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Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry

snowflake iconList of Dissertation

Post graduate Dissertation

2023-2026 Dr Ritu Kotnis Comparative evaluation of removal of dental caries using Zingibain based gel and commercially available Papain containing chemomechanical caries removal agent : An In-vitro study
2023-2026 Dr Sneha Panamgipalli Comparative evaluation of reliability and accuracy of Pulpal Involvement Roots Sepsis Index andPeriapical Index in assessment of pulpally involved permanent teeth: Across-sectional study.
2023-2026 Dr Shraddha Shirsat Comparative evaluation of reliability of Modified Mallampati Scoring and Friedman Tongue Position in children screened for sleep disordered breathing using FAIREST-6 tool: A Cross-sectional Study.
2023-2026 Dr Prachi Patil Evaluation of angiogenic and anti-inflammatory potential of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract on dental pulp stem cells- In vitro study
2023-2026 Dr Raksha Shetty Effect of Simvastatin with calcium silicate on odontogenic differentiation and anti-inflammatory potential on stem cells from human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth- An in-vitro comparative study
2023-2026 Dr Vedashree Chaudhari Comparative Evaluation of Theracal PT and Biodentine for two different vital pulp therapies in primary molars - an in vivo study
2022-2025 Dr Simran Deorukhkar Comparative evaluation of anxiety and chair side time with three different isolation system
2022-2025 Dr Neil Godbole Comparative evaluation of effectiveness of social story and visual pedagogy based pre-appointment behaviour guidance method in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
2022-2025 Dr Ankita Tapkir Effect of baghdadite, mineral trioxide aggregate & its combination on biocompatibility and differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells
2022-2025 Dr Sejal Patil Evaluation of the effect of baicaline on the odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells
2022-2025 Dr Aditi Tasgaonkar Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of an audio-visual distraction aid with an augmented reality based app in pediatric patients with dental fear and anxiety
2022-2025 Dr Vaishnavi Mathawala Comparative evaluation of lesion sterilisation & tissue repair protocol and pulpectomy for the treatment of non-vital primary teeth: a randomised controlled trial
2021-2024 Dr Priyanka Agrawal Assessment of effect of strontium chloride, Biodentine and it’s combination on biocompatibility and bio differentiation of stem cells from human exfoliated primary teeth
2021-2024 Dr. Atharva Babel Comparative evaluation of different biomaterials on a chitodan scaffold for stem cells bioadhesivity: an invitro study
2021-2024 Dr Nikita Kurtkoti A Comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of Grape seed extract, N-acetyl cysteine and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 19433)- In vitro study
2021-2024 Dr Ashrita Suvarna Comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy of cranberry extract, sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine as a root canal irrigant
2021-2024 Dr Surabhi Sinnarkar Effect of cobalt chloride, mineral trioxode aggregate and it's combination on biocompatiblity and differentiation of stem cells from human exfoliated primary teeth
Dr Sneha Nair Effect of enamel deproteinization on retention of resin based pit and fissure sealants in children – an in-vivo study.
2020-2023 Dr. Sejal S.Shah Comparative evaluation of the remineralizing potential of three commercially available dentifrices having different fluoride concentrations on artificial carious lesions: In-vitro Study.
2020-2023 Dr. Shraddha Budhia Comparative evaluation of fluoride release from four different restorative materials at five specified time intervals using fluoride ion selective electrode: An In-Vitro study.
2020-2023 Dr. Haniya Ali khan Assessment of Early Orthodontic Treatment needs in 6- and 9-year-old children using index of preventive and interceptive orthodontic treatment need (IPION)
2020-2023 Dr. Tripti lath Estimation of two commercially available pit and fissure sealants: In Vitro Study
2020-2023 Dr. Payal kothari Clinical and Radiographic evaluation of Indirect pulp treatment with two different Bioactive materials in primary molars: In-Vitro Study.
2020-2023 Dr. Preeti P Padhye Comparison of cephalometric pattern and dimensions of frontal sinus in mouth breathers and nose breathers in children between 8-11 years old: A Retrospective Study
Batch Name of Student and Guide Title
2014-2017 Dr Samiksha Agarwal (Dr Vikas Bendgude)

Comparitive evaluation of surface micro leakage of MTA and Bio dentine orthograde apical plug following Nd YAG Laser irradiation in teeth with simulated immature apices
2014-2017 Dr Gaurang Tamhankar (Dr Vikas Bendgude)

Comparitive evaluation of microleakage of type IX GIC and nano Ionomer cement in Class V cavities prepared by conventional bur method and Er YAG Laser. An in vitro study
2014-2017 Dr Shruti Gupta (Dr Ujwal Kontham) Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine gel and extract of Acaranthus Aspera against E faecalis – in vitro study
2014-2017 Dr Priyanka Karekar (Dr Hrishikesh Walimbe) Comparative evaluation of anxiety levels in children prepared for conventional dental treatment procedures using three behavior shaping techniques
2014-2017 Dr Dipti Patil (Dr Vishwas Patil) Comparitive evaluation of shaping ability cleaning efficacy and instrumentation time of two rotary systems against conventional hand instruments in root canal preparation of primary molars in vitro study
2014-2017 Dr Snehal Shep (Dr Rahul Deshpande) Comparative evaluation of three various extracts of A. aspera and chlorhexidine against S. mutans- In vitro study.
2015-2018 Dr. Komal Bagde (Dr Rahul Deshpande) Comparative evaluation of salivary total proteins and electrolytes of pre-pubertal and pubertal females of mixed dentition age group.
2015-2018 Dr. Suvarna Vinchurkar (Dr Vishwas Patil) Comparative Evaluation of remaining dentin thickness, cleaning efficacy and instrumentation time of two rotary systems against conventional hand instruments in root canal preparation in primary molars : An in-vitro study
2015-2018 Dr. Harsha Nalawade (Dr Gauri Lele) Comparative evaluation of conventional method and chemo-mechanical method during excavation of caries in young permanent molar teeth- Invivo study
2015-2018 Dr. Pranav Dungarwal (Dr Rahul Deshpande) Comparative Evaluation of salivary electrolytes and total protein concentration in healthy and autistic children in mixed dentition age group
2015-2018 Dr. Khyaati Gidwani (Dr Vikas Bendgude)

Oral health status and aral hygiene practice among visually impaired children in pune and pimpri chinchwad.
2015-2018 Dr. Shantanu Deshpande (Dr Vikas Bendgude)

Co-relation of PUFA and COHIP amongst 12-15 year old children from municipal corporation secondary schools.
2016-2019 Dr. Pankti Gajjar (Dr Rahul Deshpande) Comparitive evaluation of antimicrobial properties of Artemisia pallens extract and 0.2% chlorhexidine against s Mutans- in vitro
2016-2019 Dr. Pradnya Kshirsagar (Dr Rahul Deshpande) Comparitive evaluation of three different luting cements used for cementation of stainless steel crown in primary mandibular second molars an in vitro study
2016-2019 Dr. Krishnapriya Nene (Dr Vikas Bendgude)

A comparitive evaluation of the efficacy of two local anaesthetic solutions in children undergoing pulpectomy procedures – clinical study
2016-2019 Dr. Jagruti Patil (Dr Vikas Bendgude)

Knowledge and attitude towards dental avulsion among public and private school teachers in Pimpri chincjwad – Descriptive Survey
2016-2019 Dr. Priyadarshini Thakur (Dr Ananth Kamath) Comparative evaluation of resin infiltration and CPP ACPF on the microhardness of the demineralized enamel – in vitro study
2016-2019 Dr. Aditi Shere (Dr Vishwas Patil) Comparitive evaluation of antimicrobial properties of five different concentrations of Ficus racemosa (Audumber) extract and 0.2% chlorhexidine against s mutans – in vitro study
2017-2020 Chaitali A.Navale (Dr Vikas Bendgude)

Effect of maternal dental anxiety on the childs dental dental anxiety and caries experience and assessment of maternal prediction of childs behavior in the dental clinic.
2017-2020 Dipti Gholap (Dr Gauri Lele) Effectiveness of a lecture based educational module in improvement and retention of parental knowledge regarding infant oral health care.
2017-2020 Smital Agarwal (Dr Vikas Bendgude)

Comparative evaluation of the remineralizing potential of two commercially available remineralizing agents- invitro study
2017-2020 Heeral Shah (Dr Vishwas Patil) Comparative evaluation of instrumentation time, obturation time and radiographic quality of obturation using 2 rotary systems and manual technique for primary molar pulpectomies- In vivo study.
2017-2020 Himali Solanki (Dr Ananth Kamath) Comparative evaluation of silver diamine fluoride as a topical fluoride agent compared to a difloursilane fluoride varnish-In vivo study
2017-2020 Satishkumar Basa (Dr Rahul Deshpande) Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of three different concentrations of acetone extract of Embelia basal(leaves) and 0.2% Chlorhexidine against Streptococcus mutans serotype C (ATCC25175) and acidogenic salivary microflora in mixed dentition age group- in vitro study
2018-2021 Dr. Ann Tharakan Comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of three different Bioactive Compounds of Cassia species and 0.2% chlorhexidine against S. mutans serotype C (ATCC 25175) – In vitro study
2018-2021 Dr. Raviraj Dhumal Comparative evaluation of fluoride release from four commercially available restorative materials at five different time intervals - in vitro study
2018-2021 Dr Pooja Mujumdar Comparative evaluation of pain related behaviour during administration of local anaesthesia using the conventional syringe and the computerized controlled local anaesthetic device in children exhibiting different levels of anxiety - In vivo study.
2018-2021 Dr Shriya Budhale Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of five different green synthesized extracts of casia species along with 0.2% chlorhexidine against S.mutans serotype C -In vitro study.
2018-2021 Dr. Rashmi Agarwal Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding prevention and management of dentofacial trauma amongst children playing contact sports in sports complexes of Pune city - A questionnaire based study
2019-2022 Dr. Bhagyashree Shetty Comparative evaluation of instrumentation time, obturation time and radiographic quality of obturation using two rotary systems and manual technique for primary molar pulpectomies – In vivo study
2019- 2022 Dr. Noreen Qazi Comparative evaluation of fluoride concentration in commercially available milk in India.
2019- 2022 Dr. Pranjali Gunjal Comparative evaluation of microhardness of residual dentin in primary molars following caries removal with chemomechanical agent (Brix 3000) and polymer burs (SS White)- In vitro study.
2019- 2022 Dr. Samiksha Shetty Influence of birth weight in feeding practices on eruption timing of first primary tooth.
2019- 2022 Dr. Merlyn Roshal Mathias Comparative evaluation of fluoride release and recharge potential of fluoride releasing restorative material in two different media- An in vitro study.
2019-2022 Dr. Apurva Borde Association of nutritional status with dental caries among 3-6 year old children: A hospital based cross sectional study.
2022-2025 Dr Simran Deorukhkar Comparative evaluation of anxiety and chair side time with three different isolation system
2022-2025 Dr Neil Godbole Comparative evaluation of effectiveness of social story and visual pedagogy based pre-appointment behaviour guidance method in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
2022-2025 Dr Ankita Tapkir Effect of baghdadite, mineral trioxide aggregate & its combination on biocompatibility and differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells
2022-2025 Dr Sejal Patil Evaluation of the effect of baicaline on the odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells
2022-2025 Dr Aditi Tasgaonkar Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of an audio-visual distraction aid with an augmented reality based app in pediatric patients with dental fear and anxiety
2022-2025 Dr Vaishnavi Mathawala Comparative evaluation of lesion sterilisation & tissue repair protocol and pulpectomy for the treatment of non-vital primary teeth: a randomised controlled trial
2021-2024 Dr Priyanka Agrawal Assessment of effect of strontium chloride, Biodentine and it’s combination on biocompatibility and bio differentiation of stem cells from human exfoliated primary teeth
2021-2024 Dr. Atharva Babel Comparative evaluation of different biomaterials on a chitodan scaffold for stem cells bioadhesivity: an invitro study
2021-2024 Dr Nikita Kurtkoti A Comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of Grape seed extract, N-acetyl cysteine and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 19433)- In vitro study
2021-2024 Dr Ashrita Suvarna Comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy of cranberry extract, sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine as a root canal irrigant
2021-2024 Dr Surabhi Sinnarkar Effect of cobalt chloride, mineral trioxode aggregate and it's combination on biocompatiblity and differentiation of stem cells from human exfoliated primary teeth
  Dr Sneha Nair Effect of enamel deproteinization on retention of resin based pit and fissure sealants in children – an in-vivo study.
2020-2023 Dr. Sejal S.Shah Comparative evaluation of the remineralizing potential of three commercially available dentifrices having different fluoride concentrations on artificial carious lesions: In-vitro Study.
2020-2023 Dr. Shraddha Budhia Comparative evaluation of fluoride release from four different restorative materials at five specified time intervals using fluoride ion selective electrode: An In-Vitro study.
2020-2023 Dr. Haniya Ali khan Assessment of Early Orthodontic Treatment needs in 6- and 9-year-old children using index of preventive and interceptive orthodontic treatment need (IPION)
2020-2023 Dr. Tripti lath Estimation of two commercially available pit and fissure sealants: In Vitro Study
2020-2023 Dr. Payal kothari Clinical and Radiographic evaluation of Indirect pulp treatment with two different Bioactive materials in primary molars: In-Vitro Study.
2020-2023 Dr. Preeti P Padhye Comparison of cephalometric pattern and dimensions of frontal sinus in mouth breathers and nose breathers in children between 8-11 years old: A Retrospective Study
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