. Priyanka Kharat Dr. L. Rajpurohit Dental treatment as a risk factor for temporomandibular joint Symptoms among adults of local select population: a cross-sectional study. Main Dissertation Synopsis Submitted
41 Dr. Priyanka Kharat Dr. L. Rajpurohit Survival Of Silver Diamine Fluoride Varnish Treated Teeth Among Children with Single/Multiple Application: A Split Mouth Randomised Clinical Trial Term Dissertation Synopsis Submitted
42 Dr. Preet Lunawat Dr. L. Rajpurohit Association of permanent tooth eruption time and dermatoglyphic patterns among 5-15 year old Indian sub-group children- A cross-sectional study Main Dissertation Online
43 Dr. Preet Lunawat Dr. L. Rajpurohit A qualitative approach to understand perception and challenges in application of novel tooth numbering system by dental ug professionals Term Dissertation Online
44 Dr. Isha Inamdar Dr. L. Rajpurohit Efficacy of Irimedadi oil and Virgin Coconut oil pulling on plaque induced gingivitis: a randomized controlled trial. Main Dissertation Online
45 Dr.Isha Inamdar Dr. L. Rajpurohit Impact of an Eating Disorder Intervention utilizing the Health Belief Model on implementation of secondary prevention measures by dentists towards patients. Term Dissertation Online
46 Dr. Isha Inamdar Dr. L. Rajpurohit Perceptions and Barriers of dental health practitioners in providing dental care to patients suspected with disordered eating: A Qualitative study Term Dissertation Online
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